Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1096: , [Evil spirit]

Li Rui slowly clenched his fists, his eyes clear.

What he said about destroying Tiamat is by no means blind and arrogant. Compared to the spider god, the evil dragon **** who is restrained by the [Dragon Blood], [Deadly Predator·Dragon], and [Deadly Predator·Evil] triple restraint to him Is a more perfect opponent!

Not to mention the same level, even if it is one level lower, Li Rui has the confidence to suppress him from concept and mystery!

You know, after entering the myth level, the attributes of the material level are no longer the most important factor in determining the outcome. Everyone is more about competing concepts and rules.

In this regard, he has absolute restraint on Tiamat, or most dragons. The "five-headed lady" who looks like a **** in front of others may be the meat on the chopping board in front of him!

Therefore, he may be worried about Rose's targeting, but he will never be afraid of Tiamat!

With the passage of time, his restraint on [Dragon God] will only become more and more obvious. Once he becomes a demigod, it is not Tiamat looking for him, but he is looking for Tiamat.

With the corners of his mouth raised, Li Rui flipped his wrist, and a heart exuding a strange purple light appeared in his palm like a heart made of crystal.

Bang Bang Bang Bang~

The dreamlike halo of evil spirits diffused from the crystal, and the faint gilt gold escaped into the air with the rhythm of the heart, and then disappeared.

"what is this?"

Just looking directly at this heart, Aya Xiyi had countless evil thoughts inexplicably in her mind, and her eyes were bright and dark entangled, forming a spiritual storm invisible to the naked eye.

Why suppress your instincts?

How can a mortal thing meet your needs?

Free yourself!

Swallow the lives of all things, turn the earth into the nether, you will return to the throne of God, and achieve eternal immortality!

"It? It's my trophy."

Looking at the mysterious purple heart in his hand that looked like an artwork, Li Rui didn't notice Aya Kiyi's vision, and his eyes were also blurred.

This is the raw material for his two great magic skills to advance, depriving the concept of self-deity-[evil]!


As if smelling a certain fatal sweet fragrance, [Void Stomach Pouch] made an unsatisfactory cooing sound.

The thirst instinct deep in the soul was awakened again, and Li Rui's eyes moved and his clarity was restored.

Not enough, it can continue to sublimate!

Mind moved slightly, a purple-black rune spar appeared in Li Rui's other palm. With the huge law crushed, the five fingers shrank fiercely, and held them high above the [evil heart].

Click, click, click, click~

In the undetectable vibration, Li Rui's five fingers crushed the purple-black rune spar like a grinding disc, and the shimmering crystal powder fell into the halo of the heart below, melting like snowflakes.

Crystal powder quicksand usually slips through the fingers, and after swallowing the divine power [evil], Li Rui's spoils become even more enchanting, and countless creeping black inscriptions appear on the surface of his heart.

This kind of inscription seems to represent some kind of blasphemous and degenerate power in the universe. After a short glance, Li Rui felt his head dizzy, and his illogical desires were infinitely magnified in his heart.


Closing his eyes and spitting out a suffocating breath, Li Ruining calmly, following his instinctive hunger and thirst, gently put the [trophies·evil] into his mouth.

The law is touched, the seemingly hard crystal heart melts in the mouth, and the sweetness that cannot be described in words blooms on the tip of the tongue.

The rich and mellow aroma drills from the mouth into the nasal cavity, all the way up to the Tianling Gai, forming a substantive purple smoke from the Baihui point of Li Rui.


The happy moan was hard to suppress, Li Rui stirred his tongue, enjoying the sweet taste from God!

After a long time, he reluctantly swallowed the "liquid" in his mouth, and a cold slid into his stomach along the esophagus.

[Void Stomach Pouch] Slowly squirming, the coldness quickly transformed into unbearable heat, with a bang, Li Rui's mind ascended, "seeing" a chaos containing all colors.

Eternal... immortal... immovable... immortal...

Chaos... Creation... Origin... Tampering...

The instinctive movement starts with [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] and [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation].

The scorching energy flows in the body, gathering like a storm to the center of the eyebrows. With the cooperation of the law of the system and the practical exercises, the concept of emptiness has a ready-made essence, and it begins to strengthen every basic cell and every trace of Li Rui's spirituality.

The two divine powers that complement each other but are contradictory and unified are running fast, gradually fusing resonance in his body, releasing a unified purple golden light.

[Trophy·Evil] in [Void Stomach Pouch] slowly melts and absorbs, brewing strange and mysterious fluctuations in the purple golden light.

On the sturdy body, fine purple gold dragon scales grow on the surface of the warm and moist jade skin, and the weak divinity spreads in [Rune Land]. The space around Li Rui folds and rises like a glass mirror, transforming a strange scene.

The scorching heat in the empty stomach pouch was quickly digested, and the pounding heartbeat sounded like thunder. Vaguely, the empty and desolate earth was also shaking with it.



A substantial high-temperature breath erupted between his mouth and nose. Just unconscious breathing caused a spiritual vortex within a few kilometers. Li Rui’s hollow purple-gold vertical pupils slowly focused, and consciousness dropped from high dimensions. , Began to return from the chaos.

At the moment when the self-consciousness returned, the mirror space of the whole body shattered suddenly, shaking out countless void cracks, silently turning all the matter touched into nothingness.

Looking down at his palm, Li Rui slowly clenched his fists, feeling the surging divine power in his body, showing a satisfied smile!

Finally...Finally, the two exercises have been raised to the fifth level!

Two more steps, oneself can catch up with Lei Ge's progress, from the body and mind to carry out the dual [Divine Transformation], by that time, I will probably become the most perfect "angel" ever!

An uncontrollable excitement arose in his heart, Li Rui couldn't wait to immediately cross the original stone steps, directly ignite the sacred fire, and essentially promote his life level!

The restless thoughts flickered in his mind. After a while, Li Rui suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart and focused his attention on his system panel.

Like the previous [Dragon Heart], the systematic [trophies] combined with realistic exercises form a certain peculiar skill.

【Evil Spirit】

Extracting the concept of evil, your soul level transitions, and super-dimensional suppression of all substances, lives, and concepts with evil attributes.

Significantly enhance the ability to sense evil thoughts. Everyone who recites your name will have induction.

Holding his chin, Li Rui carefully savored every word of [Evil Spirit].

There is no such specific data as [Dragon Heart], just like the passive talents of Aya Xiyi and Zhao Youxuan, but it feels more powerful to him!

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