Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1117: , You can shut up!


Amidst the violent engine jets, a transatmospheric transport aircraft landed vertically at Sansis Airport. The solemn red carpet was immediately spread under the gangway. Dozens of extraordinary men in sci-fi armor stood on both sides. At the end of the blanket is a group of middle-aged people in casual clothes.

As soon as he walked out of the cabin, he was taken aback by the flamboyant bursts. Li Rui was calm on the surface, but a hint of anxiety rose in his heart.

It seems that there is something wrong with that [Angel], otherwise [Mechanical Theology] would not need to make superficial efforts at this critical moment...

It is estimated that there is some request to us...

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, but Li Rui had a professional smile on his face.

"Master Li Rui, it's great for you to come!"

The headed middle-aged white man grabbed Li Rui's hand and snotted and shed tears, as if a villager who had been harmed by a devils saw the Eighth Route Army.

"Uh...what's the specific situation? Your bulletin has always been vague."

Shaking the middle-aged man's hand, Li Rui slowly turned his head, and at the end of the skyline, a dark "mountain" could be vaguely seen.

Just crawling on the ground are more than a hundred meters high, and coupled with the vertical plate armor, you can feel a sense of pressure on your face even from a long distance.

"Is it Him?"

Looking at the big guy in the distance, Li Rui narrowed his eyes and his throat rolled.

Such a big tuft, I don't know how much meat can be divided...

"Yes, he suddenly appeared near the open sea yesterday afternoon and landed in the Sansis Port area in less than ten minutes."

"Wait, such a big guy, did you find out ten minutes in advance?"

Li Rui looked at the middle-aged man with some doubts.

Isn't the detection technology of [Mechanical God Religion] unique in the world?

Don’t you claim to be able to catch a baseball outside the solar system?

How could you be touched by such a big target?

Hearing that, the middle-aged man smiled bitterly: "All detection methods are invalid for him. If he hadn't taken the initiative to surface and be discovered by optical satellites, we might really have to wait for him to land before we can react."

"Can it only be observed by the naked eye?"

Li Ruimo stroked his chin, thoughtfully.

"Yes, but thanks to the ten-minute warning time, otherwise our losses would have been multiplied several times."

"How about the disaster?"

"More than 70,000 people were killed, and several times as many were missing!"

The middle-aged man almost gritted his teeth and said the word missing. In the terrifying high temperature field of [Angel], even steel will melt, not to mention the flesh and blood!

Therefore, almost 100% of this missing person can be judged as dead!

Calculated in this way, in just a few hours, the loss of personnel on the North American continent has exceeded a high-intensity war!

The last time I suffered such a heavy blow had to be traced back to the Civil War...


Patting the middle-aged man's shoulder, Li Rui sincerely comforted him, and suddenly turned his head to look at the "mountain" in the distance.

"Are they here too?"

Whispering softly, Li Rui smiled apologetically to the middle-aged man.

"I'll go to the scene to see the situation, there is no need to entertain me."

Before the middle-aged person could react, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and the friendly and sunny youth disappeared in front of him like bubbles.

A few minutes later, Li Rui entered a piece of dark red scorched earth, and a pungent sulfur smell came over his face.

A group of extraordinary people wearing protective clothing are busy under the "mountain", not far away, a few familiar auras gather together.

"Provisional code name [Hellfire], total length 2011 meters, length 938 meters, standing height 799 meters..."

Grace was reading the latest report of [Mechanical God Cult] in a low voice, and an unexpected voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"Give me a whole report from anywhere."

With a shake of her elbow, the endless holy light instantly condensed into a hot lightsaber in her palm, and subconsciously slashed behind her.


The lightsaber tore open the defense easily, and cut a deep blood mark in the palm of the visitor.

"I haven't seen it for a few months, do you need to kill me as soon as you use it?"

"Who told you to touch my back silently?"

A trace of anger flashed through the pure gold pupils, and Grace condensed the lightsaber, frowning at the bloodstain on Li Rui's palm.

Mind moved slightly, the warm holy light enveloped the big hand, the hideous wound quickly healed, and only a few seconds later there was only a red mark left.

"It's you birds... the angels are reliable!"

Li Rui was full of emotions during the activities of the five fingers.

He still misses the power blessed by the three blazing angels in the finals of the first [Holy Grail War].

[God's power], [God's body], [God's majesty]...

Thinking about it now, isn't it about deifying and improving one's attributes in a short period of time?

Forcibly blessing a mortal into a mythical creature, this kind of power is not much better than the [True Dragon Form] that [China] descends.

However, Grace looked at Li Rui with weird eyes, frowning and tightening.

"Are you really Li Rui?"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"I didn't gather much strength in a rush just now. It would be nice if I could leave a scratch on your skin."

"But now, I can actually tear your defenses apart!"

"The immortal dragon is not so fragile!"

Grace looked directly at the ordinary black pupils, and felt that something was wrong as she talked about it, and a thick vigilance gradually rose on her face.


Li Rui had mixed feelings in his heart, and UU read for a while and was speechless.

Fortunately, the purple-black mist instantly condensed beside him, and the cold and arrogant girl released him with a word.

"Blind your dog's eyes!"

Grace: "..."

Seeing that Grace Tijian was about to fight Aya Xiyi, Li Rui quickly separated them.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, we still have business!"

"Who is arguing with you? She scolds me!"

"Statement of facts is also called scolding? Ridiculous!"

"Look at her!!"

"Heh, a bird with a broken spine, dare to bark yellingly in front of me...uuuuu..."

"You can shut up!!!"

He covered Aya Xiyi's small mouth that was wiped with honey, Li Rui pressed Grace's head with the other hand, and pressed the two sides with all his strength.

After fighting for almost ten years, don't these two guys feel tired?

He began to feel exhausted before he did the right thing, and his eyes were full of fatigue.

"Meeting for the first time, hello, Lord Real Dragon."

A kind-faced black old man walked forward and proactively stretched out his hand.


Even at close range, he couldn't feel the slightest energy fluctuation in his body. Knowing that this was another senior original stone step, Li Rui threw away the melon skin in his hand and shook hands with him politely.

Seeing Li Rui throw the famous [Creation Sacred Dragon] and [Seraph of Six Wings] casually, the black old man's eyelids twitched slightly, and his smile became a little stiff.

Are young people so casual nowadays?

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