Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1103: , [Divinity instinct]

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【Too Unreal Dragon】·Secret Diamond Step

1. Invisible and invisible, all your appearances are illusory.

2. Escape into the void, you can escape into the gap between illusion and reality for a short time, and any peeping and attack from reality cannot touch you.

3. Your perception of the law, imitating, controlling, and resisting are greatly increased.

4. Divine instinct, weakens the damage of non-divine attacks to you, and increases your damage to non-divine defenses.

Staring at the [Divine Instinct] entry that appeared after the upgrade, Li Rui nodded thoughtfully.

In a sense, he already possesses a certain degree of mythological biological characteristics!

He still remembers the blessings that he received when he completely occupied Poseidon’s armor of the gods. He was completely immune to attacks without spirituality, spiritual attacks were greatly reduced, and divine attacks were slightly reduced...

This means that modern thermal weapons are completely ineffective against mythological creatures. No matter how huge a nuclear bomb is, they may even feel it hits them!

Unless it is like the group of [Mechanical Gods] who treat these modern weapons as extensions of their own limbs, and use their own spirituality and even divinity to infuse these weapons.

With thoughts flowing in his mind, Li Rui shook his head gently, leaving these distracting thoughts behind.

[Divine Instinct] After awakening, the biggest benefit is not the improvement of both offense and defense in the introduction.

Its true meaning lies in its name!

[Divine Instinct]!

All things have instincts, survival, reproduction, maternal love, eating...

So... what is the instinct of God?

Li Rui still cannot fully understand the mystery, but has faintly sensed that the speed of his divine transformation has skyrocketed again!

According to the current situation, he even suspects that his future advanced myth will be easier than advanced rough!

There is no way, the foundation is too strong, what he crossed is the divine moat, and what he crossed is the small ditch, the difficulty of the two sides can not be the same.

With a longing for the future, Li Rui smiled and shook his head, scanning his equipment panel, a red-black hideous armor covered with barbed blades was shining with a faint light.

【Armor of Thorns】·Secret Diamond Step

+4000 health

+1280 armor

The only passive-thorns: When hit by a melee normal attack, it will reciprocate magic damage to the attacker, the amount is equivalent to 50% of your armor plus 400, and the attacker will be severely injured for 30 seconds.

(Divine transformation: After injecting divine nature, the anti-injury effect can reverse the line of cause and effect, and it takes effect on ranged attacks. Magic damage is converted to divine damage, and the effect of severe injury is converted to divine severe injury, weakening the enemy's 94% health recovery. Level divine power expels, this effect lasts forever.)

The only passive-cold iron: when hit by a normal attack, reduce the attacker's attack speed by 35% for 16 seconds.

This thing is the culprit that caused the Golden Tier to "shock to death" himself!

With Li Rui's current armor value, even if it only has 50% of the divine damage, put it on a golden rank that is not very perverted, the effect is simply cruel!

This is no longer "beating me is equal to beating yourself", the vast majority of transcendents have even lost the qualification to "touch" him!

Alas... It is obvious that all the heroes I inherited are genuine mages, why do you feel that the style of painting is a bit off?

Supporting his chin, Li Rui frowned in distress.

To be reasonable, the ordinary Secret Diamond Rank does not take an offensive artifact, it is estimated that he can only scrape him.

The key to scraping is not to be too diligent, otherwise [Armor of Thorns] teaches life.

Once he advances to the original stone, he can reach the apex of the mortal dust in an instant, almost invincible to the heavens and the world!

As soon as a smile appeared on his face, the corners of his upturned mouth suddenly converged back.

Li Rui suddenly remembered that the logic of this world is very rigorous. Generally, people who dare to boast [the world is invincible] are either headed by a boot falling from the sky, or are taught to be human by [the enemy from the sky].

Thinking of the [Chaos Angel] that was about to be conceived from the consciousness of Planet Gaia, Li Rui swallowed, and she couldn't help but raise a trace of anticipation.

I don’t know which one is more delicious compared to spider meat?


"Gaia didn't reject us."

"The new angel will carry our factors and spread to the earth."

"But we can't control what they are combined with. The mother of the last pregnancy was actually a [old] corpse!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as the atrium can be bred into [paradise], no matter what they are born from, it makes no difference to me."

"That's the old ruler!"

"Yes, it's too dangerous!"

"Hehe, I really want to know what expressions the new gods of the atrium will have when they find that these chaotic angels are different from before..."

Void and ethereal ideas collide in high-dimensional space, and on the earth, a strange emotion seems to be gradually brewing.

A strange sense of oppression enveloped the entire planet, like the low pressure before the storm, making people breathless. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It seems to hear the footsteps of [Angel] coming closer and closer, and all the forces of all sizes have begun to fight back and forth, preparing to deal with this divine disaster once in a thousand years!

After all, this thing handles well and can eat greasy mouths.

If you don't deal with it well, it's a disaster.

Even a top power such as the Seven Gods did not dare to take it lightly.

"So, there are already seven angels that can be determined at the moment?"

In a mysterious base somewhere in the imperial capital, Li Rui looked at the red that almost covered the entire world map on the big screen, with knotted brows.

Even if it is an angel rank, it is impossible to cover such a large area with the breath, right?

Seven hundred are almost the same!

"My lord, you can't confuse them with what really happened to this world."

Seeing Li Rui's doubts, the middle-aged man in a white coat smiled and explained patiently.

"At present, they are still in the gestation stage, and there is still a certain distance from our material world. According to the effect of dimensional amplification, the aura that is projected on the earth can be so huge!"

"It's like the area covered by the shadow is much larger than the body, isn't it?"

"Uh... it's a subtle difference, but you can simply understand it this way."

"Then can we find out and kill them in advance?"

"It is almost impossible. When they grow and develop to a certain stage, all the divinities will be condensed and disappear from our induction map. From then on, unless they actively release their power, according to the current level of mankind, We have not been able to track down a real [angel]!"

Hearing this, Li Rui's brow furrowed even tighter.

He has always liked to take the initiative to attack and defend against the enemy outside the country. This feeling of having to wait passively for others to come is really bad.

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