Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1135: , Broke the defense!




The sound of the crisp high-heeled shoes hitting the floor echoed in the empty and silent corridors, and in the depths of the invisible darkness, it seemed that something was squirming.

Li Rui and Aya Xiyi glanced at each other, and both saw an uncontrollable surprise in each other's eyes.

But the two of them did not say anything. Instead, they hid their bodies and stared at the direction of the sound with bated breath.

In the dim and turbulent darkness, a tall and plump outline gradually became clear. Li Rui squinted his eyes to look at the incoming person, and the light in his pupils became more and more concealed.

Why does it feel a bit wrong?

This posture of strolling in a leisurely courtyard seemed to be more relaxed than at home.

Even with the strength of Li Rui and Aya Xiyi, they did not dare to relax their vigilance so deeply in a dimension far away from reality.



The footsteps of high-heeled shoes were getting closer and closer, and through the cold and gloomy light, Li Rui finally saw the person coming.

A slender black trench coat moves with the wind, his straight and plump long legs are exposed to the air, and his gestures are inexplicably chic and handsome.

Seeing her, even at the bottom of [Ghost], Li Rui was in a trance for a moment, thinking that he was watching a catwalk show.



Holding a matte toolbox in his left hand and a short stick more than ten centimeters long in his right hand, a familiar figure wandered in the company cubicle, as if looking for something.

Looking at each other with Aya Xiyi, Li Rui nodded unchecked, and quietly touched it alone.

"Sister Xiaoyun."

Silently, he came behind Ma Xiaojun, Li Rui issued a soft call, the figure in front of him suddenly stopped, and then slowly turned around.

I haven't seen her for many years, and time seems to have left no trace on her body, her delicate and tender face still looks like a girl of 18 or 9 years old.

Only the noble and glamorous temperament, like a ripe peach, exposed her true age.

"Xiao Rui, I didn't expect you to come to me."

Ma Xiaojun's mouth evoked a stunning smile, and strode towards Li Rui.


Ziqing Thunder blocked his vision, and the cold sword light pierced through the golden dragon scales, leaving an undetectable blood mark on the skin.

Seeing that the tip of his sword was only a few millimeters into the skin, without even the blood coming out, Ma Xiaojun looked at Li Rui's eyes with a hint of helplessness.

"Xiao Rui, you are getting more and more perverted."

After a few seconds of silence, Li Rui held the soft sword against his heart with his bare hands. Before he could exert any strength, Ma Xiaojun drew the sword suddenly, leaving a line of red blood in his palm.

"Hehe, this is the Beidou Tiangang Sword, the ancestral artifact of our exorcism dragon clan, you can't let you destroy it."

With a chuckle and three steps backwards, Ma Xiaojun stared deeply into Li Rui's eyes, with an inexplicably charming and crazy expression.

"Raw Stone...Sister Xiaojun, when did you advance?"

"Probably just a few months ago."

"You broke the seal?"


"You killed the expert team too?"

"That's not the case, they were already dead when I came in."

Ma Xiaojun lightly drew the sword flower, shrugged indifferently, and the black pupils expanded silently.

After a long silence, Li Rui took a deep breath and exhaled a few words in a low voice.

"Sister Xiaojun, stop, you are contaminated."


Ma Xiaojun tilted his head slightly, looking at Li Rui in confusion, then opened his arms and lowered his head to look at the delicate body.

"I'm just looking for something, why is it contaminated? Xiaorui, you can really be joking."

Watching the white of his eyes disappear completely, leaving only the pure black evil eyes, Li Rui sighed for a long time, flashing through her mind what she had taught herself back then.

The original stone is the most dangerous energy level in the ninth transcendental level. With the gods, they can hear the truth of the universe, but they cannot resist the distortion of the mind that looks straight into the abyss...

Pollution and degradation always erode their hearts silently, and even they themselves can't detect this change!

The unbearable gaze gradually faded, and Li Rui's purple and golden dragon eyes soon left only indifference and boundlessness.

"Sister Xiaojun, you are offended."

The gilt glow condensed into a materialized blade outside Li Rui's five fingers, just a sprinting tiger pounce, Ma Xiaoyun seemed to see a furious golden dragon protruding its claws at her.

With his eyes narrowed, Ma Xiaoyun raised a mad and seductive smile at the corner of his mouth. He threw away the toolbox, and his plump fingers gently touched the sword's edge.

The glittering blood shining with divine light was instantly absorbed by the sword, and the dazzling cyan-gold light illuminates the entire space, like an extra sun!

The phantom of the Big Dipper appeared on Qing Leng Jian, and the majestic and mysterious star power was condensed in the sword, and the azure-gold light condensed into a thunder arc lingering on it, inspiring waves of the law of terror.

"The Promise of Heaven, the return of all laws, the five elements of the universe, the reversal of yin and yang, the rectification of the thunder of the nine heavens of the Taiqing!"

The sky full of blue-gold lightning condensed on the blade in an instant, forming a purple lightning blade that was as thin as a cicada's wings.


There was a flash of purple light, and two figures crossed by in the **** metal rubbing sound. Li Rui lowered his head and stared at the bone scars in his palms, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The moment he started with the gods, he released the [Non Blame] form. Now he has nearly 60,000 double resistance and countless damage reduction rules!

But with this kind of defense, UU reading was actually broken by Ma Xiaojun?

I was actually broken by a rookie original stone steps?

Staring at the palm of his hand in disbelief, feeling the destruction and silence of the divine nature preventing the flesh and blood from healing, Li Rui clenched his fist, inexplicably doubting life.

On the other side, Ma Xiaojun turned around stiffly with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"The Big Dipper is dead, and the Thunder Magic is killed. I thought the [Big Dipper Purple Cloud Sword] could chop off your claws, but I didn't expect even the bones to be injured..."

Even though there was only darkness left in her eyes, Ma Xiaoyun's expression still exposed her emotions, as if Li Rui was a more exotic existence than her.

"Sister Xiaojun, do you have any misunderstandings about [Indestructible True Dragon]?"

"Hehe, that's right, you and Wang Lei are monsters that cannot be measured by common sense."

With a sneer, Ma Xiaoyun seemed to be chatting with an old friend, walked towards Li Rui unsuspectingly, and looked around with emotion.

"Ten years, the last time we fought side by side here, you had just been promoted to Black Iron, and in the blink of an eye, you caught up... No, you are far beyond me, Xiao Rui..."

Hearing this, Li Rui couldn't help but feel a trace of melancholy in his heart, letting Ma Xiaoyun walk in front of him and slowly stretch out his hand to him.

The plump and soft palms touched her cheeks, bringing a cold touch. Looking at the weird and blurred pretty face close at hand, Li Rui's big hands covered her hands, revealing a gentle smile.

But at the same time, his other hand also grabbed Ma Xiaoyun's wrist, his muscles rolled like a python, and his arms were twisted behind him.

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