Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1112: , Soul plug-in 1 hour cool, divine fusion crematorium!

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Returning to the basics...The hidden diamond is transformed into a primitive stone, washed out of lead, and brewing a more brilliant light.

In a daze, Li Rui felt something in her heart.

He who possesses [Jingzhe·Don’t Use] and [Divine Instinct], unconsciously, fits the way of heaven!

The original stone...the original stubborn stone...

The most ideal state at this stage is to suppress all attributes to double digits and walk on the earth as an ordinary person!

From ordinary to extraordinary, in the end... or to return to ordinary...

Following a certain kind of strange induction, Li Rui closed his eyes and exhaled a sallow breath slowly and long. His sturdy muscles slowly slackened, his unmoving aura faintly converged, becoming increasingly obscure and ordinary.

The surging energy runs at a high speed, but it is firmly locked in the depths of the body and soul without any leakage.

After a long transformation, they gradually disappeared from the flesh and blood of the meridians, as if injected into an invisible bottomless pit!

After a long time, Li Rui opened slowly, her jet-black eyes calm and indifferent, but occasionally a glimmer of seemingly non-existent light could be detected in the depths of his pupils.

It was not as easy as I thought...

With a slumped mouth, Li Rui realized the changes in spirit and body, shaking his head and sighing.

In the past, he had never deliberately compressed his attributes, and it was completely as the [Jingzhe·Don't Use] cultivation base rose, and in accordance with the most natural state, he constantly adjusted his "inventory".

But the first time he tried to take the initiative to restrain, he realized the hardship.

It was fairly smooth at first, but as the compression ratio increases, the resistance from feedback becomes stronger!

It is like compressing air in a closed container. As the volume shrinks, the pressure also increases sharply.

At the same time, the volume of ordinary gas is compressed, and the interaction between them is intensified due to the reduction of molecular distance, which will eventually be released in the form of heat.

After Li Rui’s attributes were compressed by 【Jizhe·Don’t Use】, something mysterious was also brewed-divinity!

And the more you compress it, the more divinity will be condensed, and the faster the transformation will be!

From 70% to 80%, and then to 90%, Li Rui, who has only one-tenth of his attributes, has soared several times!

It originally took several days to compress the blood of 1 point, but now it may be completed in about a day!

If the value of convergence can be increased to 100%, then he will reach the theoretical peak of divine transformation, and it only takes a few months to convert all more than 4 million health points!

Unfortunately, this is only a speed that can be achieved in theory, and it is impossible to achieve in actual operation.

Ordinary mortals still have dozens of health points!

As long as a person is alive, he will have various attributes, even if the six dimensions are all 1, then you can only get close to 100% infinitely, but you can never touch it!

Moreover, the 90% compression ratio has reached the limit that can be supported by the current [Jingzhe·Do Not Use]!

The next step is really "one hundred feet ahead". The energy spent for each 1% increase may be even greater than the previous 90% increase!

Li Rui's eyes closed slightly, the brilliance of Li Rui's pupils shook his head subconsciously.

The current speed is enough, as long as the divine transformation does not pull the hind legs, there is no need to pursue extreme operations.

According to the current progress, the most time-dragging thing is the divine integration of equipment!

Li Rui scratched his head in distress, looking at his dense system of gods.

The soul plug-in is refreshing for a while, and the divine nature merges with the crematorium!

With so many gods, it would cost a lot of money to just upgrade them to the original stone steps!

Even with the increase in the number of summoners in the [Future Market], I was absorbing the source quality from them all the time and turning them into gold coins.

But this amount still cannot meet their needs.

The real windfall depends on the enemy.

Shaking his head and throwing the distracting thoughts behind his head, Li Rui lay down on the bed, letting out his thoughts.

Forget it, the equipment without divine fusion will only be a burden, not a decisive factor.

Vigorously work miracles, as long as you are strong enough, it is possible to force these soul plug-ins to become gods!

It just added a little difficulty to myself.

But... how much can you integrate... Let's try to integrate as much as possible, anyway, this job can't escape, after becoming a god, you still have to face...

Consciousness slowly fell into chaos, Li Rui's thoughts, who hadn't really closed his eyes for a few months, dissipated, making even breathing sounds.



Muddy and heavy breathing sounds echoed in the woods, and Nadcaroni carried a slender and gorgeous hollow metal box in his arms, and moved quickly pale.

However, there was a sound of the piano from a very distant place behind him, and Nadcaroni's face sank, and he subconsciously accelerated his pace.

Damn it! I have used secret methods to converge my breath and even gave up moving at high speed. How did they find me?

Perplexed, Nadecaroni tightened the metal box in his arms, his eyes gradually fierce.

When I was in a hurry, I released the holy objects in it and died with them!

At this moment, he suddenly found a slight scarlet wound on the back of his hand, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com is not painful or itchy, it is oozing blood that cannot be checked by the naked eye.

But the blood did not condense into a scab, but disappeared into the air quietly!

His pupils shrank suddenly. If he hadn't seen this wound with his naked eyes, he would definitely not be able to find such tiny bloodstains in the fierce escape.

There is a blood mage opposite!

An exciting spirit in my heart, surging power poured into my skin, annihilating the foreign energy attached to the wound, and a subtle tingling sensation instantly conveyed to my mind.

But before he was happy, a cold dark red brilliance quietly struck his calf.

Almost the moment he attacked the body, Nadcaroni didn't want to hide it anymore. The huge energy of the original stone steps exploded forcibly, pushing the enemy back in a very short time.


The escaping energy tore the valley apart, forming a fan-shaped gap that stretched for several kilometers.

But just in this dead area, a white-haired girl wearing a long armor and holding a door-panel giant sword stood unscathed in the center with the sword as a shield.

hateful! Is this guy really a Secret Diamond Rank?

Why is it so hard?

Glancing at the figure pulling the sword flower, Nade Caroni's heart is chilling, and he continues to run wildly without looking back.

He knew that once he was entangled by the white-haired girl, when her teammates caught up with him, he would be more miserable!

However, before he could run far, the ghostly shadow dragged the cold light to drown him again.









The light of the blade containing the biting frost flickered, Nadecaroni left and right, but fierce gaps broke out constantly on his body.

The white-haired girl is like an elegant dancer, dancing a cruel and **** waltz, and her "dance partner" is herself!

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