Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1124: , 【Divine Energy】

The only good news is that [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] and [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation] under the oppression of death and decay, this period of time is advancing by leaps and bounds, and jointly resisting the threat of curses!

If these two great techniques can be promoted to the sixth level, plus the original stone steps [purification], and more and more divine blood, your resistance will have a qualitative leap!

At least...More time can be gained!

Clenching his fists, feeling the sore and tingling muscles, weakness and exhaustion spread in his heart, but Gu Jing Wubo was in Li Rui's eyes.

Unexpectedly, my first skill to reach the original stone step was [Purification]...

Shixiao shook his head, recalling the hardly sleepless enlightenment and use of this skill during this period of time, even Li Rui was surprised at the potential he had exploded.

Sure enough, people are forced out!

With emotion, rustling whispers came from all directions, as if something invisible was clinging to his ankles and whispering in his ears.

"Hehehe, Li Rui, Li Rui, Li Rui..."

The voice was so vicious and harsh, with indescribable evil madness, wandering around the skin like a living thing, making the scalp numb.

Li Rui felt as if he had fallen into the deep sea drunk, and the whole world was spinning around and fell to the ground with a bang.

Lying on the spot, he felt dizzy and weightless, as if something was dragging him into a deeper dimension.

Nausea and suffocation rushed to his heart, Li Rui's pupils suddenly shrank, the Summoner skill page suddenly enlarged in his eyes, and a mark shrouded in clear and cold aura burst into bloom.

【Purification】·Raw stone steps!

I didn't hesitate to use the new [purification] on myself. The sharp and cold aura expanded from the body in an instant, and when it reached a certain critical point, it was like a substantial glass burst.

The colorful divine light bloomed like the sun, and Li Rui broke free of hallucinations in an instant, and suddenly sat up from the ground.

"Ha ha ha, struggle in vain, use your flesh and blood, use your pain, use your despair...please please us..."

The authority in [The Curse of God] is quietly activated, [Pain], [Torture], [Death], [Aging]... Numerous pains that reach the soul instantly occupy all thoughts, and Li Rui's body is like a big bow bent into a terrifying arc Thread, the bloodshot roots in the eyes exploded, dyeing the entire pupil into blood red!

"To kill the people you cherish the most, and use their screams to build a new paradise..."

"Hungry? Go and devour the one you love..."

"Let them suffer endless pain, you can have eternal joy in the paradise..."

Layers of babbles poured into his mind, Li Rui pressed his teeth, only felt the endless hunger and pain flooding his brain, and the white and tender faces of Li Wei and others seemed to flash in front of him.

It seems... it's delicious...

A frenzied and tyrannical smile spread at the corners of his mouth, and a chaotic and distorted chaotic darkness bloomed deep in his pupils, but in the next instant, the fist wrapped in gilt golden light bombarded his temples unreservedly.

As if trying to get his brain out, Li Rui hit the other temple again with a backhand, his blood-red eyes regained clarity, and the corners of his mouth raised a cruel bloodthirsty grin.

"[Fallen Council]...A group of hidden heads and exposed tails, don't even have the courage to face me directly?"

"Come on! See who is devouring whom!!"

"Don't let me find you!"

"Don't let me find you!"

The low and violent roar gradually turned into a roar that resounded throughout the world, and the entire plane was trembling and trembling under the anger of the Creator.

After the extreme emotions passed, the sudden calm made the heavens and the earth calm, and Li Rui lowered his arms and head, as if he was brewing a more terrifying tyranny.

Suddenly, he raised his head, a pair of pitch-black, spiteful, greedy, crazy, bloodthirsty eyes looked straight into the void, as if seeing the dark shadow hidden in the depths of fate and dimension.

Across the endless time and space, the sights of both sides seemed to converge, and the corners of Li Rui's mouth slowly rose, grinning a terrifying smile that normal humans could not do.

"Your soul will become the food of the emptiness, and your flesh and blood will always be a part of me!"

The low and overlapping whispers seemed to be coming from the Jiuyou Hell, and the repeated shocking echoes made Li Rui's voice resemble some kind of terrifying monster that swallowed the world, with the evil and greed that made the gods fear it!


The chattering in the ear quietly disappeared, and the surroundings became deadly silent. Li Rui stared at the void until the disorderly high-dimensional chaos regained his vision, and then slowly retracted his gaze.

Wiping a hand of blood from his face, he took a deep breath and looked at a new data flashing colorful light on his panel.

Mana (God): 1/1

At the most dangerous moment just now, [The Return of Chaos, Zi Huang Jie] condensed a bit of the purest divine energy under extreme pressure!

Thanks to this divine power, Li Rui was able to break free from pollution for a short time, instead of planting a distorted and fallen seed deep in his heart.

But why can I deify both attributes at the same time?

Is it because of the concurrent cultivation of [The Return of Chaos, Zihuang Tribulation] and [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation]?

Distracted thoughts flashed in his mind, Li Rui shook his head and cast his gaze to his equipment bay. UU Reading

Relying on the gold coins from the last War of the Spider Queen, he has upgraded the three divine equipments [Giant Hydra], [Thorn Armor], and [Landry’s Torture] to the original stone steps.

Perhaps because of the high affinity, the progress of the divine fusion of these three pieces of equipment is unexpectedly fast, and it will not be long before he can start the fusion of the next piece of equipment.

But after glancing at only more than two million gold coins, Li Rui understood that to upgrade all the equipment to the original stone, the pitiful "nutrition" of ordinary things is far from enough!

What's more, it takes 3 upgrade options to upgrade a piece of secret diamond tier equipment to the original stone, and he has basically exhausted the gains from the War of the Spider Queen!

He needs more and stronger "food"!

The flesh becomes holy...feathering and ascension...

[Divine Energy] The resistance at the spiritual level is much higher than [Divine Blood]. The combination of the two is the root of the power of the deity.

If you can advance to the [Angel] level before you are "dying ill", plus the two magical skills and the Angel level [Purification], you can dispel the curse of obliteration by yourself without any external force at all!

This is a race against death, as long as I grow fast enough, the progress of the curse will not catch up with me!

[Fallen Council]...Hide well, and see how long you can hide...

When I am promoted to [Angel], I will dig out and eat you one by one!

Li Rui squinted his eyes, the bruises on his body gradually healed and disappeared, and his white teeth shone coldly.

Tomorrow, I finally have a weekend without working overtime, and there are other things to be busy. It feels like I don’t have a day to be idle... I really want to play games... Sigh... (′」∠)

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