
The documents were projected in everyone's hands, and the huge conference room fell into a long silence.

"[Pain], [Torture], [Corruption], [Death], [Aging], [Crazy]... Good fellow, put it here and stack the buff! Two pages are folded!"

After a long time, a middle-aged man suddenly slapped the table and said with a wry smile.

"Yes, I have never seen so many buffs in [Summoner's Canyon]!"

"The ordinary original stone steps have died ten times after bearing any of them, but he was fine, and he actually went to the deep dimension to slaughter an [Angel] back!"

"Fucking, the immortal line is outrageous!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people present all turned their attention to a burly old man.

"What do you look at? [Indestructible True Dragon] What is outrageous about our immortality?"

The sturdy old man smirked and stared back with ferocious eyes.

"Old Zhao, I just want to know, [Eternal Indestructible Immeasurable Tribulation] is so fierce, why didn't you specialize in it back then?"

The old man's smile stagnated, his eyes dim and out of focus, and it took a long time before he sighed.

"Because I am a person..."

"Are you scolding Li Rui not a human?"

The old man cast a dangerous look at the speaker, thought about it, and explained.

"Humans are not worthy of cultivating God's [Tao]. We can only imitate it poorly. If we can see the fur in it, it will last a lifetime."

"But Li Rui got it right!"

"So he is [Indestructible True Dragon], and I am not..."

When he said this, everyone heard the bitterness in Zhao's heart, concealed a glance at each other, and changed the topic tacitly.

"Ahem, since Li Rui just wiped out a [Chaos Angel], I don't think his power has declined, he is competent enough!"

"It can't be used as a livestock if it hasn't fallen. People still have [Curse of God's Fall] on them. The most important thing now is to help him lift the curse!"

"Do you think I don't want to? How to remove it? [Good Fortune Jade Plate] is useless, neither is the Supreme Heaven’s [Eternal Sacred Flame], and Brahma’s [Seven Baolian Hua] is useless. I have tried it all over the world. , Might as well just live to death according to what he said!"



The solemn conference hall suddenly became a quarrel, many parties cling to their own opinions, and no one could persuade anyone. Finally, they cast their sights on a young man in the center in an orderly manner.

"Han Ran, you have a good relationship with Li Rui, should you let him go?"

Feng Hanran groaned for a long while, curling his lips with a strange expression.

"What's the use of us discussing so much? Tell him the news that he is going, we can't stop it, and if he doesn't go, we can't force it."

With both hands spread out, Feng Hanran shrugged helplessly.

The rest of the people looked at each other, feeling as if it was the truth.

"Oh... it would be great if Wang Lei was here."

"I heard that he broke through the secret diamond in the closed-dead gate. If his accumulation of decades is released once, my God, I can't imagine it!"

"If he succeeds, he probably won't be worse than Li Rui!"

"If two [Indestructible True Dragons] can successfully ascend to the throne, my [Zhonghua] return to the top is just around the corner!"

Seeing the excitement of everyone present, Feng Hanran reluctantly tapped on the table with his fingers.

The crisp sound was like a twilight drum and morning bell blasting into the brain, making everyone instantly refreshed.

"It just so happens that [Mechanical Theology] is almost done talking over there, so let Xiaorui sign the contract as the representative of [China]. Older Xing happens to be on Hong Kong Island. Let him talk to Xiaorui personally about the overseas assignment."

"That's right!"

"By the way, to annihilate the vitality of [Nine Infants] angels, Antarctic Yuanjun needs to borrow [Kunlun Mirror] and let [Yanhuang Wuku] send the secret key over there earlier."

"Well, although there is more buff, it can be less or less."


[Land of Runes] In the depths, Li Rui slowly opened his eyes, the emptiness of sight penetrated time and space, as if the perspective of God poured into the bottom of the dimension.

There, a phantom of an invisible drop of blood swayed from side to side, like a candle in the wind.

It's still a little bit...

Feeling the stubborn soul core holding a sigh of relief, but not extinguishing, Li Rui couldn't help grinding his teeth, and wished to play it personally!

Forget it, the more you stare, the slower you are, don't watch!

Withdrawing his gaze in anger, Li Rui put his divine mind in the [Summoner's Canyon] again, and the corners of his mouth rose in satisfaction.

Since the "Game" was updated to the [Raw Stone] version, the Summoners’ [Mining] ability has been significantly improved!

Under the constant obliteration of hundreds of millions of extraordinary souls, the core of the artifact suppressed at the bottom of [Rune Land] is finally about to open its doors to him!

This also means that Li Rui will get the first artifact that truly belongs to him!

Moreover, once the [Blood God Orb] is broken, will [God's Cloth Gauntlets] be far behind?

The [Almighty Stones] that have been stored for so long are waiting to integrate them into the system laws and refine them into life artifacts!汜 minus bX 汜

Containing the emotions in his heart, Li Rui had a faint hunch that once he advanced to the mythology, the artifact in his hand would come in handy!

"Li Rui."

A cold and pleasing call sounded behind him, Li Rui's eyes condensed and smiled back.

"Have you patched up?"

"The seven [Dragons of Town and Country] joined forces, and [Respiratory Soil], to make up for it solidly."

Aya Xiyi twisted her five fingers, her small hands clenched together tightly.

"That's good, it's hard work."

Rubbing her black hair, Li Rui suddenly found her expression a little sad. UU reading www.uukanshu.com as sacrifice 75zwcom.com as sacrifice

"what's happenin?"

"Sorry, I didn't find [Angel] parasites."

Silently bowed his head, put his forehead on Li Rui's chest, Aya Xiyi said in an angry voice.

"Hey, even the Antarctic Yuanjun almost ignored it, what do you have to blame for?"

Holding her small face gently, Li Rui squeezed her white cheeks severely.

This feel, Q bomb is smooth, praise!


Angrily slapped off the claws, Aya Xiyi glared at him, then sulked on his chest with her head down.

"Are you learning to attack pigs and insects?"

Caressing her hair, Li Rui couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'm in a meeting with a Cthulhu in my body now. There is no more than one, and a lot less than the other. Besides, the Antarctic Yuanjun can help me pull him out. Why are you so depressed?"


After exhausting her tongue, she couldn't make her laugh. Just when Li Rui was about to give up, Aya Xiyi spoke quietly.

"My dignified Emperor Underworld, I didn't find the transformation of life and death in your body, what face do I have to claim this title to the outside world? Ahhhhhhhh!"

With an inexplicable wailing, the little white head began to spin frantically, as if to pierce Li Rui's chest! Mi He Mi

Li Rui: "..."

Isn't this title you used to be funny?

When the words with low EQ reached his mouth, he swallowed again. Li Rui stroked the dog's head lightly, smiling without saying a word.

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