"Infinite God installed in the city ( to find the latest chapter!

Although I haven't seen it for a few months, in fact, during this period of time, I have been in the chaotic state of retreat and practice, and I am not very sensitive to the passage of time, and it is almost impossible to produce the mood of thinking about it.

Except for the endogenous reasons, the answer is obvious...


When I was at the Silver Stage, I thought that thing was terrifying, but I didn't expect that I would be affected by it even if I was a rough stone!

Or could it be said that its power simply ignores the defense of the mind and will make people willingly surrender?

Yes, who can refuse the request of the one he loves most?

Just like the self now, clearly and rationally issuing a warning, but deep in my heart, I am happy, and even a little bit happy in it...

Staring at the back of Teacher Hannah busy in the kitchen, Li Rui smiled and shook his head.


At this moment, a trembling palm grabbed the trouser leg, Li Rui looked down, and Huang Juncai, who was hammered into the shape of a Buddha, looked up at him pitifully.

"Take care of your dog... she has a rabies!"

Who told you to "save her dog's life"?

With eyes flickering, Li Rui gently lifted him up, patted the dust on his shoulders, and spoke softly in Huang Juncai's moved eyes.

"be strong!"

Huang Juncai: "?????!!!"

A terrifying shadow raised the butcher knife behind him, Li Rui couldn't bear to close his eyes.

"You are rabies!"

Kang Dang~

Seeing Luo Li's random chops, Li Rui felt the same way, silently looking away from the table full of dishes, tears streaming down from the corners of his mouth.

"It's dinner! It's dinner!"

The energetic Olena brought the last pot of cream soup on the table, and the dazzling array of dishes filled every space, making people wonder where to start.

After many days, the teammates had dinner again, but Li Rui couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion in his heart.

Without the snake-snake monster, the food that reaches the mouth does not seem to be so fragrant.

By the way, why is Xiao Huang no sound?


On the west coast of North America, a small yacht is drifting in the shallow sea, and several white people holding fishing rods are chatting with each other.

"There was another murder in our neighborhood last week, and the murderer has not been caught yet."

"George, isn't your area for the rich? The law and order should be very good!"

"Oh...don't mention it, those things don't matter whether you are rich or poor."

The meaningful words caused everyone present to fall into silence. Under the depressive atmosphere, the man in the lead sighed: "Don't talk about the bad things. We just relax when we go out fishing. By the way, how are your results?"

After forcibly changing the subject, everyone reluctantly regained their energy and teased each other, but they felt that something was wrong as they spoke.

"You didn't catch any of them?"

"You too?"

"I thought it was just my bad luck!"

Everyone looked at each other, and they all saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes.

Based on past experience, they should at least get a few groupers now, but today they don’t even have root hairs!

"Could it be an earthquake and tsunami? I heard that fish schools can sense disaster in advance and hide!"

"Don't scare yourself, maybe it's just those **** fishermen who have just caught all around."

The man in the lead reluctantly smiled, but he still retreated in his heart.

"Since there is no gain, let's go back quickly."

At this moment, a weird wave swept the yacht high, and several men subconsciously grasped the fixture beside them, so that they were not thrown out of the ship's side.

Flicking back and forth like a roller coaster, the men growled in disbelief as they watched the windy and sunny weather.

"Be careful!"

"Tuck your seat belt!"

"What a tsunami!"

"No! Look down!"

Hearing George's call, the men noticed that the surrounding sea had become pitch black.

"What's under the sea!!!"

Under the bright sunlight, everyone vaguely saw the boundary of the dark shadows. The body shape that almost spread to the end of the line of sight made them stand upright and their scalp numb.

Knowing that the waves that shook the yacht back and forth were only waves produced by the shadows swimming, the men could no longer suppress the fear in their hearts, and screamed sharply.

"What the **** is that?"


A huge wave came, and a yacht weighing dozens of tons was thrown into the air, and it took several seconds before it hit the sea.

"George! Ivan!!"

The waves subsided gradually, and the leading man untied his seat belt and slapped his unconscious companions, but he could not wake them up.

Looking at a mountain-like back ridge in the distance, the man's body trembled.

That direction... is Saint Sith!

I quickly picked up the satellite phone, but all the electronic equipment on the yacht had a scorching smell, as if it had been attacked by electromagnetic pulses.

It's over... my wife and children are in the city...

Sitting on the deck, the man watched as the metallic "mountain" disappeared from the end of his sight, his eyes filled with despair.

At the same time, on a synchronous orbit more than 30,000 kilometers away, an ear-piercing buzzer sounded in the command module of an aerospace carrier. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"An unknown object is detected close to the North American continent, and there are still 721 seconds before landing."

"What is that? Why haven't you found it before?"

"All our detection equipment failed against it, or it was captured by the optical satellite after it surfaced actively!"

"In other words, we can only observe it with the naked eye?"

"Yes it is!"

"Fack! Is it a creature? How about a rank?"

"The energy level is unknown. According to the spectrum analysis, its surface is covered with heavy metal particles, but it does not look like an artificial weapon..."

"What is it that metal is not a weapon?"

"Uh... you can see for yourself..."

The intelligence officer zoomed in on the screen with a weird face, even if it was separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, the rows of cold and heavy carapace still let people see its full picture.

"The length is close to two kilometers, the body is streamlined, and the swimming posture is like a crocodile..."

"But the crocodile doesn't have the carapace like this dinosaur!"

"How could there be such a huge creature on earth?"

"Stop arguing, sync the analysis to the central brain!"

The commander roared, and the hall was suddenly silent.

"I think I know what he is..."

Muttering in his mouth, his eyes fixed on the black shadow moving at high speed on the screen, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and...more greed.

A few minutes later, the stern sirens sounded in the sky of Sansis, and in the port area on the outskirts of the city, the sea swelled up the terrifying water curtain mountains. In the horrified and desperate eyes of mankind, a monster man in heavy armor stood up. , Let out a roar that shook the world.



All the glass within a radius of tens of kilometers burst to pieces, and the terrible sonic boom instantly razed the nearby buildings to the ground.

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