Damn, the talker of the dragon of the town is actually the chairman of the friendly businessmen, and we have a traitor!

Seeing Casey Winnie's charming smile, Li Rui grinded her molars and secretly slandered in her heart.

"How about? Li Rui is interested in joining the [Food Hunters Association]? I can give you the same vice president treatment."

"Uh... please allow me to think about it."

Breathing stagnated slightly, and a trace of heart flashed through Li Rui's eyes.

To be reasonable, as a [True Gourmet], being a senior in the Food Hunters Association is simply the happiest thing in the world!

But power and obligation are often equal, and you have to pay the price for the convenience you get.

As if seeing Li Rui’s concerns, Casey Winnie smiled and said softly: “The Honorary Vice-President is just a nominal title. You don’t need to participate in any daily affairs of the Association, as long as you can travel on all planes. Just pay attention to collecting rare ingredients."

After a pause, Kathy Winnie turned around and stared at Li Rui's eyes earnestly.

"Besides, you should build your divinity with [Swallow] as the core authority. In this regard, the help that our [Food Hunters Association] can bring to you is definitely greater than [Zhonghua]!"

With a slight movement in his eyes, Li Rui suddenly realized that Kathy Winnie’s goal was not the [God and Flesh] in his hand, but rather himself!

Good guy, I actually want to dig the corner directly. I, Li Ruisheng, belong to [Zhuahua], and die of [Zhuahua]. Do you think you can tempt me to change the door with a little profit?


Li Rui sneered in disdain, staring sharply at Casey Winnie's eyes.

"Chairman Winnie, you know, I'm the [Zhen Country Dragon] from China..."

"This doesn't affect it. There are hundreds of senior seven gods who have joined the [Food Hunters Association], among which there are more than a dozen [Zhen Country Dragon]!

"Uh... I didn't mean that."

"Then you are?"

Li Rui took a deep breath and stared at Casey Winnie resolutely, her sharp gaze seemed to pierce her soul.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, he slowly and coldly squeezed out three words from his teeth.

"Got more money!"

Casey Winnie: "..."

Ten minutes later, Li Rui enthusiastically sent Casey Winnie out of the room. The "BBQ" in the courtyard was in full swing. A group of teammates were eating so much that they could not stop even if their stomachs were too strong. .

"Unexpectedly, the association could find out the refining method of the queen's flesh and blood in such a short period of time. I heard that the people on [Kunlun] are still at a loss for the materials sent to me."

Seeing hundreds of high-end gourmet hunters using complex procedures to process "food ingredients" in an orderly manner, Li Rui couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"They want to refine the divinity in it and refine it into the [Barrier Breaking Pill], while we retain the "nutrition" in it to the utmost extent and provide concentrated'fuel' for high-level transcendents. The purpose of the two parties is different. The difficulty is also different and cannot be generalized."

Casey Winnie gave a chuckle, justifying her distant counterpart.

"Besides, this kind of'cooking' method was originally optimized from ancient potion formulas. Without the experience of the sages, it would be difficult for us to find a way to treat the queen's flesh and blood in a short time."

Quietly looking at the noisy courtyard like a back kitchen, Casey Winnie seemed to like the atmosphere very much, and the corners of her mouth were slightly curved.

After a long time, she withdrew her gaze and nodded slightly to Li Rui.

"Then I will trouble you next, Master Li Rui."

"President, just call me Xiao Rui, and promise to complete the task."

Li Ruiyang Guan patted his chest brilliantly, confidently promised.

Casey Winnie took a deep look at him, shook her head inexplicably, and slowly faded into the air.

After she walked away, Li Rui rubbed her chin and looked around the food hunter in the courtyard, just like an old farmer looking at the leek in the field, and nodded in satisfaction.


With a six-month-old belly, Huang Juncai arrogantly walked to Li Rui with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Satisfied? How does it taste?"

"Hiccup~ Normal!"

Holding the toothpick with Lanhua's finger, Huang Juncai commented slightly disgustingly.

"Very well, you don't want to eat such a common thing in the future."



His complexion suddenly sank, Huang Juncai squinted at Li Rui with a gloomy gaze, and slowly spoke gloomily.

"Little plum, I advise you to be acquainted, don't make me angry, you can't bear the consequences!"

"Oh? What will happen then?"


With a cold sneer, Huang Juncai flicked his finger, the toothpick turned into a stern cold light, and a pothole the size of a basin was instantly blasted in front of the two of them.

"Have you seen this pit? This is your end!"


"If you don't know each other, I will kneel in this pit and beg you!"


"I'm telling you, the soil inside has been smashed into the finest powder by me. No matter how long I kneel, my knee won't hurt. Don't force me!"

A swinging leg kicked in his knees, causing the sand sculpture to kneel in the pit with a thud. Li Rui shook his head helplessly, rolled his eyes and returned to the house.

Quietly returning to [Rune Land], UU reading www.uukanshu.com The empty world brought him an indescribable sense of freedom.

Looking up at the dim sun in the sky, his mind moved slightly, and Li Rui appeared inside the hot fireball in the next instant.

Sitting cross-legged, Li Rui hugged Yuan Shouyi, mobilizing the steady stream of [Void Stomach Pouch] to travel through the blood vessels, and a faint sense of fullness and fullness brewed in the blood.

[Eternal immortal immeasurable calamity] Fully open!

[The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Jie] Fully open!

Immediately afterwards, the morning and twilight sun suddenly brightened, turning into a venomous ray and spraying across the vast land.

After a long distance of attenuation, the sunlight has become a suitable temperature when it reaches the ground. Some plants are specially transplanted to [Rune Land]. The dying plants are "mentally shocked." A gleam of life blossomed on the ground.

The power of the rules you control is not enough to support a complete "world"!

Maybe it is the right choice to shrink the stall appropriately and tap the power in your hand.

Even with his eyes closed, Li Rui could still feel the pulse of the whole world, and a faint enlightenment rose in his heart.

The more he reached the higher level, the more he noticed that the stalls paved in the early stage were too big!

Especially if you are about to advance the rough stone, you should pack it lightly and make yourself a "subtraction" stall.

The huge and complicated rules did give him invincible power, but it also greatly increased the difficulty for him to consolidate!

In a daze, Li Rui seemed to feel Wang Lei's pain back then.

The fever is gone, the head pain is gone, but I am still coughing crazily, and I feel like my lungs are coughing up! ('」∠)

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