Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1123: , Mosquito's legs stuffed between teeth

"Of course it's you..."

Under Li Rui's deep gaze, Aya Xiyi drooped her head, whispering like self-hypnosis.

"At least... part of you..."

"This kind of philosophical speculation is meaningless. I can say that it is me, and I can also say that it is not me."

Letting go of Aya Xiyi's wonderful wrist, Li Rui shrugged his shoulders, suddenly grinned, raised his eyebrows jokingly, and asked if there was a point.

"Besides, what if you reincarnated as a girl?"

"Of course it is to make the brothers cool off first!!"

Huang Juncai instantly raised his head and his eyes became sharp.


Everyone turned their heads together and stared at him with an indescribable look.

"Why do you look at me with such a look? I just joked to enliven the atmosphere. It's embarrassing for you to do this!"

In the eyes of everyone looking at the trash, Huang Juncai first shrank into a ball, and then seemed to have figured out something, with his head held high, his eyes wide open, and he looked at them without showing weakness.

As long as I am not embarrassed, it is you who are embarrassed!

In this faceless gaze, everyone was helplessly defeated, and then looked at each other inexplicably and burst into a chuckle.

In any case, after Huang Juncai's interruption, the air became lively again.

Seeing that Li Rui also had a smile in his eyes, Huang Juncai nodded in satisfaction and sighed in his heart.

Alas... I am also broken for this organization...

"Well, let's not talk about this, Aya Xiyi, you should put away this set of things. If it is not a last resort, I will not choose reincarnation."

Patting the girl's fragrant shoulder, Li Rui's mouth raised slightly, but his eyes were determined and determined.


Aya Xiyi wanted to say something, a yellow-haired head suddenly rushed out of her side, and she interrupted.

"Brother Rui Yingming! In Samsara, there is not only a humane, but also a beast. If you reincarnated as a little wolf dog, wouldn't it be cheaper for Luo Li?"


Luo Li turned her head suspiciously and looked at him confused.

Can this involve me too?

Immediately, after realizing what he meant, the snow-white pretty face was blushing, and a large amber sword slowly pulled out of the void.

Seeing Huang Juncai shivering under Luo Li's vigor, Li Rui reluctantly shook his head and looked away mercilessly.

You feel uncomfortable if you don't die for a day, right?

If you can speak, you can speak more!

"Wow... Ya Lidie, Rui Ge save me!"

"I'm bleeding all over the floor!"

"The head is going to be chopped off!"

"Luo Li, stop! You are hitting her own person! I'm quite a dog!"


In the sad scream, a plump and mature man embraced Li Rui from behind, and a melancholy moan came from his ear.

"Ruijun, tell me the truth, do you have the confidence to eliminate the curse?"

Leaning against the magnificent soft touch, Li Rui pondered for a few seconds before suddenly grinning excitedly.

"No matter what the situation is, [Indestructible True Dragon] will always face a powerful enemy, advance without retreat!"

Grabbing her hand and placing it on the heart, Li Rui tilted her head slightly and stared at the violet crystal eyes.

"As long as I don't want to die, no one can kill me!"

In the depths of the crystal clear pupils, the unconcealable sadness faded away, and replaced by the same excitement as Li Rui's eyes!

"Then what can I do for you?"

"Find [food] for me...a lot...a lot of [food]!"

Li Rui's eyes were drooping, and his bottomless pupils looked like a cold moon covered by dark clouds, gleaming with cold light in the shadows.



In the cold and merciless whisper, a mountain-like monster condensed out of thin air, and its hideous sickle and claws ejected, capturing a scarred and tiny figure in the air.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

An uncontrollable roar of pain resounded through the sky, and the knife-like claws were deeply embedded in the flesh and blood, almost cutting him off the waist, leaving only the spine connected.

But the harsh wailing stopped abruptly, and the hideous mouth that swallowed the world wrapped the tiny figure in it, and then it closed suddenly!


The sound of infiltrating chewing echoed in the air, and the terrifying and terrifying Zerg's pupils were inexplicably flushed, tyrannically staring at the world.

"The curse has eroded deeper."

On the top of the Zerg's head, Aya Xiyi stared at the expressionless Li Rui worriedly, and stopped talking.

The original hard and smooth chitin carapace on the Zerg's body became dull and dull, and even mottled off in some places, revealing a foam-like structure that was corroded into a hollow.

The mysterious gilt runes all over the body were also cut to pieces, and the corrupt mucus constantly seeped out from the joints, making the entire zerg sticky and nauseous.

At close range, a faint corpse smell lingered on the tip of his nose. Aya Xiyi knew that the mind interfered with matter, and these were spiritual corruption directly fed back to the Dharma!

Looking at Li Rui distressedly, Aya Xiyi knew that he was suffering unimaginable pain at this time.

But his face was so calm, no waves were visible, he could only see his true feelings from the abnormal restlessness of the Zerg.

"It doesn't matter, it will be slower and slower next time!"

Looking at the distant skyline, as if staring into the void, Li Rui's voice was hoarse and far away, and the violent and restless zerg under his feet opened his huge mouth like a vent, and made a deafening roar, UU reading slowly disappeared. .

"Luo Li seems to have found a new prey over there, do you want to go over?"

"No, the hunt is suspended. I need to go back and digest it. From now on, you will help me pay attention to the whereabouts of [Chaos Angel]. I need them..."

Standing in the void, a tide of energy rises under Li Rui's feet, and the magnificent and mysterious three-dimensional magic circle gradually takes shape, opening up the "space-time corridor" that reaches the other shore.

The flesh collapsed into a ball of aura and shot into the void. Almost instantly, the two appeared in the center of [Rune Land].

When Aya Xiyi left gloomily, Li Rui let out a turbid, fishy high-temperature breath, and looked at his system panel intently.

"The battle is over, you participated in the killing of a hero-level unit."

"You have gained 406802 experience points."

"You got 51,291 gold coins."

"You killed a rough stone unit and gained 3971 advanced law fragments."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you have gained 20000+ (5121) permanent health points, and the number of feasts is +1."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality and you gain 103 permanent health growth."

"[Extraordinary Evil Force] Harvest the soul of a hero, and you will gain 32 permanent spell growth."

"You have obtained a rough stone treasure chest."

"You have upgraded!" ×5

Sure enough... the original stone steps are not enough for me!

Quietly sensing the [God's Curse] that eroded the true spirit, Li Rui's eyes flickered, and he deeply felt the feeling of a mosquito's legs stuffing its teeth.

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