Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1106: , Advanced rough

Obtaining power far beyond the energy level is not completely harmless. The many powers that Li Rui now controls should actually be the power that the gods can control.

There is always a price to be paid to compare gods with mortal bodies!

Fortunately, he is not completely stuck like Wang Lei, but there are too many things to advance to the original stone.

Seeing his dense runes, passives, hero skills, and equipment, Li Rui sighed.

Ugh...happiness troubles...

After taking an inventory in his mind, he decided to digest the extra attributes that have piled up into a mountain first, and then concentrate on conquering the super passiveness of [Rune Master].

As long as it is upgraded to the Secret Diamond Rank, it will not only have a great bonus to the comprehension of other rune skills, but it can even help oneself break through the threshold of the original stone.

Sharpening the knife without accidentally cutting firewood, the priority was set down, Li Rui's eyes suddenly opened up, and he began to methodically burn the [divine flesh and blood] in the stomach sac, turning the potential deposited in the body into reality at a speed visible to the naked eye. Virtual combat power!

Health +1, +3, +2, +7, +3, +11...

Armor +1, +1, +1, +1, +1...

Magic resistance...

Attack power...

Time flies, time flies, Li Rui gradually has a subtle feeling in the core of the hot sun.

He seems to be becoming more and more [real]!

With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Li Rui suddenly recalled certain scientific theories.

Matter is composed of atoms, and in fact 99.99999% of its volume is [empty]. When you touch an object, you don’t actually touch them because you don’t feel the existence of atoms. What you feel is an electromagnetic force generated when electrons push each other.

To extend it a bit more, when you sit on a stool, you actually don't actually sit on the stool, but float on the stool.

If you continue to decompose atoms to the level of gluons, quarks, and even more microscopic particles, you will become more and more suspicious of the [reality] of this world!

Probably...everything, human beings, the earth, the sun, and even the entire universe, are illusory...

The unit that constitutes our most basic may be some kind of [information] that humans will never understand.

And the power of manipulating and tampering with this information is the [divine nature]!


As if a thunder was exploded in his mind, Li Rui suddenly opened his eyes, and the turbulent colorful divine light formed a whirlpool in his pupils, condensing a trace of mystery.

That's it!

That's it!

No wonder the top transcendents in ancient China called themselves [real people], only at this level can you see a trace of the world's [real]!

Practicing for ten years... Today I know that I am me...

Blessed to the mind, there is no need for any deliberate action at all, a certain indestructible bottleneck silently collapses, and the obscure breath produces subtle changes, making it more illusory and elusive.

The eyelids slowly closed, the bright divine light was hidden, the blood spurted and burned, and the scorching fireball gradually expanded, as if the real sun was shining on the whole [Rune Land]!

I don't know how long it took, the aura that wreaked havoc on the world was restrained and condensed, and the figure sitting in the center of the "sun" quietly disappeared and appeared above the altar.

Looking around the lush land, Li Rui felt a sense of confusion in her heart.

Is this still the desolate and dead [Rune Land]?

How long have I been "sleeping"?

Sensing that most of the [Divine Body and Flesh] had been digested in [Void Stomach Pouch], Li Rui realized that things were not simple.

That is the "nutrition" he plans to use to break through the myth!

Actually, the rough stone was almost consumed as soon as it was advanced?

No, it's not just advanced!

Although he has been in a dreamlike state of epiphany, he still clearly remembers that his attributes have soared in all directions after breaking through [Raw Stone]!

And now, the undigested value in his attribute panel is a clean zero!

There was even a strange data he had never seen before!

Health (God): 1/1

Staring at the number that emits colorful light, Li Rui gradually narrowed his eyes.

In addition to normal health, what is the use of this thing?

A faint enlightenment surged in his heart, Li Rui stretched out his hand to grasp it, and mobilized a drop of pure gold from the depths of his body, like liquid metal, into the [Blood God Orb].

In an instant, a scarlet sword with a demon and crystal clear, covered with golden silk and cloud patterns in the center of the transparent sword appeared in his palm.

With a light flick of his hand, the invisible sword gun disappeared in a flash, and a bottomless crack appeared under his feet as thin as a cicada's wings, spreading to the end of his sight.

Feeling the silky and smooth feedback, Li Rui's pupils shrank slightly, this terrifying cutting ability even exceeded his own expectations!

Taking a deep breath, the blood crystal sword disintegrated and melted and returned to the body.

The pure golden blood concealed to the depths of the flesh, quietly infecting the surrounding flesh and blood.

In a daze, Li Rui understood.

This is a drop of [God Blood]!

The final product of divine transformation!

[True Matter] that cannot be destroyed by non-divine power!

When he completely transforms his life value into [God’s Blood], then he will be detached from mortals and become a true [Angel]!

A faint joy faded, Li Rui quickly calmed down looking at the still huge normal health.

He clearly realized that the Long March has only taken the first step, and he still has an incomparably long distance from the holy ladder!

He breathed out a suffocating breath, looked down, and saw the reserves accumulated by [Extraordinary Evil Force], he immediately estimated the time of his retreat.

Almost three months...

I don't know what's going on outside, but Xiyi and the others didn't come to wake them up, and there shouldn't be any major incidents.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Li Rui looked around and saw a two-meter-diameter chicken coop in the bush not far away.

A giant golden egg lay quietly inside, exuding a flickering aura, and a notice board was inserted next to it, and it was written in skewed fonts: [Incubating with all your strength, please do not disturb! 】

Li Rui: "..."

Damn pig worm, Lei brother will probably kill you when he wakes up!

With a flicking finger, Li Rui shook his head helplessly, smashing the sign to pieces, returning his attention to himself.

"The host is promoted to the original stone step, the new rune page is unlocked, the upper limit of all skills is increased to the original stone step, the upper limit of all runes is increased to the original stone step, the upper limit of all equipment is increased to the original stone step, [teammate position] plus two, and a blank [inheritance position] ], accept the new hero heritage!"

Looking at the text in the system record, Li Rui breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling satisfied and melancholy in his heart.

Satisfied is that he has finally advanced to the rough stone, but melancholy is that as various upper limits increase, he needs a new round of practice.

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