Only the incomplete [Lover] can control the mind of the original stone steps. If it is a complete body, wouldn't it be able to control the gods?

The most frightening thing is that this kind of control is silent, the victim will not have the slightest vigilance to resist, and even think it is his own heart!

Feeling the sealed artifacts blended into her own flesh and blood, Teacher Hanna shook her head, putting some terrible guesses behind her.

"Teacher, is it true [lover] this time?"

The teammates gathered around, staring at her curiously, their eyes faintly weird.

"Really, what's wrong? Is there anything on my face?"

Holding her cheek, Teacher Hannah quickly took out the mirror and looked around.

"It's nothing."

Everyone blushed, waved their hands again and again, and looked away embarrassedly.

Seeing their dodge vision, Hannah teacher suddenly realized: "[Lovers] still has some residual power. It is normal for you to be affected, and you will be fine after a while."

Clapping her palms, she looked around, with a sincere smile on her face.

"Thanks to you this time, I have worked hard, and I will make good food for everyone when I go back."


People have been tired of wild food for a few months, and now they just want to go back and enjoy modern life.

"After being out for so long, the captain should have been out too? I don't know if there is a breakthrough..."

Muttering to herself in a low voice, a faint light spread from Luo Li's feet.

A series of spiritual light beams pierced in the void, and the three-dimensional magic circle revolved around everyone, folding the space to form a channel to the distant plane.

After a brief guidance, everyone collapsed into a ball of invisible aura and shot into the void above their heads.

And shortly after they left, more than a dozen deep-breathing figures appeared on the devastated battlefield, ugly looking around a headless corpse.

"Nader Caroni is also dead, who is hunting them?"

"The church with three original stone steps was breached head-on, and the number of attackers was at least double theirs!"

"Six rough stones?"

"Maybe more than..."

"Don't think about it so much. The most important issue now is how to retrieve the holy relics. Without His support, our Lord's kingdom of God would never be able to descend on the earth."

As he said, an old man wearing a plain white robe with a kind face volleyed the staff in his hand, spreading out circles of illusory ripples.

"Back in time!"

The surrounding scenery squirmed like a rewind until a cloud of dim aura appeared.

Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi Zi ~

The noise of noisy electric current reverberated in my ears, and the surrounding scenery seemed to be disturbed, rippling violently like water waves.

The white-robed old man held the staff tightly and continuously poured in his divinity, stabilizing the violent tremor of the image.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his whole body trembled involuntarily. Just as the old man was about to see the figure in the depths of the aura, some terrifying ice-blue light flashed under their eyes.

puff! !

The surrounding scene seemed as if the glass was broken, and the old man in the white robe was struck by lightning, and turbid blood spurted several meters from his mouth.

Seeing the only archmage in the team fell to the ground with his head up, the rest of the people looked at each other.

Is it so scary?

What did he see?


With the warm sun shining on his face, Li Rui slowly opened his eyes and looked directly at the sun outside the window. It took a while before he woke up from the sleeping chaos.

Hmm...I haven't slept so well for a long time...

Stretching, Li Rui sat up and heard the sound of ding ding dong dong outside before getting out of bed.


Roughly pushing the door open, a soft body flew into Li Rui's arms, holding him humming and wriggling.

"You are back, how did you get this trip?"

Stroking her sister's silky hair, feeling the tender body pressing on her body, Li Rui couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

The child has grown up!

"team leader!!"

A scent of fragrant wind hit, Li Rui subconsciously opened his arms to catch the pounced dog.


Like a loyal dog who hadn't seen his master for many years, Luo Li screamed inexplicably, burying his head in Li Rui's arms was a mess.

"Okay, okay, don't rub."

Holding Luo Li's drill head with his hands, Li Rui hugged him from left to right, and a sense of inexplicable satisfaction suddenly surged in his heart.

Both cats and dogs, I am worth it in this life!

By the way, there is a snake...

Xiaoxiao shook his head, Li Rui secretly rejoiced that Zhao Youxuan was still molting, otherwise she would definitely come in and join in the fun.

After finally comforting the two excited pets, Li Rui led them to the living room. From a distance, I saw Teacher Hannah and the two sisters Catavia busy in the open kitchen, while Huang Juncai was spitting wildly. He and Aya Xiyi brag.

"You don't know, rely on my wise and martial leadership, otherwise that guy will definitely run away!"

"At that time, Luo Li was beaten up, and it relied on me to shoot him into the soul, and beat him to the heart, and this saved Luo Li's dog's life!"

Blinking his eyes, before the curious Li Rui went up to ask about the specific situation, the white tender hand in his palm quietly broke away, and drew an amber sword with divine light from the void.

Seeing Luo Li quietly walked behind Huang Jun's body and raised her treasured sword expressionlessly, Li Rui hesitated for a moment before swallowing the cough that came to her mouth.


The blade hit the Baihui acupoint without any tricks, and Huang Juncai's neck was almost hammered into his chest, clutching the heavenly spirit and wailing on the ground.

"President, are you awake?"

Katavia put on a hot dish on the table in a house suit.


Glancing at Huang Juncai who was rolling back and forth on the ground, UU reading www.uukā and looking at the table full of sumptuous dishes, Li Rui sat down at the table without hesitation.

"It's going to start soon, go wash your hands."

The apron can't block the amazing curves of Hannah teacher. I don't know if it is an illusion that I haven't seen for a long time. Li Rui feels Hannah teacher seems to be more moving than ever.

It was a throbbing that broke away from the flesh and reached the depths of the soul.

It's like looking up at the destined person, the heartstring trembles slightly, and there will be an impulse and enlightenment in my mind inexplicably.

It's her...

Staring straight at the violet-colored eyes, Teacher Hannah slightly bent her brows and feet, with a charming smile.

"What are you looking at? Go wash your hands!"

Bai Nen pointed his finger at the tip of his nose, and Li Rui came back to his senses and looked away slightly embarrassed.

Both old husbands and old wives...Bah...I've known each other for so long, so why are you still like a hairy boy?

Too much forgiving, when he reached the original stone steps, his feelings as a person became weaker and weaker, but now he seems to have returned to the age of youth and sprout, experiencing the long-lost throbbing.

Looking quietly at the back of Teacher Hannah's gentle and virtuous, Li Rui covered her heart, feeling the abnormal heartbeat, a trace of confusion flashed through her eyes.

I worked overtime for two days in a row on the weekend, and the long desk had caused problems with my cervical spine. Now it hurts terribly when I move a little bit.

When I went home, I found that the tomrjtz book friend had rewarded a leader. I thought that I hadn't paid off my previous debts. I can only say that I was ashamed!

Not to mention, I will definitely cheer in March, and strive to repay the debt more or less on the basis of constant changes!ヾ(Д

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