Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1111: , The key to divine transformation

When the **** that reached his mouth turned around his lips and swallowed it back, Feng Hanran thought about it with extreme horror, and suddenly realized that what Li Rui said was a bit of a **** truth!

As long as I "grow" fast enough, I will never complete the transformation!

Nothing wrong!

"Xiao Rui... The original stone steps are already the culmination of the mortal world. At this level, any growth will be a step forward. The difficulty can be imagined. Don't apply your previous experience to the present..."

"Heh~ stupid mortal."

Before Li Rui could speak, Aya Xiyi smiled crookedly, coldly despising Feng Hanran.


After a long silence, Feng Hanran suddenly raised a smile and looked at Aya Xiyi kindly.

"Xiyi, next time there will be a fully enclosed seminary in the [Kunlun] secret realm. I am going to send you to suppress the venue."


The corners of the slanted mouth instantly solidified, and Aya Xiyi's expression changed, staring at Feng Hanran in disbelief.

"So... still stupid?"

Shaking her whole body, Aya Xiyi's eyes flickered, she unnaturally looked away, avoiding his "kind" gaze.

Seeing the diametrically opposite expressions of the two, Li Rui couldn't help but feel curious.

What kind of forum can scare Aya Xiyi, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, into this way?

"No comics, no animations, no novels, no WiFi, sitting with a group of old men for a month, listening to them discuss boring issues...well...I don't want to participate in that stuff again!"

A trembling voice came from the soul network, and the corners of Li Rui's mouth twitched, and finally he tried his best to suppress it.

What are you pretending to be X?

That's it, overturned!

"By the way, Brother Han Ran, what's the situation with those chaos angels? Can't you find one?"

Feeling Aya Xiyi's embarrassment, Li Rui pursed his lips and changed the subject without a trace.


When talking about business, Feng Hanran sighed, his face full of anxiety.

"They are the children of Gaia. In a sense, they are the masters of this planet."

"Unless they take the initiative, we won't find a trace at all."

Exhausted rubbing his eyebrows, Feng Hanran paused, and then regained his spirit.

"However, these [angels] are blind and foolish, only following the guidance of instinct and destiny, and will appear in front of the world sooner or later."

"Then we can only passively wait for them to come?"

Li Rui frowned, the appetite full of luster in his eyes around the corner.

"It's not necessarily true. If the location where they descend is just within the [Shenzhou Enchantment], then we should be able to lock it in."

"The possibility is too small, not counting the various secret realms. [Shenzhou Enchantment] occupies less than 10% of the entire planet. Besides, they will not obviously notice that something is wrong and go inside..."

Smash it, Li Rui shook his head regretfully.

"It's not necessarily. It's not uncommon for angels who act only by instinct to do anything."

"I hope so."

After drinking the cup of tea, Li Rui and Feng Hanran talked about the changes in the world during the retreat, and then he got up to leave.

Back at home, I used the system panel to check the status of his teammates, and found that they were alive and well, and their cultivation bases were diligent. Li Rui calmed down and focused his attention on himself.

Divine transformation is a long process, but he cannot really spend decades or even hundreds of years slowly.


There are those who can't be named!

None of his enemies have a good match!

If he could not make the most critical step before the return of his divinity, he might be truly dangerous under the eyes of these evil gods!

Something must be done to speed up this process!

It's really not possible, even if you "diet" and give up the chance of life growth, you must first complete the transformation!

Swallowing the saliva in his mouth, Li Rui counted his attributes and began to find the key to transformation.

Before, he told Feng Hanran that it might be because of his two great divine arts concurrently, but in fact, he knew that the fifth level [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] and [Chaotic Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation] could not cause such a terrible thing. Transformation speed.

The real reason is the superposition of multiple factors, and the most critical... is hidden in the depths of your own soul and body...

Concentrating calmly, Li Rui's breathing slowed down, his muscles gradually relaxed, and a little spirituality slowly sank to the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Quietly feeling the process of qi and blood transformation and deification, as if it was just a breath of time, Li Rui slowly opened his eyes, and felt enlightenment in his heart.

Health (God): 2/2

The normal life value was 10,000 points less, but Li Rui didn't feel sorry for it.

The actual effect of a drop of God's blood is much stronger than 10,000 health points!

If there is no divine power of the same level, as long as there is a drop of divine blood, he is invincible, immortal in the true sense!

Even with the same level of divine power, a drop of divine blood is much more resistant than 10,000 health points!

In other words, the divine blood was originally a "real substance" formed by the condensation of one's own divinity and qi and blood in order to fight against the different divinities!

And if you want to accelerate the transformation and deification, you have two powers in your body that are the most important!

One is the [Divine Instinct] of [Too Unreal Dragon], which passively increases its transformation speed by several times.

However, it is almost impossible to upgrade the [Divine Instinct] in a short period of time after [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Jie] has just advanced


The idea was swept across the skill panel, and a few obscure and primitive texts were hidden in the corners with no sense of existence.

[Jingzhe·Do not use]: Your all attributes are greatly reduced, all extraordinary powers accumulate warmth, and transform with extremely high efficiency.

In this state, it is immune to most explorations below the true **** level, and the efficiency of cultivation, recovery, and sublimation has been greatly improved.

Transformation with extremely high efficiency... Sublimation efficiency has been greatly improved...

These simple words have increased the efficiency of their transformation by nearly ten times!

Based on [Jingzhe·Don't Use], coupled with the addition of exercises and other characteristics, multiple factors superimposed, and finally resulted in an appalling speed of transformation!

Li Rui's eyes are out of focus. [Jingzhe·Don't Use] is a passive skill. From the first day he acquires it, he is equivalent to practicing all the time.

After so many years, he has become more and more aware of the benefits of warmth, and more and more "surface" attributes have been restrained to the depths of his soul and flesh.

Until now, the attributes that he reveals daily are actually only a quarter of his true attributes!

Even so, he still beats invincible hands all over the world, except for those immortals or evil spirits, almost no [human] can force his second form.

This is his most comfortable and natural posture, neither too tight nor too loose!

But if you want to speed up the process of divine transformation to the greatest extent, then you must try to restrain all the attributes as much as possible!

Chapter 1111, I never thought I could write so much, I hope we will come to the end together (ω)

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