Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1116: , The real [Angel]

The entire port area was turned into a dead zone, and everyone was killed by the shock wave. Only a few kilometers away did some extraordinary people resist the impact.

"what is that?"

"Hurry up and ask for help!"

Just a simple roar caused an unimaginable disaster, with a mysterious and divine roar shaking back and forth along the atmosphere, like swearing the return of a great existence, and like a death threat before hunting!


After eating and drinking, Li Rui, who was happily playing cats and dogs, became stiff, and suddenly stopped and turned his head to look out the window.

The rest of the teammates also stood up at the same time, but the two Catavia sisters looked at each other in a panic, at a loss.

What happened?

Why is everyone standing up?

Should we stand up too?

"Brother, what is that sound?"

Li Wei shrank into Li Rui's arms timidly, looking at the sky outside the window, faintly afraid.

"Don't be afraid, it was the voice of the food delivery man, and he brought us delicious food."

Rubbing his sister's head, Li Rui's mouth raised a grinning smile.

"He is swearing the territory."

Aya Xiyi lost focus, her gaze seemed to penetrate the void, and she saw the distant shore.

"Or to demonstrate, to demonstrate to other top predators!"

Like Aya Xiyi, Li Rui looked at the void, but his face was full of disdain and sneered: "It really is a brainless thing."

Aya Xiyi: "The behemoths of the Primordial Primordial Wilds are all like this. They were born in the world, but they only follow instinct."

"Then are we going to help?"

Luo Li opened her eyes wide in excitement, eager to try.

"On the other side of the earth, even if it takes two or three hours for me to fly, the day lily is cold."

"Unless [Beyond Golden Bridge] is used, it doesn't mean that the thing is started when it is started..."

Li Rui shook his head regretfully, eyes drooping.

"Furthermore... that is the prey of [Mechanical God Cult]. If they don't take the initiative to ask for help, we won't be able to grab food from others..."


"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Dual engine stalls, the attack is invalid, repeat! The attack is invalid!"

Seeing that the missile that can penetrate tens of meters of reinforced concrete did not even splash, the pilot in the humanoid mech was desperate.

He is also a golden-level transcendent at any rate, and under the blessing of the mecha, even approaching him is an extravagant hope!

There are still thousands of meters away, and the high temperature outside has slowly melted the mecha. If exposed to such an environment, he can't escape the opponent's "domain" at all.

"Particle weapons are invalid!"

"The energy weapon is invalid!"

"The dead light weapon is invalid!"

Knowing that he was hard to escape, the pilot endured the hotter and hotter, smashing all the weapons on the enemy.

However, he didn't even notice that he was attacking, the monster stepped forward leisurely, and the seemingly flimsy body guard firmly stopped all the damage, like an inviolable extreme wall.

"Damn it! Go to hell!"

The mecha has long lost its power and all weapons have failed. The driver adjusted its posture, let it glide and dive, and hit the monster's back with one head.


Compared with the "mountain range" that stood on its own for nearly a kilometer, the weak and fragile exploded in a flash, without even attracting the attention of the monster.

"Distorting the laws of physics, ignoring all non-divine attacks, is this the real [Angel]?"

In the rear command center, a middle-aged man with white beard and hair stared at the monster on the screen and muttered to himself.

"The divinity of the ordinary Secret Diamond Rank can be ignored, and the only real threat to him is the rough stone."

"The only good news is that his [country] has not yet condensed and formed. It is now just an ordinary high-temperature field."

"But this field can still weaken the damage, and coupled with the crushing of the personality, it is difficult for us to touch him!"

"Those weapons must be used!"

"After so many years of preparation, now is the time to test the results."

Seeing the excited and uneasy old man around, the middle-aged man smiled slightly.

"Then let him taste the crystallization of human wisdom."

The morale in the command hall was lifted, everyone returned to their posts, and the Quantum Brain Linked them into a whole, forming a kind of grand and holy consciousness.


"Is it over?"

"It's over, that [Angel] has fallen."

"Seven hours, faster than expected."

"They used a lot of new weapons this time, some of them are simply crazy!"

"Hehe, no matter how much he is, what can kill the gods is a good weapon."

"That's true, but they seem to be out of trouble and urgently invite us to attend the meeting on the spot."


"Xiao Rui, you are all right in the Dragon of the Kingdom, and no one else can get away..."

"That fellow Aya Xiyi is already having lice!"

The girl who was holding a novel and reading with gusto suddenly raised her head and her eyes gradually became sharp.

"Then you two should go together."

"How much face, do you want the two of us to go together?"

Holding the phone, Li Rui turned her head stiffly, avoiding the death gaze of the girl.

"They said [Angels] can divide us into flesh and blood."


The impatient Li Rui's face changed, and he straightened up instantly.

"I'm not trying to figure him out, but I just feel that it is the sacred duty of the dragon of our town and country to protect world peace!"

"Then you agreed?"

"Of course! This is my responsibility!"

He slapped his chest fiercely, UU reading www. Li Ruiyi said righteously.

Immediately, he changed his conversation and lowered his volume: "Well, take the liberty to ask, how much meat can be divided?"

"Didn't your kid just get a big spider? Why are you still thinking about the gain?"

"Oh... Brother Hanran, you don't know, the family is almost too poor to open the pot... It doesn't matter if I am hungry for a few meals, but I can't suffer the child no matter how hard it is! Xiao Wei is thin!"

Listening to Li Ruisheng's tearful cry, Aya Xiyi turned to look at the white and tender kitten, frowning in confusion.

"The meeting is divided into half, you have to give some business trip subsidies, right?"

"A quarter is not enough to stuff my teeth!"

"One-third, can't be less!"


After hanging up the phone, Li Rui smiled crookedly and turned to look at Aya Xiyi.

"Go, brother takes you on a business trip!"

"Don't go!"

"There are subsidies."

"I want to have lice, don't go."

Opening the novel, Aya Xiyi choked Li Rui speechless, and finally could only use his assassin, slowly showing a finger.

Looking at the trembling fingers in front of her, the girl raised a beautiful smile and closed the novel with force.

"I want to **** your deified part!"

His whole body trembled, but thinking about the divine flesh and blood of white prostitution, Li Rui finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

But as soon as the two of them stood up, a soft Q-bomb body suddenly jumped on Li Rui's back and tightened his neck.

"Captain, I want to **** too"

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