Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1121: , Look straight at me!

In the dense darkness, Li Rui can't remember how long he has been walking. It may be a day, a year, or a longer time!

His footsteps were getting tired, his body heavier and heavier, the substance of darkness was like glue sticking to his mouth and nose, making him breathless.

The smelly breeze of corruption blew in my ears, bringing mad chattering like nothing, as if there were countless invisible ghosts lingering around him, trying to drag him into the endless abyss.

The silver bell-like laughter penetrated the rustling evil whispers. In this weird darkness, the only familiar and warm feeling drove Li Rui, making him continue to move towards a deeper gloom!

"Hehehe... brother..."

In the dim black fog, a fuzzy cheek appeared not far away, and Li Rui subconsciously speeded up his steps, staggering towards her.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

However, no matter how fast he ran, the fuzzy face always remained not far in front of him, and it was never real.

"Coco...Li Rui..."

"team leader……"


Deep and quiet overlapping echoes came from all directions, Li Rui looked around blankly, obviously feeling very familiar, but could not remember who the owner of these voices was!

"Hehehe... brother~~~"

Finally, the hazy outline in front of him froze, floating towards him strangely as if floating in the air.

With the distance getting closer, Li Rui finally saw her appearance clearly.

The delicate and matte facial features are filled with innocent smiles, like a ray of sunlight piercing the darkness.

The hazy memory flooded my mind, the chaos consciousness recovered a trace of clarity, Li Rui excitedly rushed forward: "Xiao Wei!"

However, his steps were suddenly stopped, and the smile on his face instantly solidified. He finally knew why he could only see his cheeks, because there was only an empty head in front of him!

"Brother, what's the matter with you?"

The girl stared at Li Rui with weird and evil eyes, and slowly tilted her head.

The cute movements slowly changed with the skew, and when her whole head was rotated 180 degrees and turned upside down, only terrifying fear was left.

Until this time, Li Rui finally saw that the back of the head was not empty, but an ugly and thick tentacle connected.

To be more precise, a younger sister's head grew from the top of the tentacles!

"Brother, come here, enter me, and return to the eternal paradise..."

The girl continued to murmur seductively. Li Rui looked at the familiar face, and for some reason his internal organs rolled, vomiting gulps of viscous pus.

"Li Rui..."

"team leader……"

When he raised his head, the tentacles of the blue veins swelled into translucent nausea sarcomas, and the turbid mucus rolled in them, rhythmic like a heart.

After a short time, the sarcoma exploded, and half-rotted heads came out, looking at Li Rui with **** hollow eye sockets.

"Youxuan... Luo Li... Xi Yi... Hannah..."

Muttering in his mouth, even if it had been rotten and suppurated, Li Rui still recognized the appearance of these heads, and there was another tumbling and squirming in his stomach.

"Brother...Li Rui...come here, enter me, and return to the eternal paradise..."

The silver bell-like smile gradually turned into a low, slimy roar, overlapping like the roars of billions of ghosts, shaking Li Rui's soul slightly.

Li Wei's exquisite and beautiful face slowly turned black, and the corruption melted. There were countless tiny wriggling maggots in the eye sockets, but the corners of his mouth still kept a penetrating smile.

"Hidden things, don't you even have the courage to face me?"

More and more memories came to mind, Li Ruiqiang resisted the urge to write vomiting, slowly propped up, staring at the filthy and profanity without showing weakness.

"Look at me directly! Cub!"

Five completely different divine lights condense into terrifying runes that cannot be described in words. They are either thick and tough, or tyrannical and bloodthirsty, or light and graceful... Each of them represents the supreme power from another universe. !

The five runes overlapped in Li Rui's eyes and melted into a deep and boundless chaos.

As soon as his gaze came, the darkness collapsed, following the tentacles upward, Li Rui saw the huge, star-like twisted flesh spanning countless time and space.

It was so huge, countless indescribable organs stretched and contracted, spreading to the bottom of the dark abyss.

In an instant, Li Rui understood that the monster that appeared in front of him was nothing more than an invisible synapse on its body surface, and the "earth" on which he stood was only a part of its body!

If it weren't for the protection of the power of chaos in the eyes, just the first glance at it, one would be physically distorted and eventually assimilated into a part of it!


As if awakened by the power of chaos, countless disgusting organs comparable in size to the stars squirmed violently, making sharp screams, causing Li Rui's soul to suffer unbearable tearing pain.

Not far away, "Li Wei"'s rotten cheeks slowly cracked open, revealing the sacred tusks underneath like petals, as well as the bottomless peristaltic cavity, slowly enveloping him.


Even with the protection of chaotic power, Li Rui could not resist the scream that pierced the soul. UU reading could only watch as he was covered by swelling "petals"... swallowed...


Gudong Gudong~~

The pool water filled with aura boiled violently, and the dirty and turbid black mucus spread in the pool, turning the clear liquid into a viscous jelly-like pus.

Dozens of deep-breathing figures sat in the sky, draining the aura from the entire plane and pouring it into the palm-sized watery jade dish!

The core of the jade dish condensed the warm and sacred light of the thickness of the hair, which vertically linked the bottom of the pool, but could not suppress the abnormal changes below!

The beautiful and ethereal fairyland gradually distorted and degenerated, turning into a strange realm like the depths of a nightmare.

In the corrupt and filthy pus, tentacles spread and grow, like seaweed swaying along with the waves.

Dense eyeballs protrude from the tentacles, watching the surrounding figures with crazy spiteful gaze.

"Oh...failed, let them stop."

The graceful and luxurious mature woman sighed, and several beautiful girls around her bit their lips together, and the corners of their mouths turned red.


The bottom of the pool not far away shook slightly, and a chaotic ripple containing all colors swept past, completely annihilating the blood pool that had been condensed into creeping flesh!

The figure deposited in the center of the pool opened his eyes, as if there was a void in his eyes.


"team leader"

Seeing the girl who was rushing towards him, Li Rui suddenly flashed a monster made up of corrupt heads, rolling in his stomach and nauseous, an inexplicable tyrannical and crazy killing intent appeared in his mind, his fingers moved slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to They tore to pieces.

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