Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1120: 、【Curse of God's Fall · Paradise Lost】

The proud soul was severely stimulated, Sae Kazama secretly made up his mind to retreat and practice when she returned, and she must set foot on the throne before Li Rui!

Compared with the complex emotions of the gods, Gavin Jefferson's idea is much simpler.

Twenty-six or seven-year-old original stone steps... I have lived as a dog in my life...

The youthful vigor flashed in his mind, and the steady and solemn foundation director's eyes were slightly moist.

"It deserves to be [China]'s strongest scale, even [Angel] can't break his defense!"

With soft admiration sounded in his ears, Gavin Jefferson turned his head and looked at the beautiful black-robed beauty Grand Mage who was admiring his eyes, and an inexplicable feeling of unhappiness surged in his heart.

"That's not [Angel] at all, it's a large rough stone at best!"

"But Li Rui obviously didn't use his full strength. I believe that even when [Hellfire] is alive, he can stop it!"

"You are so optimistic about him?"

Are you fascinated by this kid?

Gavin Jefferson muttered to himself, glancing up and down with weird eyes.

As if sensing his emotions, Debra laughed and shook his head, muttering to himself faintly.

"You don't know anything about the power of [Indestructible Dragon]."

At this time, the situation on the battlefield has clearly tilted towards the direction of the Earth Allied Forces, the giant [Angel] is full of light blue viscous blood, dozens of fatal wounds all over the body!

Seeing that he was about to be cut under his claws, Li Rui and Aya Xiyi looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

That's it?

Are you sure it's not a free delivery?

Continue to carefully weaken the enemy's HP, but the two of them did not wait for the expected conspiracy until the last moment.

"Forget it, if you wait, you will be picked up by two human head dogs. If he cares so much, let's talk about it after gnawing!"

Grinning with white teeth, Li Rui took a deep breath, and the zerg under his feet responded with his emotions and issued an excited and bloodthirsty roar!



Two sickle and sharp claws ripped the flesh and blood, hacked deeply into the wounds of the enemy's shoulder armor, and embedded them all the way into the bones.

The huge force fixed the [Hellfire], which was not afraid of death, and the jaws of the Zerg opened like a snake, as if it could expand indefinitely.

Subconsciously stopped the attack, and in the horrified eyes of the [Mechanical God Cult], the unsatisfied huge mouth of the abyss enveloped [Hellfire]'s head, and then slowly "swallowed" it to the position of the chest.


The Law of Swallowing was activated, and the sawtooth fangs smashed the hard scales, making a sour chewing sound!

"The greedy bug swallowed the poisonous bait. He is dead."

In the dark temple, a group of stretchable shadows suddenly vibrated, screaming twisted and evil.

"Hehe, I hope he can like our blessings."

"It's a pity that the third [Profane Stele] was actually used on Fanwu's body."

"Without [blasphemy stele], our authority may not corrupt his divinity."

"In any case, the biggest unstable factor is removed, and we can proceed to the next step."

In the darkness, countless weird and indescribable shadows squirmed and twisted, and only a simple stone stele engraved with messy lines exudes a faint brilliance.

On the other side, the cold and sweet taste came back to his mind, Li Rui closed his eyes contentedly, chewing and swallowing subconsciously.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, and sensed that in the center of [Angel]'s eyebrows, a distinctive object was against the fangs of the Zerg.

It was a strange stone stele that seemed to be familiar, with countless dents dug out by nails on the surface, and an unknown breath was vaguely revealed.

Pupils shrunk to the size of a needle eye, and Li Rui flashed through his mind the terrible evil that was smashed in the first [Holy Grail War] finals, and opened his mouth to spit it out!

But before he could reverse the law of swallowing, the supposedly indestructible stele melted like a liquid, and instantly merged with the angel’s flesh and blood, forming a rotten smell, disgusting sticky pus burrowing into the throat, eroding down like a living thing. !

The protection constituted by the law of the system melted away under the corrosion of this "pus", and it felt like swallowing highly corrosive concentrated sulfuric acid. From the mouth, esophagus, to the stomach sac, all the organs along the way were terribly affected. s damage,

"Oh, vomit~"

The Zerg's magic phase disintegrated in an instant, and Li Rui fell from a height of nearly a kilometer, half-kneeling on the ground and retching uncontrollably.


A small white hand was against his vest, and the huge holy light poured into his body, making his chest bloom like the sun.

But in this holy light, a group of distorted black shadows visible to the naked eye slowly spread, covering the light a little bit and swallowing it.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing that Grace's power was ineffective, Aya Xiyi pushed her away with red eyes, and drew a mysterious and ancient bamboo slip from the void with her palm.

"Six Nether Records!"

Unreservedly infused with divine power, the cold and silent Nether realm spread from her feet, covering a radius of tens of kilometers in an instant!

The day turns into eternal night, and the chilling chatter seems to come from the bottom of the feet, and it seems to be whispering in the ear.

In a short moment, the world was dragged into the underworld, and everyone in the range seemed to understand their ultimate destination. Even the reincarnation of a **** like Kazema Sae couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The complex and mysterious moiré formation expanded in Li Rui's vest, and the purple-black ghostly power penetrated into his chest, interpenetrating with the ink-like twisted shadows.

After a few tenths of a second, Aya Xiyi's complexion changed, and she sensed the rapid growth of the dark shadow swallowing her, and she pulled her palm away without hesitation.

The monotonous and secretive world of the Nether shrank and was incorporated into the ancient bamboo slips in a blink of an eye. UU reading slowly faded away.

"Would you like me to try it?"

Kazama Sae reached out and grabbed it, and the golden king Lei Ting condensed into a majestic scepter in her palm.

"no need!"

Li Rui waved his hand and stood up on his knees, sounding like two rough stone slabs rubbing.

"what is the problem?"

Grace gritted his teeth and stared at him, her pure golden pupils full of anxiety.

Although it was only a brief moment of contact, the weird and evil black shadow was obviously not the power of an ordinary god!

"[Fallen Council] poisoned the corpse."

Staring at the record in the system panel, Li Rui lowered his eyes, and the pupils hidden in the shadow flickered.

"You get [Curse of God's Fall · Paradise Lost]."

"You suffer [pain]."

"You have suffered [torture]."

"You have suffered [corruption]."

"You suffered [death]."

"You suffer from [aging]."

"You suffer [crazy]."


In his ears, there seemed to be endless murmurs, as if hundreds of millions of desperate souls were cursing and roaring beside him.

Enter the city of endless pain through me.

Enter the pit of eternal misery through me.

Enter through me into the unrecoverable crowd.

Those who enter will sever all hope!

I went to the hospital to get the film. The doctor said that my cervical spine had no major problems, but it was quite difficult to treat.

I don’t know if I should be happy or sad... Sigh... I’m back late today, forgive me (′」∠)

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