Originally, the vast sea of ​​runes, passives, and skills were enough to make him a headache. After he advanced to the rough stone, he added a new job-[Equipment·Divine Fusion]!

Forget it, don't think about the annoying things. After so long of retreat, I have a new understanding of many forces in the system. Let's "realize" them first!

With his eyes condensed, Li Rui put his thoughts on the system panel, and the huge consciousness swept away.

【Master of Runes】·Secret Diamond Step

The hero has an insight into the power of runes. Every time a rune is penetrated, the effect of the corresponding law will be fully increased according to the characteristics of the rune text.

At the same time, each penetrating rune provides the hero with 5% (Black Iron)/10% (Bronze)/15% (Silver)/20% (Gold)/30% (Secret Diamond) maximum mana increase.

The terrifying power poured down from the void, Li Rui only felt a burst of pain in his eyebrows, even with his physique, he could not suppress the pain that pierced the soul.

The surging mana was born out of thin air, adapted to the ever-expanding power of the soul, and he did not hesitate to continue to invest in upgrade options.

Nearly a hundred upgrade options dissipated in an instant, replaced by dozens of runes, blooming with dazzling aura.

Raising almost all the runes to the secret diamond level at once, the green veins around Li Rui's temple throbbed, gritting his teeth and enduring the tearing sensation of flesh and blood soul.

It seemed as if a moment had passed, and it was as if a century had passed, the intense pain slowly faded, and the indescribable strength surged to the limbs.

Slowly relaxing the tight muscles, Li Rui admired the all-color secret diamond runes, and a faint sense of happiness and satisfaction appeared in his heart.

His gaze swept across the runes with amazing effects, even if he had been mentally prepared, he couldn't help but smack secretly.

The larger his basic attributes, the more terrifying he will appear under the blessing of runes!

It was so horrible that he himself felt foul!

For example, [Adjustment] This rune used from the Awakening Stage to the present was not too strong at the time, but after reaching the Secret Diamond Stage with his current dual resistance, it can only be described as an improper person!

【Adjustment】·Secret Diamond Level

(Passive) Instantly gain +100 armor and +100 magic resistance, and increase your overall armor and magic resistance by 25%.

4. How much is 25% of 50,000?

To put it bluntly, the double resistance provided by this rune for Li Rui is even higher than that of most ordinary rough stone steps!

If you activate the Secret Diamond Stage [Bone Plating], you will get 30% damage reduction within 2 minutes, and on this basis, the final damage you will receive will be reduced by 200 points.

Hmm...the weaker artifacts are only worthy for me to scrape...

I quietly admired my own data panel. After a long time, Li Rui sighed.

Ah... how lonely is invincibility...

【Li Rui】

Race: Human·True Dragon

Energy level: rough stone (divine transformation)

Level: 680 level

HP (Fall): 4068948/4068948 (3381452 + spell power × 4)

Health (God): 1/1

Mana: 973512/973512 (81126×1200%)

Armor: 57721 (46177×125%) [Undigested additional armor 140 points]

Magic resistance: 64152 (51322×125%) [Undigested additional magic resistance 140 points]

Attack power: 22265

Spell power: 408578【(42129+4.5% mana+3.5% health)×200%】

The only thing to worry about now is that the spell power has skyrocketed again, and his mana is not enough!

In addition, it is also a big problem to transform all health values ​​from [Fan] to [God].

[God blood] is [real substance], and its [quality] is far beyond ordinary health!

It takes almost 10,000 points of health to condense 1 point of [God Blood]. Such a huge amount of blood takes several days to compress and transform. Based on Li Rui’s current blood volume, it will take him several years to complete this process. .

This is still under the premise that he disabled [Feast] and [Overgrowth] in a few years, and stopped the increase in health!

But there will be a new buffet soon...No, the chaos angel descended on the earth, so I'm sorry for not eating too much!

Smash it, Li Rui decided to go with the flow.

Anyway, he has already had so much work on his body after he has advanced to the rough stone that he can't be too busy, so let's take his time to change the blood...not in a hurry...

The most important thing now is to go out and have a look. He hasn't been at home for a few months. The fierce snake will not eat up all the remaining [Divine Flesh], right?

You can't eat it for a few months!

He returned to the world in an instant through the light gate, and Li Rui appeared in the small courtyard outside the imperial capital a few minutes later.

In the quiet room, there was only a pot of fragrant tea with smoky smoke. A young girl sat on the sofa, holding a book and reading it carefully. The sun shone on her side face, glowing with a gentle glow.

Like the elves who escaped from the comics, she exudes the tranquility of non-cannibalistic fireworks, giving the whole room a illusory beauty.

In the calm and empty atmosphere, Li Rui couldn't help letting go and walked slowly in front of her.

As if perceiving Li Rui's arrival, the girl raised her head, revealing a beautiful and delicate face.

With her eyes facing each other, a slight arc formed at the corner of her mouth, and she spoke slowly.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, waste wood! Is it finally out?"


The petting and gentle smile on his face instantly solidified, Li Rui's brows gradually knotted, his neck was involuntarily tilted to ninety degrees, and his head was full of question marks.


"Excuse me, I was fascinated by it, and brought it in."

A blush appeared on Aya Xiyi's face, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com closed the book in his hand and explained slightly flustered.

It was only then that Li Rui noticed that she was not holding an imaginary literary book at all, but a domineering and cool Hong Kong comic. The two muscle brothers on the cover were fighting fiercely!

"That, I mean... Congratulations on getting out."

Throwing away the comics in her hand, Aya Xiyi stared straight at Li Rui's eyes, suddenly bursting into a bright smile.

"Um...thank you."

Inexplicably relaxed, Li Rui threw herself on the sofa and sighed contentedly: "I'm exhausted."

Although the body has unlimited vitality, months of retreat is a great drain on the spirit.

Just like a surgeon who has been doing operations for months without rest, Li Rui definitely doesn't want to think about cultivation anymore.

"Are you advanced?"


A pair of cool little hands lifted his head to the soft thighs, Li Rui slowly opened his eyes and met a pair of hot and blurred eyes.

"Great, I smell mythical life breath..."

Seeing the delicate little face getting closer and closer, Li Rui was all over her body and pressed a palm on her face.

You greedy my body, you are not right!

"Li Rui"

The cold voice became sweet and attractive, but no matter how she acted like a baby, Li Rui's heart was as hard as a rock.

"You let me rest for two days, OK? I just came out!"

"But I want to..."

The Shenmen has been closed for six days, and Li Rui is about to return to basics! ()

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