Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1108: , Thank the viper for not killing

What kind of tiger wolf word is this?

Li Rui was full of black lines, and kept pushing away Aya Xiyi who wanted to get together, and quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, what about the others? Why are they not at home?"

After rubbing for a long time without inhaling anything, Aya Xiyi let go of Li Rui angrily, her mouth flattened.

"Teacher Hannah received the news that he found the breath of a [lover] in a secret realm. Others followed her to recover the sealed object. Only me and Zhao Youxuan were at home."

"Zhao Youxuan? Isn't that guy who likes to join in the fun the most? Why didn't he follow?"

"Because she has also reached a critical moment. By the way, haven't you seen her in [Runeterra]?"

"She is not in [Runeland]."

Li Rui shook his head. After he woke up, he didn't sense the breath of a fierce snake in [Rune Land].

"No, she is in [Runeland], but you didn't'see' her."

Taking a deep look at Li Rui, Aya Xiyi said with a smile.

Li Rui's expression was stunned. Although she wanted to say that it was impossible, she swallowed back when she saw Aya Kiyi's determined eyes.

Aside from anything else, standing up, the mysterious light bloomed under his feet, forming a gorgeous and complex three-dimensional magic array.

After a brief guidance, a faint beam of light penetrated through the void, teleporting the two back to [Rune Land].

Mind swept the world, except for Wang Lei's obscure and weird aura, Li Rui never found the second teammate, and looked at Aya Xiyi with a puzzled look.

"over there!"

Pointing to a mountain range stretching hundreds of kilometers at the end of the horizon, Aya Xiyi melted into a purple and black mist, instantly dissipating in place.

Immediately after her, they crossed hundreds of kilometers, and the two came to the foot of the mountain. A deep "tunnel" with a diameter of tens of meters appeared in front of them.

"The hole she made herself is none of my business."

Perceiving Li Rui's confused expression, Aya Xiyi shrugged and stepped into the dark cave.

All the way down, I felt like I had entered the hinterland of the mountains, and a wide and cramped space suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

The pupils slowly dilated, even with Li Rui's mind, he couldn't help but stop breathing for a moment.

It is said that it is wide because of the absolute volume, it can almost accommodate a small town!

And it's so cramped because a behemoth occupies here, filling almost every inch of space, giving people a great sense of oppression.

The body is dozens of meters in diameter, and the length of the body is coiled into a ball, and the whole body is covered with gray and white dead skin with scaly markings. Through the thick and thick dead skin, you can vaguely see the emerald green underneath.

Involuntarily stepped forward and stroked the rough dead skin with his palm, Li Rui looked up at the giant giant in front of him, unable to speak for a long time.

Isn’t it true of the giant snake that swallows the world in Western mythology?

It took a while before he recovered from the initial shock, and his heart suddenly tightened.

The pigs in the production team did not dare to grow fat like this. How much did she eat?

Subconsciously looking back at Aya Xiyi, in Li Rui's prayerful sight, she gave a cruel sneer.


"What do you mean?"

"Literally, don't talk about [Divine Flesh and Flesh], she has eaten all the things that can be put into the mouth in the material warehouse, not even the little dragon meat left before!"

Taking a breath, Li Rui covered her heart, faintly feeling a hint of colic.

Silently opened Zhao Youxuan's data panel, and Li Rui's heart trembled by the numbers that came into view.

Good guys!

I'm a direct guy!

This life value is almost catching up with himself!

And just under his gaze, the upper limit of life value increased by a dozen points in just a few tens of seconds!

Shaking and retracting his palm, Li Rui looked at Aya Xiyi bitterly: "Why don't you stop her?"

"Cut, you seem to be able to stop her, she said pitifully that she was hungry, what else can we do? Of course we chose to fill her up!"

Li Rui gave Li Rui a disdainful glance, and Aya Xiyi twitched his lips coldly.

Li Rui: "..."

It seems to be the same reason, no matter how hard it is to suffer, no matter how poor it is, it cannot be poor nourishment. If I hadn't retreat at that time, maybe I would help her catch wild food!

But... this is too exaggerated, right?

Looking up at the "grey-white" giant snake that had shrunk into a small mountain, Li Rui couldn't help swallowing.

When I saw her body for the first time, I felt cute, but I didn't expect it to grow so big!

This snake is really fierce!

I usually like to bully her and play, and I can live safely till now. I really want to thank the viper for not killing!

Breathing out a foul breath, Li Rui made up his mind not to play snakes anymore.

But in just a few seconds, he overturned his decision.

Thinking of Zhao Youxuan's soft boneless and delicate tender meat, Li Rui's fingers moved slightly, and her hands were slightly itchy.

Forget it, it's time to play or to play, at most I can get her two [Angels] to eat...

With a decision in his heart, Li Rui smiled slightly, and suddenly reacted. He didn't seem to feel Zhao Youxuan's breath until now!

Even at a distance within reach, the giant giant in front of him still has no breath of life, like a stiff rock, swept by the gods, it will only think that it is part of the mountain.

No wonder!

No wonder I "can't see" her!

You know, UU Reading [Rune Land] is Li Rui’s home field, as far as his mind comes, almost no existence can escape his induction!

Seeing the gray and muddy dead skin in front of him, Li Rui had a vague sense of understanding in his heart.

This state... is different from your own [Jezhe·Don’t Use]!

It's just that she has really entered an unconscious state of suspended animation, and she is just a conceptual skill!

Rubbing the rough and muddy dead skin, Li Rui reluctantly patted it and disappeared in place instantly.

It's all right now. Both of my teammates started to hang up. I don't know if they can catch up with the [Chaos Angel] package coming?

Brother Lei didn't say, if Zhao Youxuan hadn't eaten her mouth warmly, she would really be crying, and she would die of grief and anger!

Would you like to save some for her?

But if you want to transform your life level and transform your blood volume into more powerful [Divine Blood], this little nutrition in your stomach may not be enough!

Distracted thoughts flickered in his mind, and Li Rui returned to the material world. The first thing he did was to send a message to ask about the current situation of [Chaos Angel].

"Some of them have come to wake up, but we can't find them."

Feng Hanran's helpless, bitter smile came over the phone, and Li Rui frowned, her figure flickering in the sky like a ghost.

"Meet and talk."

In just a few minutes, Li Rui came to the alleys in the center of the imperial capital, opened the door, and Feng Hanran was sitting in the antique flower garden pavilion, making a tea leisurely.

Sitting across from him in a light car, the hazy purple-black mist gathered around him, condensing into a cold girl.

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