Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1097: , Whenever I say my name, I feel

Whenever I recite my name, there is a sense.

This has a bit of an advanced mythological creature!

The only difference is that [evil spirits] can only sense the evil thoughts of others, but "prayer" with positive emotions cannot.

But this is not a problem for him. Anyway, he didn't intend to spread his faith or harvest worship. Being able to sense the malice of others against him has already helped him avoid a lot of trouble.

Closing your eyes and carefully comprehending this skill, the transformed soul immediately caught the inextricable causal connection, like continuous chattering in the ear.

"Li Rui..."

"That Li Rui..."

"[Indestructible True Dragon]..."

"The dragon that devours the gods..."

"The Dragon of Blasphemy..."

"Destroyer of Destiny..."


Countless whispers directed at him oscillated. After a long while, Li Rui opened his eyes and sighed regretfully.

Unsurprisingly, the power of [evil spirit] is limited by his personality, and he cannot sense the evil spirits of the gods.

Other than that, he didn't sense the "whispering" of such mortal enemies as Rose and Monichka!

Suddenly, a biting chill came from his side, and Li Rui turned his head slowly and stiffly all over his body.

The dark and gloomy pupils were like a bottomless nether. Looking at the expressionless Aya Xiyi, Li Rui's throat rolled, and he took two steps subconsciously.

"Li Rui..."

"You... what do you want to do?"

"For you, I died once."

"I know."

"You have to make up for me!"


After a long silence, Li Rui stretched his sinful finger towards the golden giant egg in the distance.

"Look at that egg, he is big and round, the key is not to resist, let you spoil it..."

"No, I want you! Only you can satisfy my desire!"

What kind of tiger wolf word is this?

Cold sweat from cow hair oozes out of his forehead, Li Rui gritted his teeth and opened his arms resignedly with a heroic expression.

Forget it, just breathe if you want. Anyway, what I'm exhausted is only the spirit, and the blood in the body is full.

The silent Aya Kiyi buried his head in his chest and took a deep breath of satisfaction.

However, it was this slight inhalation sound that made Li Rui's face pale!

He felt as if he was holding a black hole in his arms, and the temperature all over his body was like a dam that opened the gate and released water, slumping thousands of miles!

Why did this guy have such a big "appetite" after entering the Secret Diamond Stage?

In just a few minutes, the legs that were not trembling in the face of the gods shook like a sieve. Holding Aya Kiyi who was in a psychedelic state, Li Rui thumped down on the stone slab of the altar, looking at the sky of [Rune Land] with his eyes. The pupils gradually lost focus, and a faint gleam of sparkle appeared in the corners of his eyes.

I originally thought that Rose's flesh and blood could support him all the way to the myth, but looking at the current battle, even the nutrition of the original stone peak may not be enough!

Zhao Youxuan’s food has to be divided into at least a half, and Luo Li occasionally takes a bite out of herself when she is interested, and with Aya Xiyi in her arms, Li Rui seems to have seen herself getting thinner and thinner, slowly being squeezed into an [Indestructible Dragon] Dry] screen!

Although Rose's divine body is huge, it seems that it is not so rich when it is assigned to every member of the [Secret Banquet Association].

The fighting power of each fairy is amazing, and the consumption is equally amazing!

Involuntarily, Li Rui thought of the chaotic life that was about to be born on the earth, and there was a strange thought in his heart.

I hope... they can be a little more nutritious, otherwise they really can't support this group of prodigal ladies...

However, even if he was reluctant in his heart, Li Rui did not push Aya Xiyi away, but silently operated [Eternal Immortality], turning the huge divine flesh and blood in [Void Stomach Pouch] into a steady stream of surging blood.

Hehe, just treat it as cultivation... With this fairy squeezed in his arms, he will definitely be able to digest the extra health in a very short time.

Stroking Aya Kiyi's silky hair, Li Rui grinned happily and unfolded his data panel in his mind.

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy level: Secret Diamond (introverted spirituality)

Level: 680 level

Health: 910351/1418780 (1162815 + spell power × 4) [Undigested extra health 1101857 points]

Mana: 139451/274326 (51276×535%)

Armor: 34232 (29767×115%) [Undigested additional armor 15210 points]

Magic resistance: 39228 (34112×115%) [Undigested additional magic resistance 17210 points]

Attack power: 8144 [undigested additional attack power 14121 points]

Spell power: 145388【(19651+4.5% mana +3.5% health)×200%】【undigested extra spell power 22478 points】

After a [God War], except for mana, all of my attributes have almost doubled, even if the two magic skills have advanced to the fifth stage, it is estimated that it will take a long time to fully digest these massive attributes. !

What's more, I will soon have a new leap...

Li Rui looked at the sky obsessively, sensing a certain barrier within reach, a hot surge in his heart, it seemed that even the body in his arms was not so cold.


He will soon be able to walk to the end of the mortal things and sprint towards the supreme **** seat!

The excitement flashed away, and Li Rui suddenly felt in his heart and opened his rune page.

[Deadly Natural Enemy]·Secret Diamond Step

After killing a specific creature, you can decompose its constituent features, analyze its existence concept, and cast corresponding conceptual weapons to become its natural enemy.

Repeatedly killing such creatures can strengthen conceptual weapons.

(Upgrading the rune level can expand the concept range)

At present, the advanced conditions for [Evil Concept] have been reached, UU Reading, please choose a new path!

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui contemplated the information prompted by the system, with emotion in his mind.

At the beginning, he had toiled so hard in another world, and he even "satisfied" the experience of [Deadly Natural Enemy·Dragon] after killing the [Tiamat] avatar.

In [Deadly Enemy·Evil], in addition to the small characters that can be ignored in the early stage, Gaya Coconut, Rose, and Farazul provide almost 99% of the conceptual ingredients. Among them, Rose provides more than 90%!

So, in the final analysis, a deity with related concepts is more "nutritious" than ten thousand mortals!

"I have stripped away the concepts of [Scaly], [Evil], and [Chaos] from [Tiamat] before. Let me see what advanced path Rose can provide me..."

Li Rui's eyes fell out of focus and muttered to himself when he tapped his chin.

[Dark Creatures], [Spiders]...What kind of garbage are these...

【Elves】……Why are there elves?

Oh, by the way, Rose is the fallen **** of the elves, so it's okay...

The mind quickly swept through the system information, and Li Rui suddenly became excited, his indifferent eyes shrank into the size of a needle eye, and his muscles stiffened for an instant.


Li Rui shuddered as he looked at the words that were unique and exuding colorful light, and exhausted all his strength to suppress the throbbing in his heart.

The holiday is about to go. I am going to make an appointment for a nucleic acid test. I will go back to my hometown for the New Year. There are a lot of things. I may not be able to guarantee normal updates in February. ('」∠)

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