Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1139: , [Indestructible Dragon] is actually an assassin class!

Looking at the nine figures that nearly teleported to his side and sealed the surrounding space with an ice blade, Li Rui took a deep breath without sadness or joy in his eyes.

Immediately, he exhaled the materialized high temperature breath, letting the anger that had accumulated so much that there was nowhere to vent to consume reason.

"The magic dragon comes to the world!"

"Kang Long has regrets!"


Dark golden scales cover the skin, stubborn bones spurs high and bulging, and amidst the distorted sound of the flesh, a terrifying monster that resembles a dragon and is not a dragon, and a worm and a worm descends into this world!


In a short while, one-third of the world was occupied by tyrannical monsters, and the originally empty and vast spiritual realm instantly became cramped and cramped.

Cleave! cut!

The eighteen ice blade fangs had just pierced the scale armor, and in the next instant they were swept away by the dragon claws.

The inverted lasing white shadow stabilized its figure until the edge of the field, swaying in the void, like nine erratic snake heads staring at the prey.

On the other side, the ferocious monster stopped swelling, and a dark red, sweet and sweet mist evaporated from the whole body, like blood dripping on a soldering iron, and chuckled.

Sure enough...Like the curse of the [Spirit Worm] back then, [Curse of God's Fall] will also backlash when it releases power beyond its control, provokes conflicts between its own power!

But... my current control is not comparable to that of the golden rank back then...

The black light of destruction condenses in the icy vertical pupils, Li Rui guided [Sword Slaughter] to lock on to the target, and the huge dragon mouth slowly opened, gathering energy and blood in the whole body.

With the [Blood God Orb] as the core, endless qi and blood flow into it, forming a sword-shaped glow in the dragon’s mouth, which will annihilate the surrounding time and space into a state of chaos before it is activated.


Perceiving the power of destroying the heavens and the earth converging, the thin and deformed figure suddenly swelled, transforming into nine entangled weird giant snakes with no beginning and no end.

When he revealed his true nature, Li Rui immediately felt the infinite pressure, and the entire spiritual realm trembled.

Knowing that there is a fundamental difference between his personality and him, the only chance of victory is to rely on the laws of the system to gather all the powers together, and instantly destroy them with an explosive increase of dozens of times!

If you don’t lose the opponent in seconds, you will have to die. [Indestructible Dragon] is actually an assassin class!

Inexplicable thoughts flashed in his mind, the corners of the ferocious black dragon's mouth were slightly turned up, and the long-nurtured [Sword Intent of Slaughter] injected the blood **** orb, and dyed the dark red sword glow in the mouth into pure black light of destruction!


Nine giant snake heads abruptly appeared on the black dragon, like a film with dropped frames, completely obliterating the intermediate process.

Knowing that this was a causal attack that was inevitable, Li Rui had no desire to dodge at all, allowing the mountain-like fangs to penetrate deeply into the body, injecting the poison that kills the gods.

Lao Tzu has been awarded the "Degenerate Parliament" family bucket package, but you are still missing?

Enduring the sharp pain of stabbing the soul, Li Rui resisted the bite of the [Angel] giant snake, and continued to brew the black light sword glow in his mouth.


Tens of millions of blood drops to a half in a short time, the system law is automatically triggered, and the indomitable weird black dragon expands again!

[Strak's Challenge Gauntlets]-[Savior's Spirit Blade]!

The vigorous white shield opened the giant snake, and along with the growth of the black dragon, the two sides were tightly squeezed together.

The narrow mind field is like a giant chaotic egg, brewing two horrible monsters entwined and killed.

Abandoning the fancy skills, the two monsters are like babies entangled in the mother's body, using sharp teeth and fangs to bite each other frantically.

However, in this process, Li Rui took advantage of it. The Secret Diamond-level [Savior Spirit Blade] can provide 100% of the maximum health shield in a short period of time. It is difficult even for genuine angels. Destroy it quickly under the circumstances.

The unscrupulous black dragon used his hands and feet together, plucked large chunks of divine flesh and blood on the giant snake, and even cut off one of its heads!

It is a pity that at the moment the head fell, the granulation on the white spine spread and squirmed, and a new head broke out in just a few seconds, gnawing on the black dragon's abdomen without hesitation.

Seeing this healing power that was even more perverted than God's evil, Li Rui's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Cut one off and grow one. The manifested Godhead of [Death Instinct] seems to have this kind of unreasonable vitality!

Death and life...

She seemed to understand something in her mind, but at this critical juncture, Li Ruisi did not dare to be distracted, shielding distracting thoughts and bringing all power into her mouth.

The imaginary black light sword light has been compressed into an invisible sword shadow, and the sky's energy is condensed and restrained, allowing the vision around the sword light to slowly calm down.

However, contrary to the outer appearance of convergence, a certain terrible law of killing was about to move, and the oppression made [Jiuying] more and more frantic and resentful.

However, the shield of [Savior's Spirit Blade] was like a towering Great Wall, abruptly blocking the violent storm and getting enough time for Li Rui to accumulate energy.

The shield with tens of millions of health points was blown out in just over a minute. It is indeed an [angel] who spreads death...

Gu Jing Wubo watched the struggling and roaring giant snake, Li Rui's sight slowly lost focus, penetrating the substance, and Uukanshu spread to an even more incomprehensible dimension.

Cause and effect...destiny...

The chaotic lines are reflected in the soul, driving the [Sword of Slaughter], and Li Rui goes back and sorts out the entanglement of cause and effect.

After a while, nine thick and evil lines appeared in his eyes, and finally converged into one point in a more profound dimension.

Got you!

In reality, the black dragon grinned violently, and his big mouth suddenly exploded.

[Shenwei·Crescent Moon]!

[Crushing and slamming]!

[Heavenly Slaughter Sword]!


The black light as thin as cicada wings shoots out from the dragon’s mouth, silently splits into nine sword shadows and plunges into each giant snake’s head, then penetrates through the body, recondenses at a certain point, and shoots in along the link in the dark. The ethereal dimension.

The two monsters entangled are both fixed at the same time, the forces of destruction and rebirth stand in a stalemate, disturbing the causal destiny, and forming a stormy sea at the law level.

Life and death are constantly transforming, and the head of the giant snake is like a projection of bad signals, flickering between nothingness and reality.

But even so, he still turned his head stiffly, and the eighteen cold and terrifying vertical pupils stared at Li Rui, as if he wanted to tell something.

"Everything has an end, I see your destruction!"

Looking at each other deeply, the black dragon let out a deep and deep roar, his eyes cold and indifferent.

Black light spread on the scales of the giant snake, [Nine Infants] could no longer resist the power of destruction, and the flesh and bones slowly collapsed.

Like a melting candle, the nine snake heads collapsed into black particles and dissipated silently, and the entire spiritual realm also dissipated.


[Angel] The created kingdom of God collapsed, and the giant black dragon shrank into a human form, spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

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