Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1118: , [Communicator]

[Creation Sacred Dragon] I won’t say it is his own person, but Grace is the archangel who sounded the horn of doom, standing on top of heaven!

Are you afraid of diplomatic issues when you treat her this way?

However, contrary to the old man's expectation, Grace seemed to have become accustomed to Li Rui's style and did not care about his offense at all.

"Right, I haven't consulted yet..."

"Oh, this is [Foundation] Chairman Gavin Jefferson, you can just call me Gavin."

"It turned out to be Chairman Gavin. I am lucky to meet, I am lucky to meet."

As soon as there was a commercial talk, before Gavin Jefferson and Li Rui deepened their feelings, there was a pleasant call in their ears.

"Li Rui, come here."

"Sajjang, long time no see."

"How many times have I told you, don't add sauce!"

"Oh, good Saejang, no problem Saejang!"

Gavin Jefferson's eyelids began to twitch unnaturally after listening to the indifferent conversation between the two.

That is the new generation of Olympus God King!

Is it okay for you to provoke her so much?

But unlike imagined, the **** king in charge of the violent thunder was not angry, but he sighed exhaustedly and gave up correcting Li Rui.

"Look at this corpse."

"Any questions?"

"You know it by just reading it."

Suspiciously, he came to the foot of the "mountain" and looked up at the hideous behemoth from close range. Even if he knew it was just a corpse, Li Rui still felt a little suffocated.

That is the fear of giants imprinted in genes by mortals!

Laughing blankly, Li Rui stretched out his hand to stick to the hot, high-temperature scale armor, and his divinity gradually penetrated into the depths of the corpse.

After a few minutes, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and a dignified look appeared in his eyes.

"He is polluting the world."

Kazama Sae approached and stood side by side with Li Rui, looking up at the majestic "mountain" that was barely visible at the top.

"More than that, I also smelled the familiar'smell' on Him."

"What's the taste?"

"The Brood of Corruption—Lomiuristina's Factor."

"How do you know that it is the factor of Lomuristina?"

"Because I had close contact in the first [Holy Grail War] finals. Oh, yes, you were eliminated in the semi-finals. It is normal not to know."

Kazama Sae: "..."

Can you speak?

Had it not been for me to help you find [Victory] off the court, you would have been killed!

Sae Kazama took two deep breaths, swallowed the **** that had reached her mouth abruptly, and bit her silver teeth, so that she maintained her goddess' demeanor.

"This thing is ‘poisonous’, no wonder [Mechanical God Cult] is so generous..."

Smash it, Li Rui watched the thick bright blue jelly-like blood flowing out of the wound of the "Mountain Range", slowly seeping into the ground like magma, scratching his hair in distress.

"It seems that [Fallen Council] has injected its own factors into the depths of the passage, allowing Chaos to take their authority when combining with Gaia."

"The [Angel] born from this became their [Communicator]."

"Kill [Angel], the corpse will contaminate the world and accelerate the return of divinity. If you don't kill, they will spread evil on the earth... It's a good calculation!"

Grinding his teeth, Li Rui slapped the heavy scales, his eyes drooping.

"Unfortunately, if it is not contaminated, he is very suitable to be made into the sea emperor's saint clothing."

Kazama Sae sighed faintly, and glanced at Li Rui disgustedly.

You are thinking about fart!

"Actually, it is not without purification."

A black-robed mage suddenly appeared beside the two and saluted them respectfully.

"I have seen His Excellency Li Rui and His Majesty the King of God."

The black gilt robe is covered with mysterious and gorgeous magic inscriptions, and the deep and surging magic power flows in it endlessly. The original violent energy is like the most docile pet, without any leakage!

With a tall nose, deep and three-dimensional features, and staring into the beautiful dark gray eyes, Li Rui glanced at the black robe on her body and smiled slightly at the mature beauty in front of her.

"Congratulations on your advanced rough stone, Archmage Debra Sank."

"Slight progress is not worth mentioning in front of your Weili."

Gavin Jefferson's heart jumped on the side and looked at Debra Sank strangely.

It was obviously a compliment, but she said it very seriously, as if she really thought so...

You are a rough stone steps anyway, do you need to be so humble?

However, he didn't know that when he saw Li Rui beheading the divine dragon wearing the five-color dragon crown in the [Abyss Layer], Debra Sank had cast a deep shadow in his heart from then on.

No matter how much progress she has made, she can only feel the heavy pressure when she thinks of the black light sword light that destroys everything, and she can't be proud of it at all.

"By the way, you said that there is a way to purify the factors in the corpse, but that is the stripping of the gene level. Has the [Magic Council] developed a new technology?"

Li Rui asked curiously.

It's not that he looks down on [Magic Council], and there is no reliable solution in theory. Why should they solve it?

As if knowing the suspicion in their hearts, Debra Sank shook his head and said bluntly: "[Magic Council] has no solution."

"then you……"

"But [Food Hunters Association] has a way!"


"The last president of theirs has a special ability. UU Reading can strip any component of any substance, even divinity!"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they all stared at her.

"Why haven't we heard of it?"

"My teacher once cooperated with him to hunt down mythical creatures, and only then did I know this secret."

"Then I will contact [Food Hunters Association] immediately!"

A middle-aged white man wearing a heavy mechanical armor suddenly appeared beside the crowd and let out a low excitement.

"Don't worry, Commander Jerome, the last president of the [Food Hunters Association] is higher than my teacher's seniority. It has been hidden for decades, and may have already fallen."

Debra's words were like a basin of cold water pouring down, and everyone looked at her with strange eyes.

So are you kidding us?

Debra shrugged helplessly: "This is the only solution I can think of."

"No matter what, contact the current president Kathy Winnie first, she is the person most likely to know the whereabouts of the previous president!"

Jerome shook his head, turning into a stream of light and disappearing before everyone's eyes.

"[Holy See], [China], [Foundation]..."

After he left, Li Rui counted the heads one by one, and found that all the representatives of the seven gods were gathered except for [Dark Night Secret].

Secretly smacked in my heart, these people are either the core high-level leaders or the new generation leaders. It is not easy to bring them together!

"[Mechanical God Cult] This time I'm going to spend my money, I can actually invite you all."

Today, I went to the hospital to take an X-ray of the cervical spine. It was delayed for a while, and the update was late. Sorry, but I still asked for a ticket ('Д)

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