Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1130: , Hentai【divine energy】

But before Li Rui could react, the surrounding reinforced concrete collapsed instantly, and countless tentacles with eyes and mouths swarmed, flooding the three of them like a tide.


The indestructible golden mask swells like the sun, shielding the three of them from the intrusion of their tentacles.

Raising his hand to hold it virtually, a crystal-clear and transparent, scarlet long sword with root-like gold threads spreading in the body of the sword was condensed in Li Rui's palm.

40 drops of [God’s Blood] Condensed blade...Let me see how sharp it is...

There was a smirk at the corner of the mouth, and the surging [sacred energy] poured into the sword body, the demon sword trembled slightly, and a layer of substantial gilt sword light was condensed on the blade.

[Void Blade]!



The golden light that was as thin as a cicada's wings flashed away, and the deformed tentacles around it instantly solidified. After a few tenths of a second, it began to scorch and deteriorate, and collapsed into flying ash.

With his toes lightly tapped in the void, Li Rui led Chen Pengfei into the weird world outside the building, coldly looking at the wicked giant who was returning.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The densely packed, eyeballs all over the body of the giant stared at them, and tens of thousands of mouths made evil and terrible turbid sobbing.

Just hearing this sound, the back of Li Rui's head seemed to be smashed with a hammer, and the [Curse of God's Fall] in his body began to move around.


The cruel and ruthless purple-gold dragon looked down on the ugly giant from a high place, and accompanied by a whisper, a ferocious insect that was one circle bigger than the giant turned from virtual to real, rushing towards the prey with a frantic roar!

"woo woo woo woo……"

Two behemoths collided in the air, even in the depths of the dimension, the surrounding space was obviously distorted.

"The curse has eroded to the true spirit, haven't you been weakened a lot? How do I feel that you have become stronger instead?"

In the void, a small piece of golden earth spread on the soles of Li Rui's feet. He coldly looked down at the two giants fighting under his feet, and Aya Xiyi's bewildered voice came from his ears.

"It's very simple, as long as the speed of growth exceeds the speed of curse erosion, you can also be strong instead of weak!"


I think this operation is not easy...

Aya Xiyi was silent for a few seconds, a thousand words rolled in her chest, and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

In an instant, he disappeared beside Li Rui, and in the next second, a purple-black ghost flame burst out from the heads of the two terrifying giants.

The quiet and cold flames covered the sky, and the mysterious realm seemed to be covered by an inverted glass bowl covering a radius of tens of kilometers.



A halo of frost spreads from the center of the domain, and the invisible energy instantly solidifies and manifests when it encounters obstacles. The transparent ice crystal bursts into the air like a ground thorn, sealing the **** evil giant in it.

【Ring of Frost】·Secret Diamond Step

Inflicts 1000 (+90% spell power) magic damage to surrounding enemies and a restraint effect for 15 seconds.

Taking advantage of this short confinement, the brutal zombie wielded its sickle and sharp claws, setting off a golden red storm all over the prey.

[Indestructible Grip]!

[Thorn of Fear]!

[Dragon Tooth Spikes]!


The sharp claws opened the bow from left to right, and the endless glazed blades flashed around the gods, cutting through the "canyons" tens of meters deep.

Feeling the ever-growing and condensed [divine energy] in the body, Li Rui's eyes were deep, and he nodded if he understood.

Along with his actions, the Zerg's offensive in the distance became more violent, unreservedly releasing the blade of destruction.

God...has an immortal body, endless energy...

Now, Li Rui finally understands the meaning of this sentence.

[Divine Blood] cannot be harmed by non-divine nature, and [Divine Energy] cannot be annihilated by non-divine nature!

It is endless and endless. As long as he possesses 1 point of [Divine Energy], Li Rui is equivalent to possessing infinite energy and can easily exterminate a planet!

Of course, the premise is that there is no **** of the same level to fight against him, and use the **** energy to oppose each other and annihilate him!

In addition, secret diamonds and rough stones can also condense a weak divinity, accumulating less and more, and it seems that they can also use human tactics to fight against the gods.

But their strength is too weak, almost negligible.

Only angels on earth and gods on earth who condense [God’s Blood] or [Divine Energy] from the pinnacle stone are qualified to face the gods directly.

A trace of understanding surged in his heart, and Li Rui couldn't help sighing.

Divine evil also possesses deification attributes, and his pitiful 1 point [Divine Energy] is almost wiped out.

Next, I have to buckle the rope and use the mana. I don’t know if I can grind this guy to death before he runs out of blue...

After a series of moves, the **** evil giant was chopped and screamed, but the wound he chopped in the previous second would be healed by creeping, and the thick pus like a waterfall flowed on the body surface, making his body shape more and more. More and more "soft and rotten".

It feels as if what he deified is the value of life, which is too defensive!

Frowning, Li Rui narrowed his mouth a little irritably.

In the real world where the divine nature has not yet returned, the mystery of [Divine Blood] and [Divine Energy] is not yet obvious.

But deep in the dimension far away from reality, this kind of rule-level factor is the most important variable!

If you want to break the rules, you must use stronger rules!


With a move in my heart, UU read www.uukanshu. com Li Rui injected the remaining traces of [sacred energy] into the Zerg's method, and the hideous and sharp chitin bone spurs penetrated from the body's surface, making it even more brutal and terrifying.


Densely dense tentacles spread across the body of the evil giant. These tentacles with big mouths and deformed eyeballs lashed on the zerg shell like a whip, but the evil giant roared in agony.

【Armor of Thorns】·Original Stone Steps


The only passive-Thorns: When hit by a melee normal attack, it will reciprocate magic damage to the attacker. The amount is equivalent to 60% of your armor plus 600, and the attacker will be severely injured for 1 minute.

(Divine transformation: After injecting the divine, the anti-injury effect can follow the line of cause and effect, and it will take effect on the ranged attack. The magical damage will be converted into the divine damage, and the severe injury effect will be converted into the divine severe injury, weakening 95% of the enemy’s health recovery. Destroyed by the same level of divine power, the effect lasts forever.)

The only passive-cold iron: When hit by a normal attack, reduce the attacker's attack speed by 40% for 30 seconds.


The power that swallowed and plundered from Monichka's body exerted an unimaginable power, and the overwhelming arms and feet of the gods and evil giants retracted like electric shocks, and the wounds sprayed out crude oil-like viscous black liquid.

That's it!

That's it!

It turns out that the battle between the gods is like this!

Bright light burst out in his eyes, Li Rui felt the [authority] slowly fading away in the body of the gods, and his breathing gradually became heavier.

Based on the deification attribute, cooperate with your own authority to create the sharpest [spear] or the strongest [shield]!

The stronger the deification attribute, the more authority you have, and the more tactical options you have, making it easier to target the enemy's weaknesses!

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