Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1102: , I'm really too meaty

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Even if you make up your mind to stay in place and wait for death, in the long process of "suicide", emotions such as hunger, pain, and despair will be multiplied under the action of divine toxins, and they will continue to gnaw the body and mind like a poisonous snake, resulting in inability to use words. Describe the torture.

In the end, they will leave the island driven by the desire to survive, rush all the way, and start the next cycle.

The body is getting heavier and heavier, and the steps are getting tired...

Whenever the courage to die is accumulated, a land of hope will immediately appear in front of you. Even if they know that it is a drop of sweet poison, people will swallow it desperately!

Hope was born out of despair, and then I personally squeezed it out, and so on...until... quietly submerged in the depths of the endless swamp.

Taking a deep breath, Li Rui shuddered inexplicably, not daring to imagine the terrifying negative emotions accumulated before death by those who were squeezed to the extreme.

It's you...Rose...

Even if his heart was as strong as iron, Li Rui couldn't help but feel a hint of compassion at this time.

No matter how bad the crime is, it seems a bit inhumane to be played with such a thing.

This has exceeded the scope of physical destruction. It is the continuous torment from the two levels of mind and body, which disintegrates and twists the spirit alive, making people a little bit overwhelmed by despair and pain.

"You can cut out this area in the future and use it as your main enemy means."

Without noticing Li Rui's complex emotions, Aya Xiyi drew a circle on the ground with her white fingers, and said cheerfully.

"Expanding such a realm, even the kingdom of God, is a perfect match for a naive warrior like you. I don't know how many warlords dream of having a [country] that can limit the enemy."

Folding his brows, Li Rui gave Aya Xiyi a sharp look and sneered.

"I, Li Rui, are a mage!"

After speaking, he turned around, like a meteor falling down to the ground.

After dozens of seconds, the meteor that tore through the atmosphere stood still abruptly when it touched the ground, floating as if it had no weight.

Not far away, a golden rank saw the vision in the sky, and was rushing towards him excitedly.

A faint purple light appeared in the eyes under the bangs, following the line of sight, it quietly printed into the opponent's pupils.

Under the stimulation of [evil spirits], the unlucky mentality that was at the critical point of collapse exploded, and all the negative emotions were ignited like a barrel of explosives, releasing unreasonable extreme malice.

"Go to hell!"

A frenzied killing intent appeared in the bloodshot eyes, and the person who screamed that did not sound like a human voice, a layer of sharp and ferocious armor was condensed all over his body, and he turned into a steel giant more than three meters high.

Motivated by extreme emotions, he exploded 120% of his potential, and his body and mind were highly unified at this moment, and all the energy of qi and blood condensed into a substantive, sharp light at the front of the fist.

Golden rank fighters...Although they don't have weapons, there is something in the full blow...

Looking at the divine presence calmly, Li Rui had no sadness or joy in his eyes, allowing the terrifying attack from the charge to fall on him.


The dull sound of gold and iron clashes vibrated hundreds of miles, and the swamp within a radius of several hundred meters collapsed, forming a bowl-shaped shallow crater centered on Li Rui and the two.


The materialized spiritual armor cracked cobwebs at the front of the fist, and the steel giant kept the bombardment posture, his eyes dull.

At the moment of contact, he released all the tyrannical emotions in his heart and delivered the most brilliant blow in his life.

But... how heartily the release is, how great is the force of feedback!

It is as if a mortal mobilized his whole body strength and hit a solid iron ball. The force of the counter shock easily shattered his flesh and bones, spread all the way along his shoulders, and shattered more than 90% of his organs.

"Yes, you make me feel pain..."

Looking down at the **** "flat" fist printed on his chest, Li Rui nodded in admiration, slowly raised his hand, aimed at the opponent's eyebrow and compared the "Orchid Finger".


Like the dull sound of a heavy artillery, Li Rui shot out a terrifying and stout "beam of light" from his "fingertips", swallowing all the parts above the steel giant's chest and annihilating them into flesh and blood.

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Dark Harvest]!

With just a flat A plus two runes, the aftermath of the attack cuts through the sky, and anyone within a hundred miles can see a thick beam of light traversing the sky, tearing through the gray clouds, and disappearing at the end of sight.

The cracked spiritual armor quickly dissipated, and the three-meter-high steel giant shrank into a headless man. The corpse plunged into the swamp, slowly sinking into the muddy water slurry.

Feeling that this swamp swallowed up the "corpse" and grew again, Li Rui frowned in distress.

I am obviously not a villain, why did I come up with such an evil thing?

"That's it? How can a mage use his body to attack?"

When Li Rui was troubled, the voice of disgust rang in his ears, and he could imagine Aya Kiyi's face full of contempt without turning his head.

"What do you know? I'm just testing the ability of the fifth stage [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation]. I will show you how powerful my spells are later!"

Shaking his fist, Li Rui retorted in a low-confidence manner at UU Read

No way, after seeing Aya Xiyi's mysterious and changeable spells, he really didn't have the confidence to challenge her in this regard.


With two mocking sneers, Aya Kiyi's shadow melted into a purple-black mist, slowly disappearing into the air.

Sensing that she had left [Swamp of Despair], Li Rui was relieved and looked at his system panel.

【Indestructible Dragon】·Secret Diamond Step

1. Get 35% divine damage reduction.

2. Any final damage suffered is reduced by 700 points (divine personality).

3. Movement speed increased by 60%.

4. Gain 50 toughness.

5. [Vital and Blood Shield]: When the HP is overfilled and there is no harm, continue to fill the HP and Blood Shield, the maximum does not exceed 35% of the HP.

35% damage reduction, plus his more than 40,000 double resistance, not to mention the golden ranks that have been suppressed by the personality, even among the same secret diamond ranks, there are not many people who can touch him!

I have to say that the hapless guy just ignited his own brilliance at the last moment of his life and released an attack far beyond his energy level, completely reaching the level of the secret diamond level!

Otherwise, Li Rui could not feel the pain.

Unfortunately, that was his last ripple...

Stroking the slightly red skin on his chest, recalling the 8 points of critical damage he had just suffered, Li Rui sighed.

I'm really too meaty...

Of course, only relying on the passive [Indestructible Dragon] will certainly not achieve this effect. Another important factor is that the passive of [Too Unreal Dragon] has also evolved!

Coupled with the various damage reduction effects of the system rune equipment, and the superposition of multiple factors, finally an invincible super defense is formed!

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