Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1119: , Stomach is very good

Ignoring Li Rui's ridicule, Sae Kazama stroked the rough scale armor that was still exuding high temperature, blinking in doubt.

Staring at each other for a long time with Aya Kii, Grace looked away cursingly and saw Sae Kazae's strange expression when she turned her head.

"what's happenin?"

"It seems that this corpse is undergoing some changes..."

"How is it possible? I'm sure he has fallen!"

Grace's eyes widened, and he hurriedly posted it to observe carefully.

After a while, she also frowned hesitantly: "It seems to be there!"

"Li Rui! Li Rui!"

Subconsciously looking for foreign aid, as soon as she turned her head, she saw Li Ruizheng with his mouth wide open, staring thoughtfully at the mountain-like corpse, as if measuring something.

"what are you doing?"

"I wonder if I can swallow him in one bite, so that it won't pollute the flowers and plants."


Hearing Li Rui's words, everyone present fell into dead silence, and their eyes changed slightly when they looked at him.

Do you want to swallow [Angel] in one bite?

Are you really afraid of being crushed to death?

However, compared to Gavin Jefferson's inner contempt, Sae Kazama and others have seen the scenes of him gnawing various gods, and they are more shocked than skeptical.

But you don’t touch anything that people do!

"Can you really swallow [Angel]? Their chaotic divinity is very polluting!"

Debra Sanke stared at Li Rui, and the delicate body under the robe trembled insignificantly.

"It should be okay to chew him to death, but he can't eat it, it's too big."

Li Rui looked at the "mountain" in the distance, sighing with regret.

"As for the pollution of chaos and divine should be okay, my stomach has always been good, and it's delicious to eat."

Debra Sank: "..."

Your stomach is too good!

"Eat, eat! Just know to eat! Come and see this corpse!"

As if thinking of some bad memories, Grace let out a grumpy roar, dragging Li Rui to the black "cliff".

"What's wrong?"

"We all feel that some subtle change is happening in Him, but we can't capture the details. Come and see!"


After a serious reaction for a long time, Li Rui suddenly widened his eyes and suddenly realized.

"The temperature is so high, it should be cooked!"


Sae Kazama and Grace looked at each other, and both saw deep regret in each other's eyes.

You shouldn't be called this naive person!

"Oh~ stupid!"

Raising her chin proudly, Aya Xiyi walked to Li Rui with a sneer and put her hand on the scales.

I don't know if she said Li Rui was stupid, or Grace called him stupid, anyway, the eyes of the two of them looked a little dangerous at her.

However, the expression of incomprehensibility could not be maintained for more than five seconds, Aya Kiyi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he snarled in disbelief.

"Twist [death]! Someone is manipulating his body!"


Before Li Rui and others could react, energy lines appeared on the surface of the towering "mountain", and the terrifying divine breath instantly cleared the surroundings.

Below the Secret Diamond Rank, he was thrown into the sky without resistance, struggling in the huge energy storm.

And the high-ranking transcendents held up the barriers one after another, looking up at the dark "mountains" rising from the ground in horror.

"Isn't he dead? Why can he be resurrected?"

After a brief loss of consciousness, the most elite group of transcendents on the earth immediately recovered, and the overwhelming attack instantly drowned the enemy.

"There are such good things?"

Unexpectedly, he could still eat a warm bite, Li Rui's eyes lit up and immediately liberated his strength.

[No Blame·Feast]!


In the tyrannical roar, the ferocious worm, which was a circle larger than the [Angel], turned from virtual to solid, and the scythe and claws held high instantly smashed into the thick scale armor.

The terrifying counter-shock power was fed back to Li Rui's body, and the figure standing on top of the Zerg's head trembled slightly.

so hard! !

It is indeed the [Angel] who has really come to the ground, more powerful than Rose's body!

Excited smiles were raised at the corners of his mouth, two indomitable monsters collided with each other without any fancy, and the terrifying space cracks flew and disappeared where they met.

The energy that destroys the heavens and the earth circulates in their shells, with a radius of more than ten kilometers like the end of the day.

The air swept up a storm of destruction, and the earth cracked and rolled like water waves!

What's more frightening is that this change is only the aftermath of two giant beasts fighting each other. Most of their power is used on each other, and there is almost no leakage!

"What's the matter? [Hellfire] is alive again?"

"Yes, fortunately, Your Excellency Li Rui was on the scene and stopped it!"

"Something's wrong, the energy characteristics of [Hellfire] have completely changed, as if a necromancer is manipulating his corpse!"

"Absurd! Who can control the body of [Angel Rank]? Reaper?"

In the distant command center, the commander roared angrily, and the whole hall was silent, even he himself was stunned.

This logic... seems to be fine! ?

His pupils shrank slightly, and he realized that he seemed to be telling the terrifying truth without knowing it!

"Li Rui, be careful."

The purple and black condensed around him, Aya Xiyi and Li Rui stood side by side on top of the Zerg’s head, watching it gradually push [Angel] down the wind.

The battle is much easier than imagined. The [Angel] awakened from the corpse has no strength, even the domain can no longer be released, and has a mythical personality, but was beaten to blood by a few "mortals"!

"What's the situation with him?"

"The gods who hold [death] related authority control him behind their backs."

"But what's the point of this?"

With a bewildered frown, Li Rui overlooks the earth. With the blessing of Grace and Sae Kazema, even the secret diamond steps of [Mechanical God Cult] can cause damage to [Hellfire], even without himself, this corpse Can't find any waves.

"I don't know, just be careful anyway."


Nodded, the Zerg slowed down its offensive, alert for conspiracy that might come at any time.

And around him, the eyes of everyone looking at the Zerg gleamed with inexplicable emotions.

There is jealousy, shock, admiration, disbelief...

If it weren't for the fierce battle, it is estimated that Grace and others would have grabbed his collar and asked for clarity.

What about growing up together?

Why did you quietly advance Mimi to the rough stone?

From the awakening to the rough stone in just ten years, my dignified seraph can't do such an outrageous thing!

Not only Grace, but Sae Kazema's mentality exploded slightly at this time, and the golden thunder in his hand couldn't help but want to shoot the Zerg's forehead!

Good guy, I haven't seen you for a few months, you are going to heaven!

Could it be that my fourth generation of Olympus God King, actually want to chase the back of a mortal?

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