Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1131: , Hell's Gate Ashura

But if neither of the [spears] of both sides can pierce the [shield] of the other, the gods with unlimited energy will easily fall into an eternal stalemate!

   No wonder the ancient wars of Gods often fought for ten years, a hundred years, or even a thousand years. In addition to the war between the believers in the early period, the stalemate between the gods in the later period may be the most important reason!

   If he nodded with enlightenment, Li Rui couldn't help but look at his system panel, his eyes gleaming slightly.

   If you want to talk to me about authority, then I won’t be sleepy!

   More than thirty sets of **** outfits, sixty runes, thirty hero skills, ten summoner skills...

   Upgrade them to myth level in the later period, each of which represents the power of the law of another universe!

  In other words, I will have hundreds of complex and systematic theocracy!

   In addition, he plundered everything and swallowed the infinite growth of the gods...

   After thinking about it for a while, Li Rui couldn't help but get excited.

   By his side, Chen Pengfei stared at him bewilderedly, his small head creaking like a clock hand, with a hint of funnyness in the horror.


   The wind of destruction swept across everything, rippling layers upon the translucent golden barrier.

   The fight of the two prehistoric monsters brought back Li Rui's attention. He looked down and looked down. After the evil giant wiped out the [pain] in his body, he stabilized his position again, killing the ferocious insects inextricably.

   "Hei Yi, stop paddling, get rid of him quickly, we have to go to Sister Xiaoyun."

   Realizing that it is difficult to kill a **** who is known for his blood volume in a short time by his own strength, Li Rui helplessly whispered to the empty Nether realm.

   Hu woo woo~

   Yin and cold wind instantly spread in the Nether Realm, and along with the terrifying energy tide, the entire world was plunged into a devastating purple-black flame.

  【Pollution】·Secret Diamond Level

   Passive: (omitted)

   Active: Release magic pollution, causing% magic damage to surrounding enemies every second.


  The gods and evil giants seemed to be trapped in the incinerator. Numerous deformed arms and legs sprang out of his body, beating the ubiquitous nether flames, and the tens of thousands of fangs all over his body gave out sharp and piercing roars at the same time.

   However, the Zerg’s facial expressions opposite him were not affected at all. They swung their fierce claws and swooped up, like a combine harvester in a rice field, slicing the tentacles of those crazy dancing arms and legs to pieces.

   The translucent golden barrier stands still, like an island suspended in a sea of ​​ghostly flames. In this desperate and monotonous world, it seems to be the only light and the only safe haven.

   "Unexpectedly, [Pollution] can still be used like this... It's amazing, trap the enemy in the field and burn it!"

   Li Rui's eyes lit up, and he looked down at his feet with a sigh.

  Ice crystals, flames, and black flames spread on the gods at the same time, and they also have the [Ice Rod] plus [Landry’s Torture] package. Aya Kie directly turned it into a full-screen state, which is terrible!

   More than 200,000 seconds of damage, slow down, and burn based on the current health value, increase the damage by 1% every minute...

   When the entire Nether Realm is in such a harsh "environment", even the gods and giants can't stand it anymore!

   Recommend an app that is comparable to the old version of the book-chasing artifact, and can change the source book full \Mic\MicRead \\ !

   "He wants to run."

   缥缈氤氲 condensed into a familiar outline beside him, Li Rui did not squint his eyes, and the corners of his mouth raised an icy arc.

   "Don't worry, you can't run."


   As the voice fell, the tyrannical giant worm bloomed with a thick green gas, ignoring the damage caused by the tentacles on the body, frantically fighting with the enemy, stabbing the giant's chest with its claws, and spinning and tearing.

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   "If it is said that the complete [eternal immortal immeasurable calamity] is directly connected to the **** seat and has no defect [dao], then why is Wang Lei stuck in the golden rank and cannot make progress?"

"Perfection in theory does not mean that you can also go smoothly in actual operation. Imitate the transformation of gods with human spirit and physique. It is already harder to get a piece of the essence, let alone the higher level of these two methods. , The more his state of existence needs to be closer to the gods, that is to say, from the moment Wang Lei awakens and practices [Eternal Immortality], he must pull his growth curve to the same height as the reincarnated gods!"

"The external conditions of qi, blood, true essence, and physique are enough to crush mortals, not to mention that the transformation of spirituality to divine nature is a long process, so Wang Lei is equivalent to racing against his own practice, once his growth curve is [ Eternally immortal and immeasurable calamities] beyond the need, his cultivation speed will only get slower and slower, and in the end it will be close to stagnation!"

   Listening to Qin Hao's statement, Feng Hanran gradually narrowed his eyes, and a trace of doubt appeared in the depths of his pupils.

   "Wait, the same is [Indestructible Dragon], why can Li Rui be able to advance the Secret Diamond?"

   Qin Hao's breath stagnated, and he was silent for a long time, before finally shook his head with a wry smile.

   "I don't know, but if I have to explain, it is that his growth surpasses the gods."

"This is impossible!"

   Feng Hanran subconsciously exclaimed, but Li Rui's achievements over the years appeared in his mind instantly, frowning hesitantly.

Counting from the awakening level, Li Rui has almost a steady increase of one energy level a year. He originally thought that the difficulty of raising extraordinary powers caused by the rejuvenation of aura is reduced, but now it seems that even without the rejuvenation of the aura, Li Rui has been hundreds of years, even It takes thousands of years to give birth to a super genius.

   Transcend the gods with a mortal body. In history, such people generally have a common name-saint!

   The mood was agitated, and Feng Hanran couldn't help flashing a bold thought in his mind.

   Will Li Rui’s name be the same as Li Dan, always engraved in the genes of [China], and even become the object of worship by certain gods?

"No matter how incredible the conclusion is, the reality is right in front of us. As the first [Eternal Immortal Immeasurable Tribulation] Advanced Secret Diamond, Li Rui has no one before and no one to come after. In this sense, we are closer to the true God than we are."

   "And Wang Lei...Although he is exceptionally talented and mentally determined, the long-term stagnation may have made him self-doubt."

   "It may be this trace of self-doubt that opened a gap in his flawless state of mind and gave the power from the dark side of the universe a chance..."

   Qin Hao sighed quietly, his face full of bitterness.

   "But it seems that you are not surprised at all?"

   Feng Hanran stared at his eyes closely, a faint light brewing in the clear eyes.

   "He was selected by our immortal series".

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