"It's okay."

Stubbornly breaking away from Li Rui's support, Aya Xiyi's eyes glowed with icy purple light, and countless dark black flames spread out from under her feet.


The deformed and alienated world began to tremble violently, like an organ burned by flames, resisted by instinctive spasms.


The white shadow appeared behind Aya Xiyi's head without warning, and the condensed divine nature sharply fell on the spine, and even the space along the way cut an invisible gap.


A crystal-clear blood sword stopped the attack, and the golden roots in the transparent sword body emitted a strong divine light, resisting the cutting of the angel's divine nature with difficulty.

Fortunately, the Blood Crystal Sword is now made of God's blood, otherwise it really can't stop it!

Feeling the wailing coming from the sword, Li Rui felt awe-inspiring in his heart, shaking the white shadow with his wrist.

I have the advantage!

Just one contact touched the opponent's veins, Li Rui was about to suppress him with offense instead of defense, and the target in his eyes disappeared in an instant.

Teleport? !

Skipping thinking, relying solely on combat instincts to swing the sword backwards, almost touching Aya Kie's skin with a divine edge.


The point of the blood crystal sword was still exploding divine light, but there was a chill of horror from the back of the waist.

Before he could return his sword, Li Rui subconsciously lowered his waist, twisted his hips, and shook his fist vigorously.


The thick golden scales were torn instantly, and a wound deep into the bone marrow was cut on the domineering fist front.

Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang! Cang!

In less than a second, Li Rui and Aya Xiyi burst into thousands of divine collisions, and the too dense explosions formed a terrifying resonance, shaking the surrounding time and space into visible ripples.

The infinite short-distance teleportation, even in the kingdom of God, is too exaggerated!

Relying on intuition to block the enemy's attack, Li Rui frowned.

Obviously there is only one enemy, but he felt like he was besieged by dozens of angels at the same time, and he had already added hundreds of scars!

If this is replaced by an original stone step, I am afraid that it will not be cut into a skeleton in an instant...

Fortunately, with the tacit cooperation, all the injuries were taken by Li Rui, and none of them fell on Aya Xiyi, allowing her to successfully complete the erosion of the kingdom of God.

"I alone town Nether, incarnate into an infinite hell, and contain the world's greed, hatred, hatred, love and evil..."

In a deep whisper, Aya Xiyi's hands slowly and hardly joined together, forming complex and mysterious handprints.

The endless haze melted into the air, and the distortion of the entire world suddenly stopped, twisting and trembling under the erosion of the purple black light.

The deformed flesh and blood enclosing the room melted quietly, revealing the scarlet and hideous peristaltic organs!

Aya Xiyi slowly raised her head, staring directly at the void with her hollow eyes, as if she was muttering with an invisible existence.

"If you fall into this hell, you will suffer immeasurable calamities from the time you first enter, and you will die a thousand lives a day and a night, and you will not be able to stay for a while, and will last forever, so it is called ————infinite."


The whole world cracked bottomless gullies, and the purple and black evil inflammation spewed out, as if to incinerate everything.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The sharp and bitter roar pierced the eardrums, like sharp claws across the skin, causing Li Rui's hair to stand upside down.

A group of white shadows shattered the black flames, gently falling on the two not far away, staring at them with scorched and twisted facial features.

The kingdom of God is not broken, but cracked under the erosion of Aya Xiyi, knowing that a secret diamond step cannot resist the mighty power of [Angel] for a long time, the last trace of hesitation in Li Rui's eyes fades, and it is replaced by the intent to kill .

The most amazing thing, Xiao Pengfei...

He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, only the endless black light of destruction remained in Li Rui's pupils.


Holding the sword and pointing towards the target, the power of the system law urged to the extreme, causing the thin and deformed body to wave dimly.


With a roar like a beast, the [Angel] instinctively resisted the distortion of the law, and the solidification and blurring flickered on the surface of his body, constantly distorting the form.

It was obviously not enough to rely solely on his own power. Just when Li Rui was about to give up, the black flame of the sky condensed a delicate and small lotus on top of Chen Pengfei's head, and it slowly landed on the cover of his heavenly spirit.

The weird black lotus spins and blooms, releasing a weird chaotic light, and wherever it passes, the stalemate divinity immediately collapses for the most part.

"Oh oh oh!"

Crazy and evil thoughts were deeply imprinted on Aya Xiyi, as if she wanted to shred her body into pieces.

But the divinity was broken by her, and the remaining power was not enough to fight the distortion. Chen Pengfei's body turned into particles and instantly merged into Li Rui's chest.

[Desperate Reincarnation]!

With a flower in front of him, the oppressive world of Yin Hong came into sight again, Li Rui frantically urged [Sword Slaughter Intent] to lock onto the short figure not far away.

As if feeling the power to destroy him, Chen Pengfei's scorched skin fell off, revealing white bones and purple flesh and blood, and his mouth cried like a baby.

Obviously it is a virtual spirit without substance, but it feels more "real" to Li Rui than a living life!

Chen Pengfei's figure became dim and fuzzy, and Li Rui's solemn sight showed one body after another.

The figure that emerged from the overlapping bodies was grim and bitter. When nine scorched and deformed Chen Pengfei stood in front of Li Rui at the same time, even the vast and ruthless [Sword of Slaughter] also fluctuated.

phantom? Faxiang?

Want to avoid the lock of [Heavenly Slaughter Excalibur] by virtue of the clone?

The thoughts in his mind turned sharply, but the feedback of destroying the sword in his heart told Li Rui that all the bodies are the main body!

The confusion flashed in his heart, and he was suddenly excited, and two huge words appeared in his mind-[Jiuying]!

The monster of fire and water can spit water and spit fire, cry like a baby crying, with nine heads, so it is called Jiuying.

Nine heads!

So Chen Pengfei in front of me is just his head stretched to reality?

And his body is hidden in a dimension that cannot be hurt?

If you want to kill him, you must cut off nine heads at the same time, and then follow the line of cause and effect to pour the damage into that undetectable dimension?

In the dark, a mysterious feeling came into his heart, and Li Rui instantly understood the way to destroy him, and couldn't help letting out a long suffocating breath.

Fortunately, there is a [Heavenly Slaughter Sword]...otherwise I really can't do anything with this weird [Angel]!

Actually just stick out his head?

This is too much, right?

On the other end, the nine Chen Pengfei raised their hands neatly. It was only then that Li Rui could see what had pierced his defense just now.

The dry and thin arms stretched straight, and a circle of dark blue ice blades spread and grew, releasing a biting dark divine light.

When the eighteen shimmering ice blades pointed at him, Li Rui seemed to see the heads of nine ferocious snakes with their big mouths open and their sharp fangs protruding.

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