Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1110: , Are you still a human?

The scene of that year flashed back in front of him, and Li Rui vaguely understood what Feng Hanran meant.

That kind of posture with BGM+ cutscenes, it is estimated that only the deification attribute of the legal system can be done lightly!

"Then Han Ran, have you completed the attribute transformation?"

"Not yet, just a little bit."

Watching Feng Hanran compare a gap between his thumb and index finger, Li Rui narrowed his eyes slightly.

Is it a little bit, or a little bit?

"So is there any way to speed it up?"

Hearing this, Feng Hanran nodded and shook his head again.

"With the accumulation of experience, you can certainly speed up this process, such as consuming twice or even three times the energy and blood to condense a drop of [God Blood]."

"But you have to remember that divine transformation is a process that can't be done by tricks. You can only get the perfect attributes if you polish it patiently."

"This is not only a material transformation, but also a spiritual and spiritual transformation!"

With a finger on Li Rui's heart, Feng Hanran warned earnestly.

After he digested it, Feng Hanran picked up the fragrant tea and continued leisurely: "People and their physique cannot be generalized."

"Depending on each person's practice, understanding, and even luck, this process may last for dozens or hundreds of years!"

"You are still young and have enough time to polish your foundation. Don't worry!"

Feeling Feng Hanran's sincere and concerned eyes, Li Rui nodded gently: "I understand."

Hearing this, Feng Hanran smiled with relief, an expression that could be taught by a child.

"It's about the probability of you becoming a god, no matter how careful you are, you can't be overstated, you must polish it carefully and feel it with your heart!"

Patting Li Rui on the shoulder, Feng Hanran sighed with emotion.

"Oh... this is a boring and tormenting process. Don't get discouraged even if it takes a century!"

Blinking his eyes, Li Rui looked at the melancholy between Feng Hanran's eyebrows, feeling a little in his heart.

It seems not a little bit, but a billion little bit...

How did that happen?

He should have started his divine transformation when he first met ten years ago. Why hasn't he been completed yet?

Although his blood volume is nearly ten times that of the ordinary rough stone, it can't take such a long time?

Li Rui frowned concealedly after carefully comprehending the constant transformation in his body.

If one's blood volume is the same as that of ordinary stone steps, wouldn't it be possible to complete the divine transformation in a few months?

Could it be that... I am actually a super invincible genius?

Perceiving the vision on Li Rui's face, Feng Hanran put down his teacup and stared at him seriously.

"what's happenin?"

"It's nothing, I just think I won't be able to complete the transformation in that long."


Feng Hanran stared at him, and immediately looked up and down at Li Rui, his eyes full of strange emotions.

"No one has ever turned on [Deification] as soon as they entered a rough stone. You still need to complete the accumulation of rough stone steps. In theory, your transformation process should be longer than normal rough!"

"Oh ~ the wisdom of mortals."

Finally found a chance to quietly pour out the tea, Aya Xiyi put the white jade teacup on the table and sneered coldly.


"Brother Hanran, don't care about this idiot. I guess it's because of both the [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] and [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Tribulation]. My transformation process will be much faster than normal!"

Angrily slapped Aya Xiyi, Li Rui hurriedly finished the game.

"It's possible!"

Not paying attention to Aya Xiyi's daily coercive behavior, Feng Hanran's eyes closed slightly and nodded thoughtfully.

There are only three people in the world who really majored in the two great magical arts, and among them, Li Rui is the only one who specializes in both!

The state-level magical powers of the two major towns are added together, and some strange chemical changes seem to be justified...

"Then how long do you estimate to complete the transformation?"

"Well... it is three or four years as fast as possible, and five or six years as slow as possible."


A slight crackling sounded in the ears, and spiderweb-like cracks spread on the white jade teacup in Feng Hanran's hands.

"how long?"


Seeing Feng Hanran's flushed expression on his face, Li Rui pondered for a few seconds, counting the HP that might be increased by devouring the [Chaos Angel] package...

"Six or seven...years?"

Five fingers were destroyed, the fine white jade teacup turned into fine powder, Feng Hanran subconsciously grinds the powder between his fingers, and it took a long time before he recovered.

"Xiao Rui, I remember you are [Indestructible Dragon], right?"


Casting a strange look, Li Rui couldn't figure out why he would ask such a puzzled question.

"[Indestructible Dragon] Heavenly anger and blood is extraordinary, your current blood volume should be far more than the same level, right?"

"Well, about ten times."

The rubbing fingers shook suddenly, and Feng Hanran looked at Li Rui deeply, with mixed flavors in his eyes.

This kid is more perverted than I thought!

"Such a huge amount of energy, [Deification] should also take ten times the time, so I just encouraged you not to get discouraged, but I didn't expect..."

The deep words came to an abrupt end, but Feng Hanran's eyes clearly expressed the remaining meaning.

But I didn't expect that your kid is really not a human being!

Ten times the energy and blood, but the time required for deification is only about one-tenth of the normal. One in and one Isn't his divine transformation a hundred times faster than ordinary people? ?

Note that ordinary people here refer to the pinnacle rough!

Each of them is the dragon among the people, and the gods in the world are the untouchable gods in the eyes of ordinary transcendents!

But such a group of people was actually crushed by Li Rui a hundred times, and the key was himself!

Feng Hanran couldn't help covering his heart, faintly feeling a bit of colic.

When he thought of his hard deification process over the past ten years, he felt that he had lived as a dog in this life!

In vain, I am still complacent about my progress and feel that it is far above the same level. So I have always been worse?

"Xiao Rui, don't come to me in the future, and be exposed by you twice again, I am worried that my Dao heart will collapse..."

Waved his hand bitterly, Feng Hanran said jokingly.

"Heh ~ fragile mortal!"

Aya Xiyi sneered and made up the gun accurately, and Li Rui immediately glared at him.

Didn't you see that Brother Han Ran was almost crying?

Still irritating others?

"Brother Hanran, don't care, it took me ten years to grow from ordinary people’s qi and blood to the present level. The [deification] process is so arduous and long, and it’s easy to calculate in years. I don’t know how much qi and blood will increase. What? Maybe my divine transformation will never be completed!"

Pat Feng Hanran on the shoulder, Li Rui comforted softly.


Is this what a man said?

Can't the rate of transformation keep up with the growth of your vitality?

Are you still a human?

Can you say something people should say and do things people should do?

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