Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1122: Erosion True Spirit

The terrible thought flashed past, and Li Rui suddenly woke up and couldn't help trembling slightly.

What am I thinking?

I actually want to kill Xiaowei and Luo Li?

Am I not clear about the distinction between reality and chaos?

The nail pierced deeply into the skin, and the constant pain was transmitted to the brain along the nerves, making his consciousness gradually clear.


After comforting the girl who was crying heartbreakingly, Li Rui looked at the crowd behind them.

The gazes crossed, and the solemn and sorrowful gaze was like a doctor looking at a patient with terminal cancer.

Shaking his head, Li Rui suppressed the dizziness and pulled out a reluctant smile.

"Don't cry, so many people are watching!"

"Wow, oh, oh, oh~"

If you don't say anything, the two girls cried even more sadly.

After taking great pains to stop their tears, Li Rui let go of the delicate body in his arms, nodded to Aya Xiyi and Teacher Hanna not far away, and smiled slightly at the other teammates.

Their feelings are more restrained, not as unrestrained as Li Wei and Luo Li, but the concern and pain from the spiritual network are so real, not inferior to the two around them.

A faint warmth surged in his heart, and Li Rui's gaze passed over them and looked at the crowd behind.

"Brother Han Ran, Antarctic Yuanjun, trouble you guys."


Feng Hanran let out a long sigh, patted Li Rui on the shoulder, and left with a group of original stone steps [Dragon of Zhen Country] in silence.

Except for the suppression of the seal of suppression, all the [Dragons of the Kingdom] were mobilized, and 17 artifacts of the Kingdom were used, and they were unable to expel Li Rui's curse. They really had no face to stay!

"Your curse has eroded to the true spirit, sorry..."

The graceful woman in feather and neon clothes looked at Li Rui regretfully, with a faint gleam in her eyes.

"It's okay, I can deal with it."

Seeing Li Rui's strong smile, Antarctic Yuanjun couldn't help but gently touched his head, turned around and disappeared in place.

Soon only his teammates were left on the scene. Feeling the depressive and heavy atmosphere in the air, Li Rui grinned and said: "Good fellow, I'm not dead yet, are you ready to cry for me?"

"team leader!"

Luo Li was angry and anxious, picking up a piece of soft flesh with his nails, and rotating it 180 degrees.

"Wow! Let go!"

With a backhand grabbing Luo Li into his arms, Li Rui smiled hippiely and stared at the beautiful face that was close at hand.

"Didn't you shout every day for usurping the throne? Now there is a chance!"

"I killed you!"

Luo Li's eyes were red with anger, and her little tiger's teeth were grinded and creaked, and her mouth was stuffy on his neck.

"Fuck me, lighten up, I am a patient now!"

In just a few seconds, there were several rows of teeth marks on her neck, and Li Rui screamed in pain.

However, after his interrogation, the atmosphere at the memorial service finally dissipated, and everyone barely smiled.

"What to do? The curse has merged with your true spirit, directly corroding your origin. Both [Rebirth] and [Resurrection] are useless. Is there anything else you can do?"

When Li Rui pulled out Luo Li, who was like an octopus, Aya Xiyi kicked him angrily.

"Some ideas, but still need to experiment."


Before Li Rui could finish speaking, all his teammates screamed unanimously, and the pupils burst out with naked eyes, staring at him for an instant.


Feeling the pain, swelling, and slowly decayed flesh, Li Rui gently closed his eyes.

[Fallen Council] The "poison" given to him is very strange, it combines all the "blessings" of the evil gods, and it is almost a "poison bait" tailored for him. It is almost a matter of reciting his name with his ID card!

Not only does it contain the divinity of restraining [eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity], it also counts the trump cards such as [resurrection] and [rebirth]!

But to be honest, this is not the deadliest part.

What really made him unable to resist was the weird and terrifying stele!

After several contacts, Li Ruiyin had a glimpse of what it pointed to, hidden in the depths of endless time and space, the existence of unimaginable horror!

Probably... that is an ancient **** that is older, more primitive, more powerful, and crazier than the earth gods, and represents the ultimate chaos of the universe!

[Old Dominator]!

A terrifying word flashed in his mind, Li Rui took a deep breath, a cold and clear aura bursting out of his body.

【Purification】·Secret Diamond Step

The crisp, crackling sound like glass shattered all over the body, and the cold water ripples swept across, smoothing the burning internal organs, and letting the corrupted flesh slightly come back to life.

Sure enough...Since it is difficult for this universe to have power beyond Him, then I will use the power of another universe!

Opening his eyes, the corner of Li Rui's mouth was curved.


Aya Xiyi grabbed his hand, and his divinity turned inside him, screaming with rare surprises.

But soon, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and her shoulders fell decadently.

"It's too weak...At best, it can only delay erosion and treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

"The quality is not enough to make up the quantity, and it can continue to improve."

Li Rui pretended to be relaxed and waved his hand nonchalantly.

If the [Purification] of the Secret Diamond Stage can remove the "poisonous" that is enough to make the gods fall, then the [Fallen Council] that made it can commit suicide collectively!

"I also have this kind of power. Even if you continue to improve, it can only delay your life. It is impossible to reverse the erosion!"

Relentlessly exposing Li Rui's lies, Aya Xiyi stared angrily into his eyes.

Looking at the calm and gentle eyes, the cold and sullen eyes quickly softened.

"It really doesn't work, let's try my method!"

"Can you separate and blend into the curse of the true spirit? That is the part that represents my most origin, and it is the foundation of the existence of ‘I’!"

Li Rui raised his eyebrows and looked at Aya Xiyi in surprise.

It's not that she looks down on her, if she is already a true **** at this time, then Li Rui still believes in her three points.

However, it is unbelievable that a Secret Diamond Tier is brazenly trying to accomplish a miracle that a **** can't do.

"It's not separation... it's obliteration..."

Bai Nen's little hand pressed against Li Rui's heart, and Aya Xiyi watched him with a gleam in her eyes.

"Remember the authority I planted in you?"

Blinking thoughtfully, Li Rui muttered for a few seconds, suddenly widened his eyes, and slowly uttered two words in disbelief.


"Yes, I will take back your true spirit, and use the reincarnation of ten and a hundred generations to obliterate your curse!"

Aya Xiyi stretched out his hand and pulled out a dark and ancient bamboo slip from the void, slowly spreading it out, revealing a column with Li Rui's name engraved on it.


Reaching out and squeezing her bright wrist, Li Rui stared into her eyes, and after a long time, she slowly shook her head.

"After a hundred generations of reincarnation, suffering from countless calamities, and wiping out the true spirit in the long river of time, is the ‘I’ still me?"

Although I couldn't add more, but still cheeky begging for a ticket (′°ω°`)

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