Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1104: , The wisdom of the snake

"Then how long is it expected that they will actually come to the ground?"

"It takes months and decades to slow. We don't have enough data on this [angel] development time to make accurate judgments."

The middle-aged man in a white coat grinned bitterly, and knew that his answer was somewhat unreliable.

But Li Rui didn't blame him, he just looked at the map and rubbed his chin silently, his dark and bright eyes were silent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Sighed ashamed, when the middle-aged man in the white coat raised his head again, there was no one in front of him.

His expression was slightly stagnant, and the middle-aged man shivered inexplicably with a cold vest.

With the effort of lowering eyebrows, people are gone?

Is this lord of the town and country dragon walking silently?

Why does it feel a bit evil?

Looking around, looking at other staff who hadn't noticed anything unusual, the middle-aged man swallowed and quietly tightened his white coat.

The air conditioner at the base today... is a little low...

At this time, Li Rui had flashed to the outskirts of the imperial capital and galloped towards home.

[Angel] is coming, if you want to get the biggest piece of pie from this feast, then there is not much time left for yourself.

It's best to advance to the rough stone before they arrive, and the head dogs like Michael and Sae Kaze should not be able to grab themselves.

Thinking about it in his heart, Li Rui suddenly found a long queue of cars spreading all the way to his door.

Looking down from the sky, all kinds of ingredients piled up on the wide lawn of the courtyard. Nearly a hundred chefs in white robes were busy and unhurried, quickly processing some kind of white tender meat with colorful halo.

"The hungry snake roars, rua~"

Two small fists clenched the knife and fork, hammering and hammering on the table. Zhao Youxuan, who hadn't seen the dishes after waiting for a long time, couldn't bear it. She drew a large piece of white meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

Amidst the sound of happy chewing, the beautiful little face blossomed, and his eyes narrowed.

The teammates beside her looked at her with envy, turned their heads and glanced at the same mountain of raw meat in front of them, swallowed, but did not dare to do anything.

Rose's body is firm and delicate, like a superb king crab, exuding a faint sweetness.

But apart from Li Rui and Zhao Youxuan, the two foodies, even Aya Xiyi in the entire team did not dare to eat this stuff raw.

Without proper treatment, the huge divinity contained in the flesh is enough to twist most of the mortals into parasites.

Even the top transcendents with divine nature, eating the flesh of the gods raw is no different from taking poison.

Don't talk about digestion and absorption, even if you don't lose half your life, you will be strong!

Normally, this thing should be consumed after being refined into a certain kind of potion. Only two non-toxic foodies can eat it as a sashimi.

"Still eating? You have eaten for three days! Can't support you!"

Jianshuo's body suddenly appeared next to Zhao Youxuan, and Li Rui stretched out a finger to poke her forehead irritably, stabbing her for a moment.

Ha ha ha ha ha...

The squirrel-like swollen cheeks squirmed quickly, Zhao Youxuan swallowed the delicious food in her mouth and stared angrily at Li Rui.

"You said that I kept eating after the exam!"

"It just happened to be stuck on the pass line and dare to be so arrogant?"

"I use the least force to achieve the desired effect. Accurate or not is the difference between failing and passing!!"

Zhao Youxuan raised her chin triumphantly, her face full of pride.

Li Rui was silent for a long time, looking at this [Son of the Dao] who can pass purely multiple-choice questions, feeling mixed.

"Three longs and one short election are the shortest, three shorts and one long elections are the longest. If the lengths are different, choose B, and if the lengths are uneven, choose D."

Zhao Youxuan raised her eyebrows, tapped her temples with her index finger, and the corners of her mouth evoked a wild arc of evil charm.

"The wisdom of the viper!"

Such a thing makes her pass, God... you are partial!

Angrily stretched his clutches to Bai Nen's cheeks, Li Rui held her small face to a mess, and let out the malaise in his heart.

Then, amidst the screams of the fierce snake, Li Rui killed most of the spider sashimi in front of her in one breath and walked back into the house.

However, just when he was about to return to [Rune Land] to continue practicing, he found a warm and soft breath behind him,

"Master Li Rui, thank you for your trust in our [Food Hunters Association]."

It was a middle-aged woman with a nice face, even if she looked over half a hundred years old, her graceful figure and charming appearance still gave people a glimpse of her youthful demeanor.

"President Winnie, why are you here in person?"

Li Rui greeted her flatteredly and greeted her warmly to sit in the living room.

This time, he used [Rose's Divine Body and Flesh] as a bait to seduce people from the Food Hunters Association to work for nothing, but he did not expect to attract a pinnacle rough.

Isn't she searching for new divine ingredients in a certain [Gourmet Secret Realm]?

Why did you suddenly return to Earth?

The thoughts in his mind flashed past, and Li Rui vaguely realized that the value of spider meat in his hand might be greater than he thought.

"If you don't have an appointment, please take the liberty to interrupt, UU reading also ask Master Li Rui to forgive me."

"Where is it, you can come to the humble house, it's simply brilliant."

Li Rui made a pot of fragrant tea, and the two sat opposite each other in the steaming, relaxed and harmonious atmosphere.

Taking a sip of tea, Casey Winnie's eyes lit up, staring at the light green liquid in her hands in surprise, a trace of nostalgia flashed on her face.

"This is the tea made by Feng Hanran? His craft has improved again."

"President Winnie has good eyesight, but it took me a lot of effort to cheat from Brother Han Ran...cough cough, if you change it, you can taste more."

With a faint compliment, Li Rui filled her up with tea again, and the two parties were chatting like friends, and they were not busy getting into the topic.

"Oh... when I was young, I teamed up with him to explore the secret realm. I didn't expect decades to pass in the blink of an eye..."

Holding a warm white jade teacup in her hand, Casey Winnie raised a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and the mist rolled in her eyes, her eyes were slightly out of focus.

"You are very familiar with Brother Han Ran?"

Seeing her appearance, Li Rui blinked, and the gossip soul in her heart was burning.

Can't tell, the man with big eyebrows and big eyes of Brother Han Ran also betrayed the revolution?

"Don't you know? Feng Hanran is the honorary vice president of our [Food Hunters Association]."

Retracting her empty gaze, Casey Winnie curled her eyebrows slightly, looking at Li Rui with a smile.


I was slightly surprised. Although I knew that the [Food Hunters Association] is an extremely loose organization, anyone can join at will, but I didn't expect Feng Hanran to be a vice president!

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