Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1113: ,"goddess"


too fast!

Streams of light flickered all over his body, and Nadcaroni would be cut out of a wound with fleshy skin if he was not careful.

Obviously it is a not-so-sharp giant sword, but for some reason, it can easily tear apart the body-protecting gas of the original stone steps, revealing a divine sharpness vaguely!

Is it an artifact in her hand?

Staring at the flying blade, Nadcaroni retreated even more, not wanting to entangle her at all.

But with [Ionia Passion], [Frost Blood Wings], and [Ghost's Rage Blade] superimposed at the same time, Luo Li’s "dance steps" are getting faster and faster, and the offensive is like a thunderstorm, and at the same time it brings people Enchanted smooth elegance.

Even with the skin of [Assassin's Creed Riven], she couldn't stop the redness of excitement in her eyes, and the giant sword in her hand was dancing more and more violently!

But because the action was too stretchy and silky, she didn't seem to have moved with her feet during the whole process, flashing around in an ice-skating posture, throwing out sharp blades.

The biting ice covered Nadcaroni's wound and spread outward along the skin at a speed visible to the naked eye, covering his whole body with a layer of hoarfrost.

The moisture in the air condensed on him, and the ice crystals on his body became thicker and thicker, and his feet became more and more sluggish, but the blood in the wound seemed to be boiling, and there was a fierce pain.

Remembering that another companion had been hacked to death in this way, Nadcaroni looked fiercely, and clamped the metal secret box under his arm, while suppressing the holy thing that was about to move, while mobilizing the divinity in his body.

Luo Li didn't notice the danger, she was completely obsessed with the thrill of blood and knife light!

In the next second, a simple bronze spear suddenly appeared in Nadecaroni's hands, hitting Luo Li's chest and abdomen with an explosive speed that was almost teleporting.

The tip of the spear that had condensed the power of the whole body tore the body-protecting gas, pierced into the skin in Nadkaroni's delighted eyes.


But the touch from the feedback shocked his pupils, and the thick white shield firmly blocked his fatal blow, and even the girl's body swelled crazily.

[Strak's Challenge Gauntlets]-[Savior's Spirit Blade]!

In less than a second, the white-haired girl had turned into a giant more than five meters high, with a solid shield surrounding her, and the door-panel sword in her hand had become a ship-cutting knife, a blue-gold talisman. The text spreads and circulates on the blade, igniting a dazzling arc.

Less than two meters tall, Nadcaroni looked up at the enemy who looked like a **** of war, and a thousand words converged into one word.



Luo Li reacted with anger, and the crescent-like blade light swept through everything, turning all the matter in the front fan-shaped area into dust.

【Exile Front】·Secret Diamond Step

Wind Slash: The hero slaps a shock wave, which can cause 1000 (+80% attack power) to 3000 (+300% attack power) physical damage to the enemy hit by it. The more severe the enemy's injury, the damage of this skill The higher the value.

Wherever the knife light passed, everything was annihilated, and even the earth was lifted by a layer of soil tens of meters thick, forming a radial shallow "canyon".

In the core area of ​​destructive power, one arm of Nadcaroni has disappeared, his body is covered with scars like baby's mouth, and his eyes are faintly dull.

Having forbeared for so long and condensing so much divinity, not only did he not hurt the enemy, but he was chopped like this with a backhand?

Is this guy really a secret diamond?

Why would I be crushed by her on a rough stone step?

At the moment of his loss of consciousness, in the distant sky, a handsome young man straightened out his gorgeous brass gloves and unfolded a longbow of illusory magic power.

With five fingers, the powerful energy condensed into a substantial gilt edge in front of his right hand. As he put this golden light on his left arm, the visible thunder snake arc stretched and spread from the illusory longbow. It seemed to involve an invisible bowstring.


A faint beam of light slashed across the sky, almost hitting Nadecaroni's heart when he let go of his fingertips.


The "arrow" condensed with a huge divinity penetrated through the front chest and pierced through the back.

It wasn't until after the attack that Nadecaroni reacted, stiffly lowered his head, and looked at the transparent wound the size of a fist in his heart in disbelief.

[Nan Dou Xing] Take the initiative-mechanical descent: release all the gods in the weapon, condensing into a fatal blow.

(The total damage value of the next attack is increased by 100%-300%, based on the target’s lost health. The target’s health value below 33% can cause a maximum of 300% damage increase. This attack ignores the defensive attributes below the demigod rank. , Treated as real damage, and attaches a beheading effect to enemies whose health is less than 10%.)

"you guys……"

Blood rushed to his throat, Nadcaroni sensed the power of destruction spreading in his body, wantonly destroying every cell, knowing that there was no chance of being spared, and grabbed the metal secret box with his only arm.

"Die together!"


The secret box opened a faint gap, and a beautiful and dreamy pink light shone out, setting off the cruel battlefield like a newlywed boudoir.

My heart condensed, even Luo Li did not dare to look directly at that brilliance, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com quickly closed its eyes and backed away quickly.

Holding out a white and moist broken arm from the secret box, Nade Caroni stared at it infatuatedly, as if looking at his beloved lover.

Putting his whole body and mind on the sacred object in front of him, Nadcaroni did not notice that a cold and heroic woman ignored the pink divine light and quietly came to him.

"My lord, you are in charge of pain and joy. You are the only truth in the world. You are the last salvation of the last days. Please come down..."

Before the murmured prayer was finished, a white tender palm grabbed the holy artifact from his hand, and Nadcaroni's last enthusiasm came to an abrupt end.

The drunken eyes regained his clarity, his eyes moved along the palm of Bai Nen's hand, he saw an inviolable cold empress, and... the muzzle of the black hole between his eyebrows.

"Finally I find you……"

In the sluggish eyes of Nadcaroni, the beautiful broken arm slowly faded into the woman's body, making her temperament charming and alluring.

The pink divine light transpired all over her body, and the sweet fragrance lingered on the tip of her nose. Nadcaroni even forgot the pain of dying, just staring at the "goddess" intently.

As if turning back to the light, Nadcaroni's face was blushing, hoping that time would last forever, so that he could engrave the face of the "goddess" into his heart.

However, his response was a deafening gunshot.


The heavy artillery attack harvested Nadcaroni's last life. The whole head exploded like a watermelon, and yellow and white mucus and broken bones spattered hundreds of meters in the direction of the bullet.

Noting the abnormal obsession of Nadcaroni before his death, Teacher Hannah put away the pistol and frowned secretly.

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