Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1134: , Big sister with long legs! Probably so long!

Other than that, just killing a mythical creature within a limited time in [Reincarnation Despair] is an almost impossible task!

He and Aya Xiyi surrounded and fought, and it took almost half an hour before and after to kill the gods. It was a fantasy that he wanted to solve the battle in a few minutes.

Unless... he doesn't want his life, he comes up with [Kang Long has regrets] + [The Devil Dragon Comes to the World] + [Heavenly Slaughter Sword] + [Shenwei Crescent]...

But the problem is that [Qi Ding Shen Xian] can only restore mana and cooldown, and cannot compensate for the all-round extreme squeeze caused by [Tian Jue Slaughter Sword].

In the original battle with Rose, he dared not make any big moves after slashing out with a single sword, and it took a lot of hard work to grind him to death!

But even if he was cautious, he had hurt the foundation of the soul, and the miracle of the [Holy Grail of Destiny] was able to eliminate hidden dangers.'s a matter of killing myths with a single sword, just think about it...

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Li Rui turned his gaze to the equipment panel, a trace of unknown dignity concealed in the depths of his indifferent pupils.

Three-piece homicide!


A dignified evil spirit only triggered the [Leviathan Armor], so there is no card face?

Or is it that you are already strong enough to surpass God's evil, causing the system to think that other attributes won't count as [Glory]?

More importantly...Why didn't the same activated [Meja's Soul Stealing Scroll] get feedback?

Could it be that the gods just now didn't die in a real sense?


[Feast], [Reincarnation of Despair] and systematic battle records have all confirmed that he is completely annihilated!

Then the only explanation is that they trigger different enemies!

So... there is another existence that is enough to threaten me!

Divine consciousness concealed expansion, Li Rui carefully peeped into the deep world of dimensions, frowning and tightening.

Obviously, he can sense the target that is entangled with his own destiny, but it seems that there is some powerful force that obscures his high-dimensional perception, and he cannot follow the line of cause and effect.

It seems...this enemy is much more difficult to deal with than the gods and evil giants, at least he has a certain amount of wisdom, knows how to conceal himself, and is biased towards the law system...

With a sharp turn in his mind, and relying on the fate feedback of the murderous three-piece suit, Li Rui is now able to obtain information about some powerful enemies in advance.

If a certain type of [War of Glory] is triggered, it means that the enemy has an advantage over itself in this attribute.

If three challenges are triggered at the same time, it means that the enemy is crushing himself in all directions.

Even more powerful, just like the spider queen Rose, she can completely shield the sense of fate in advance, until Li Rui received the belated fate feedback until she started face-to-face.

Shaking his head, leaving the restlessness behind, Li Rui concentrated on looking for any familiar breath.

The most important thing at the moment is to rescue Sister Xiaojun. It's good to be able to eat something hot by the way. The remaining enemies... have a chance to talk about it!

It descended layer by layer, and the surrounding darkness became deeper and deeper, even with Li Rui's purple and golden dragon pupils that could not be observed too far.

The boundary between reality and illusion is getting blurred, the concept of the real world is gradually disintegrating, and strange scenes begin to appear around, but if you investigate carefully, it seems that you have found nothing.

"The current depth has exceeded the place where we found the Jia coconut. It is unlikely that a Secret Diamond Step will survive for a long time at this depth."

Aya Xiyi suddenly stopped and looked at Li Rui with cold eyes.

Although she didn't make it clear, Li Rui knew what she meant, and Ma Xiaojun was probably already dead at a certain level before.

Taking a deep breath unwillingly, Li Rui tightened Chen Pengfei's cold little hand, his eyes wandering.

"I still think Sister Xiaojun should not be dead."

"Why? Just rely on your instinct?"

Aya Xiyi frowned and looked at him strangely.

"Because she has a [Pure World Dragon Ball] in her hand."

Her breathing became stagnant, and Aya Xiyi's brows slowly stretched: "Then she does have a chance of surviving."

He paced restlessly, feeling the icy cold from his palm, Li Rui suddenly stopped, slowly lowered his head to look at Chen Pengfei, and blinked.

"Xiao Pengfei, you are very familiar with this place, can you take us to find the big sister? The kind with very long legs!"

Click~ click~ click~

Chen Pengfei's neck made a crisp noise, twisted into a strange angle, and stared at Li Rui "confusedly" with empty eye sockets.

"Long-legged sister! Long-legged! Probably that long!"

Patting his head, comparing it to about ten centimeters above his head, Li Rui released his palm and looked at him expectantly.


After looking at each other awkwardly for a few seconds, Chen Pengfei twisted his head clockwise and returned to the original position. Suddenly he understood something and ran away.

"Hehehehe...peekaboo, come to me..."

The strange childish voice echoed in the dark corridor, Aya Xiyi looked at Li Rui speechlessly, and sighed.

"Do you think he can really understand what you mean?"

" way, I have to try."

Scratching his head and sighing with the same exhaustion, Li Rui quickly picked up his energy and sprinted to catch up.

"Hee hee hee……"

"he he he he he……"

The rustling oozing echoes suddenly come near and far away, but relying on the [Eye of the Secret Technique] fixed on Chen Pengfei, UU reading www. Li Rui never lost the target.

"Why is this kid so fast? Even the Ethereal can't be so erratic!"

After chasing Chen Pengfei further, Aya Xiyi's eyes changed before long.

A remnant soul that may dissipate at any time makes her feel difficult!

"Maybe this is the home court advantage, besides, if he wasn't anything special, how could he escape a trace of remnant soul from the secret diamond rough..."

Whispering faintly, as if thinking of some unpleasant memories, Li Rui's eyes became a little gloomy.

"Huh? He stopped?"

Feeling in his heart, Li Rui's eyebrows suddenly jumped, pulling Aya Xiyi to flicker frantically.

After a few seconds, the two came to a dark and weird floor and quietly pushed the door in.

Walls, floors, seats... all the substances rippling like water waves, as if unable to maintain their own form.

Only Li Rui and Aya Xiyi stood still, like the only sober and real existence in the nightmare, smoothing out all the ripples wherever they went.

In this bizarre world, Li Rui found Chen Pengfei who was hiding under the desk in his office, and covered his face in distress.

Sure enough, this guy didn't understand what I meant...

"Let's go."

Looking at the big hand reaching out in front of him, Chen Pengfei was stunned for two seconds, then slowly raised his head to look up at Li Rui. After a long time, he suddenly showed an expression of excitement and pulled him together under the table.

"What are you doing?"

Aya Xiyi looked helplessly at the two of them, and was about to reach out to pull them out, but the three of them moved in unison.

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