Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1109: Sanctification

"Xiyi is here too, come, drink tea, oh yes, be careful!"

Feng Hanran greeted the two enthusiastically, his eyes slowly focused on Li Rui, his gaze became a little confused.

"what's happenin?"

"It feels like something has changed in you, but I can't tell you the details."

Under the introverted instinct of 【Jingzhe·Don't Use】and the original stone steps, even a person like Feng Hanran who is powerful and familiar with Li Rui can't see through his reality at a face-to-face distance.

"Oh, I'm advanced, now I'm in the rough."

Li Rui drank all the fragrant tea in one sip, and looked up at Feng Hanran's tea can, wondering how he could turn it back unconsciously.

"Oh, that's how it is, wait! The rough stone??!!!"

Nodding subconsciously, Feng Hanran suddenly realized that something was wrong and his eyes widened.

"Are you the original stone steps?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

Looking back from the tea pot, Li Rui blinked strangely.

It's been a year or two since I advanced the Secret Diamond in another world, isn't it a matter of course to advance the rough stone?

Aya Xiyi felt calm after knowing this, but simply lusted over her body. What was Feng Hanran's surprise?

Perceiving the puzzlement in Li Rui's eyes, Feng Hanran put down the tea cup stupidly, and unspeakable complex emotions emerged in his eyes.

From the first side he saw before he awakened and entered the Secret Realm of Atlantis, it has only been ten years since he was fully settled.

This is the rough?

From an ordinary teenager to the end of a mortal, Li Rui has completed the journey of other Tianjiao saints for decades or even hundreds of years in just ten years!

Those who are eligible to enter the rough before their lives decline are geniuses among geniuses, so what is the one who has entered the rough in ten years?


With a bit of bitterness in his mouth, Feng Hanran looked at Li Rui faintly, feeling that his glorious and proud life suddenly became a little overshadowed!

Even people who are about to enter the myth and destined to go down in the annals of history feel this way, how much pressure must those tianjiao contemporaries bear?

Feng Hanran couldn't help feeling a trace of despair just for a moment of empathy.

How can there be such an existence outside the rules in the world?

Even the reincarnated angels and kings of the ancient myths are inferior to him!

People are getting their "legacy" back, but Li Rui did it by himself!

It's outrageous!

Secretly slandering in his heart, Feng Hanran narrowed his eyes, and a sharp brilliance flashed through Dan Feng's sharp eyes.

There is such an unreasonable existence in the world, it's... it's great!

The thought of the next generation of [Dragon of Zhenguo] being led by Li Rui and Aya Xiyi, Feng Hanran felt an endless sense of security.

With one hand, the king exploded and asked how you lose?

Return of the gods?

I want to hit ten!

Seeing Feng Hanran's hot eyes, Li Rui silently retracted his little hand that was nowhere to be placed, and unnaturally avoided his sight.

Has his plan to steal tea exposed?

As expected of Brother Han Ran, he is really keen!

"Ahem, when did you advance?"

"It's this retreat. Oh, yes, Brother Han Ran, I have something to ask you."

With that said, Li Rui told him that he had condensed a drop of blood, and asked if there was any more efficient means of transformation.

Hearing Li Rui's words, Feng Hanran drank the tea in his hand silently, but could not suppress the turbulent acid in his stomach.

After a long time, he cleared up his emotions and pulled out a reluctant smile.

"Normally, this is a problem that only the pinnacle of the original stone will be troubled. I have never seen anyone who started [deification] as soon as the original stone leveled up."

"Am I not?"

Li Rui patted his chest, and Aya Xiyi beside him also cast a rare and strange look of contempt. Feng Hanran took a deep breath, and this suppressed the urge to kill the two Versailles masters.

I may, maybe, probably can't beat the two of them now, forget it...

After some psychological construction, he once again cleaned up his emotions and squeezed out a word from his teeth.

"The original stone steps advanced mythology normally has two routes. One is to [deify] your body like you and transform yourself into an immortal and immortal divine body!"

"The other is [deified] one's own energy, which eventually degenerates into infinitely powerful divine energy!"

"The former is called [physical sanctification], while the latter is called [emergence and ascension], or [lighting the fire]."

"Wait! Energy can also be deified?"

Li Rui interrupted Feng Hanran, her eyes full of regret.

What he lacks most now is the blue energy. If he can transform them into a higher level of divine power, wouldn't he be able to perfectly release his spell power of over 400,000 points?

"Not only energy and body, we have other aspects that can be deified. From [angel] to [demigod] to [true god], this is a process of continuous deification and deification!"

With a slight movement of his pupils, Li Rui thought of the armor, magic resistance, attack power, and spell power on the system panel, and a ray of light wafted in his deep eyes.

Can these...can be deified?

Degenerate them all into deified attributes, then I will become a true god?

The true God... [True God]!

Breathing became slightly heavy, and Li Rui seemed to stretch out a great road to the sky!

And the end of the line of sight is the apex of this universe!

Seems to perceive Li Rui’s emotional changes, UU reading www. Feng Hanran raised a small smile, and the conversation turned.

"However, the choice of the path is not something we can decide by ourselves. The instinct will follow the spiritual guidance and choose the path that suits us best!"

"So, the path that suits you best is the body!"

With heavy slaps on the shoulder, Li Rui looked at Feng Hanran's eyes, as if he had understood what he meant.

So... don't say you are a mage anymore!

"Huh! Han and Han!"

Aya Xiyi didn't bother to sneer, forgetting that he had just added the hot tea, and simmering it in one mouthful, then his face changed slightly, and he vomited silently.

Facing the iron-clad facts, Li Rui was silent for a long time and gritted his teeth secretly in his heart.

When Lao Tzu trains Lan Liang, he will kill you all!

400,000 spell power is not called a wizard?

Do you still have King Fa?

Dangerous gaze wandered over the two of them, and Li Rui finally fixed his gaze on Feng Hanran's face.

"Then... Brother Han Ran, what attributes are you deifying?"

"Ha ha."

After taking a sip of tea, Feng Hanran smiled without saying a word, and said quietly after selling it.

"Do you remember the scene when I went to Dongying to squeeze for you?"

With a look in her eyes, Li Rui nodded thoughtfully.

At that time, he was strolling in the courtyard, and he obviously did not release any spiritual power, but the heaven and the earth gave birth to visions with his arrival.

Dark clouds obscure the sun, wind and thunder, tigers roar and dragons roar, a doomsday scene!

I really want to speed it up, but there are still many settings and foreshadowings that have not been explained ('Д)

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