Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1133: , It's delicious


The nearly thousand-meter-high gods and evil giants exploded from the inside of their chest, and various viscous organs rained down on the spiritual realm, leaving only the remnant body above the shoulders to spasm and struggle.

Click~ Click~

The sickle and claws slashed into the head deeply, and the huge mouth of the abyss full of serrated fangs slowly opened, squeezing the remnant of the gods who were rapidly creeping and deforming.



As if bursting into a juicy tomato, thick plasma shot through the gaps between the teeth of the antlers, and the luscious syrup, which was completely different from the ugly appearance, swallowed into his throat, making Li Rui's eyes light up on the top of the standing worm's head.

Worthy of being a mythical creature, what it looks like, this taste is indeed far beyond ordinary!


Accompanied by the joyful chewing of the Zerg method, the surging divinity continuously swallowed into the abdomen, like a bowl of hot soup in the cold winter, warming Li Rui's heart defense.

The nerves that were continuously tortured by the [God's Curse] were temporarily relieved, and even the internal organs, which had gradually begun to decompose, were rejuvenated.


The zerg at his feet let out a relaxed growl, slowly disappearing.

The spiritual realm shattered silently, and Aya Xiyi saw a flame projection suddenly disappear. Before he could react, Li Rui's figure appeared not far away.

Instantly understood the meaning of the flame projection, Aya Xiyi put away the Nether Realm and brought Chen Pengfei to him.


After a moment of silence, Li Rui nodded with endless aftertaste.

"It's delicious."

Aya Xiyi: "..."

I didn't ask you this!

Taking Chen Pengfei from her hand, Li Rui let out a sigh of breath and looked around with some worry.

"We have been fighting for so long and sister Xiaojun hasn't appeared. She should be trapped somewhere, and she must be found early."

The three of them flickered and returned to the interior of the "building", winding down the corridor deep into the dimension.

In the seemingly slow but urgent movement, Li Rui focused on two tasks and opened the system battle panel.

"At the end of the battle, you participated in the killing of a divine hero-level unit, and won a brilliant victory, S-level evaluation, basic reward × 2."

"You have gained 6961724 experience points."

"You got 2,191,002 gold coins."

"You killed a divine unit and gained 129412 Chaos Essence."

"[Feast] swallowed the enemy, you gained 40,000 + (120152) permanent health points (the original stone step life swallow upper limit 40,000 (+3% permanent maximum health) points), the number of feast +1."

"[Feast] The devouring growth exceeds the upper limit of the skill, and the overflowing life energy is transformed into permanent resistance growth. You gain 1109 armor and 1273 magic resistance."

"[Overgrowth] Absorb the withering vitality, you gain 395 permanent health points growth."

"[Leviathan Armor · Battle of Glory] Victory, harvest the entanglement of cause and effect, and permanently plunder the enemy's elemental quality, you gain 43871 points of health."

"[Reincarnation Despair] Completely exterminate the target life, permanently plunder the stolen attributes, and gain 3 points of health (God)."

"You have upgraded!" ×41


Looking at the various values ​​in the panel, Li Rui frowned, and then slowly frowned.

As his most proud of his life skills, not long ago, he just happened to promote [Feast] to the original stone steps, and the power it showed did not disappoint him. He ate 160,000 health points in one bite, and even brought one. Thousand-point double antibody.

However, the silver rank's [Reincarnation of Despair] made him both pleasantly surprised and disappointed.

Unlike the [Feast] rule that has been swallowed and digested, [Reincarnation Despair] is the rule of plundering and stealing, so you get the [God Blood] directly, saving yourself the trouble of transforming it again.

For him, who now counts every minute, this is great news.

But the strength of its laws is a bit unsatisfactory.

3 points of blood is definitely not the core attribute of that **** evil 10%, and it may not even have 1%!

More importantly, when [Reincarnation Despair] was launched, Li Rui clearly felt a powerful repulsive force!

After a moment of stalemate, he just dragged the **** evil giant into the spiritual realm.

In other words, if the enemy is strong enough, [Reincarnation Despair] is at risk of failure!

Of course, this is also due to the fact that [Reincarnation Despair] is currently only Silver Tier, and Li Rui’s personality has been crushed by God’s evil. Both the “weapon” and the “weapon user” are at a disadvantage, which has caused the weak effect of the skill .

If the skills and Li Rui are both [Angel Rank], then the silly gods who are known for their blood volume absolutely have no resistance!

Thinking about it this way, Li Rui felt that he could actually limit a mythical creature with the skills of the Silver Tier, which seemed a bit more powerful!

Scratching his chin, he carefully recalled the operation of [Reincarnation Despair] when it was launched, and if he had some insight in his heart, he tried to put an upgrade option into it.


【Reincarnation Despair】·Golden Stage

The hero exiles himself and an enemy hero to the psychic domain for 8 minutes, and steals 12.5% ​​of the hero’s core attributes during the period...... (omitted)......

Sure enough, after upgrading most of the runes of the system to high-level, and then looking back to comprehend these low-level skills, it is simply a palm pattern, which is clear at a glance.

After the skill is upgraded to the golden rank, the next time he faces the mythical creature, the probability that he will "capture" it will greatly increase.

Satisfied to close the skill panel, UU Reading Li Rui felt a steady stream of golden illusory thunder into his brain, and focused his attention on a flickering golden rune.

【Energy and Spirit】·Original Stone Steps

The cold ripples eliminate fatigue. In just a few tens of seconds, the ultimate skill that originally required a long cooling re-emerges luster, and even refills the mana!

Worthy of being a mythical soul, a single kill has brought me back to its peak. Those weak rough stones are far from being able to do this!

Squeezing his fist, Li Rui's eyes flickered, and a bold idea surged in his heart.

If it can be said that the mythical creature can refresh the time of the ultimate move, then in theory he can plunder massive attributes in a short time!

[Reincarnation of Despair] + [Feast] The set meal is infinite loop!

The most frightening thing is that [Reincarnation Desperate] is not afraid of siege at all, and no matter how many enemies it is, he will be singled out!

As for heads-up, apart from Wang Lei's pervert, he has never encountered an opponent so far.

Are the gods such as Grace and Sae Kazema strong enough?

But I really want to be locked in a closed and small area, and have a 1V1 battle...


After pondering for a few seconds, a word flashed in Li Rui's mind-[Goddess is not miserable]!

With a thought, his eyes seemed to pass the scene of pressing Grace on the wall in Summoner's Canyon.

Knee bump! Whip the leg! Heart elbow! Rely on Iron Mountain! Double wind to ears! Shenlong wagging its tail! Oula Oula Oula Oula............

The nostalgic eyes flashed, Li Rui let go of his fists, and shook his head with a grin.

This plan can be done in theory, but the actual operability is very low.

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