Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1125: , [Heart] becomes blunt

In the deep and endless dark temple, countless warped shadows solidified silently, like static stone sculptures.

The strange atmosphere lasted for a long time, and finally a muddy voice broke the silence.

"Did you... see those eyes?"


There was another long silence, and the twisted shadows seemed to flash in front of their eyes a pair of pure black eyes that only appeared in the depths of nightmares.

And...the madness, greed, spite, and rage in those eyes...

It seems that with endless hatred of them, I want to chew up the entire universe!

"Hehe, this unstable factor is more tenacious than we thought..."

Pulling away from the brief fear, a demon voice echoed in the temple.

"Maybe... we should take advantage of his weakness and take the initiative."

"But he is in the arms of [China], the core of the Shenzhou enchantment. Unless our body can descend to the ground, going deep into the dragon's nest will be death!"

"Yes, even if we find him by bypassing the blessing of [Zhonghua], who is sure to withstand his dying counterattack?"

"Don't forget the sword he used to destroy the [Profane Stele] last time, when he was only silver... and now... he has reached the end of the mortal thing, only one step away from the holy steps!"

"Yes, no one knows how terrifying power an original stone step [Indestructible Dragon] can burst out of desperation, don't forget those eyes just now, under his gaze, my divinity is trembling!"

"Now there is no stupid Rose to test his bottom line for us...I don't want to be swallowed by him anymore!"


A terrifying picture flashed before my eyes, the "sky" collapsed, and the sky was completely replaced by a bottomless black hole-like throat, a monster bigger than a planet, as if the hideous monster emerging from the depths of a nightmare opened its greedy giant. Mouth, "slowly" swallowed the earth.


The last picture in the memory is the sawtooth fangs tearing up the body and crushing the bones. In the most primitive fear of death, the flesh, soul, and divinity are chewed to pieces, swallowed into the never-satisfying stomach sac, and become part of the monster.


In the trembling of the shadows, the dark temple trembled violently, and even time and space were stretched and torn apart with disorder, and it took a long time to regain calmness.

"So... let him slowly decay..."

"Well, we don't need to bury a dying bug, the ghost knows what he can do."

"But I always have an ominous hunch that we shouldn't give that monster a chance to breathe."

"Wheezing? That's [Profane Stone Tablet] plus [God’s Curse]. Even a half-god can only decay and wait for death. How long can a mortal thing last? Every second he will only get away from death. Furthermore, we just have to wait for the feedback of his death with peace of mind."





In the uniform voice of seconding, the worried voice fell silent, and the entire dark temple quietly faded, hiding into the depths of the dimension.


[Land of Runes] In the depths, Li Rui stood in the center of the altar with hollow eyes, and the colorful cards flipped and jumped between his fingers, and then quietly disappeared.

I need to grow faster and more rapidly...not to linger...

Reaping, devouring, plundering...

I must run faster than [Curse of God's Fall]!

The out-of-focus eyes suddenly condensed, Li Ruixin was determined, his fingers shook, and a bluish-black card was clamped.

Originally, he wanted to try whether [Ice Crystal Phoenix]'s passiveness could replace him with [Curse of God's Fall] and die once, but after careful research, he found that [Frost Nirvana] still couldn't escape the contradiction of the true spirit.

Even if he succeeds in Nirvana and resurrection, the curse in the true spirit is not annihilated. At best, it will make him linger for a while, meaningless!

So...instead of passively defending... it's better to be brave and diligent, and live after death!

After cutting off the last hesitation in his heart, Li Rui's eyes were startled, and he stared down at his heart in surprise.

In the invisible vision of others, a faint golden light is quietly blooming from the heart, and the blood containing gilt gold is pumped into the arteries in a powerful beating, and roars along the complex circulation, releasing vigorous vitality.

This is... [Eternal immortality and immeasurable karma]? ! !

A flash of light flashed through his mind, and Li Rui instantly understood that facing the test of life and death, he finally made a choice that satisfies him!

In other words, only the state of mind that is in line with the [Eternal Immortality] can give full play to its power!

Hesitation, fear, weakness, vacillation, hesitation, hesitation...

Since when...I am used to making decisions and then acting, losing the most primitive wild impulse, and forgetting the initial bravery?

Yes, after obtaining [Rebirth] and [Resurrection]!

Obviously I have the power to despise death, but after I have truly experienced death, I am even more afraid of it!

I am even more afraid that when all the hole cards are broken, I face death "naked" directly...

Covering his heart, feeling the strong pulsation under his chest, Li Rui knew that his own [heart] had become dull!

The more he is promoted, the more he realizes the gap between each level, and the more he can feel his own insignificance!

When standing at the junction of man and god, looking up at that new world, even if it is him, a trace of hesitation can't help but rise in his heart!

Because of ignorance, so fearless!

Because it is strong, so afraid!

When he didn't understand anything, he dared to swing his sword at Poseidon's remnant soul!

At that time, his heart was more [sharp] than it is now, more in line with the state of mind of [eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity]!

That is the "recklessness" that I am invincible and look at the world.

In a daze, Wang Lei's face flashed before his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

No wonder I always feel that Brother Lei’s [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] is more domineering than mine, it turns out that my heart is not "reckless"!

As if letting go of the heavy burden, Li Rui exhaled a long spit of breath, gilt blood rushed crazily in the meridians, and the whole [Rune Land] began to reverberate with the sound of rushing waves.

Forget [Resurrection] and [Rebirth], they are just the last reliance and should not be a stumbling block on my way forward.

I can't die without them!

As long as I don't want to die, no one can kill me!

Slowly clenching his fists, Li Rui's pupils spread out with golden threads, gradually occupying the entire eyeball.

[Eternal immortality and immeasurable calamities] Turning to the extreme, the eyes are like a mass of molten liquid gold. Li Rui's whole body is wrapped in a layer of materialized colorful divine light, whispering like self-hypnosis.

"I am eternal in time, immortal, immortal!"

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