Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1145: Hungry snake roar

The warm and quiet atmosphere did not last long. A slight vibration came from the distant earth. Aya Xiyi suddenly raised her head and looked at Li Rui, and the two suddenly turned into afterimages and disappeared in place.

Before they arrived at the scene of the incident, a deafening roar exploded in the distance.

Like a volcanic eruption, hundreds of millions of tons of earth and rocks were thrown into the sky, and it looked like a mushroom cloud exploded from a distance.

But in this devastating natural disaster, a few kilometers long, shimmering with turquoise light, like a giant snake made of emerald soaring into the sky.

Obviously the body is huge and majestic, but its movements are unexpectedly light and graceful, twisting and wandering, as if the whole world is crawling under it.

The warm sun shines on the crystal clear jade scales, and the gorgeous giant snake occupies the middle of the sky, overlooking the earth with a pair of strange and holy icy vertical pupils.

It seemed that they had returned to the Primordial Primordial Era, with invisible coercion covering hundreds of miles. Even Li Rui could not help but feel throbbing in their hearts, wanting to pay homage to this beautiful and terrifying monster.

The vast and ruthless, vertical pupils without a trace of humanity scanned the earth, like a **** in the patrol field, the giant snake slowly opened its mouth and let out a majestic roar that shook the world.

"The hungry snake roars! Ooo~~~"


Haha~ haha~ haha~

The snake-tailed Zhao Youxuan was wearing Li Rui's coat, with pickled pepper and chicken feet in her mouth, her cheeks bulged into a squirrel, her big beautiful eyes narrowed into crescents.

Happy chewing sound lingers in the ears, but Li Rui, who is walking in front, scratches his head.

【Zhao Youxuan】

Race: Goddess

Energy Level: Rough Stone (Divine Transformation)

Level: 467

Health (where): 6980123/6980123

Health (God): 72/72

Mana: 2439557/2439557

Armor: 12899

Magic resistance: 15917

Attack power: 60142

Spell Power: 233164

If other attributes are perverted, but can barely be accepted, then the health value is outrageous and **** open the door-outrageous home!

Thinking of the gigantic giant snake body measured in kilometers just now, and looking down at his well-proportioned figure of less than two meters, Li Rui felt a sense of relief.

The super-giant mythological species of the same energy level is originally dozens of times higher than the blood volume of small humans. After all, the larger your body, the more energy and blood you can hold!

This racial gap will only be gradually wiped out when it reaches the mythical level.


Looking at the fast squirming cheeks and the fierce snake gnawing at the chicken jiojio, Li Rui still couldn't help but feel a little sour in his mouth.

What about big body?

What about high blood volume?

Isn't it true that the fight is in vain?

Concentrated is the essence!

Chi Chi's chewing sound stopped abruptly, noticing Li Rui's weird eyes, Zhao Youxuan was stunned for a few seconds, sadly took out a sap of chicken bones from his mouth and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Bah baah baah baah!"

He didn't expect that she would come this hand, Li Rui was so sick that he spit out the foreign body in his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to eat chicken jiojio?"

Zhao Youxuan looked at him aggrievedly, her bulging cheeks uttered ambiguous words, and her small eyes floated to the ground reluctantly, seeming to regret the sticky, unidentified object.

No, I want to eat snake meat!

Seeing her stupid appearance, Li Rui covered her forehead, only to feel her blood pressure surge, and her temples were bursts of pain.

How did this thing get promoted to the original stone?

Except for eating and sleeping, it feels like she has never done anything serious!

Just when Li Rui's five fingers were itchy and about to stretch out his claws at the fierce snake, a purple and black shadow suddenly condensed beside him.

"Li Rui, look!"

Aya Xiyi excitedly waved the translucent object on her hand and couldn't wait to send it to Li Rui.

"what is this?"

Li Rui was puzzled by squeezing plastic with weird patterns all over it.

"The mythical heavenly snake spirit sloughs, you need this kind of material to get rid of the parasitic pill this time. The skin you shed is much higher than the level of [Yao Chi]!"

"You said this is her dead skin?"

Li Rui's expression was stagnant, and he glanced at the triumphant snake, and his eyes revealed deep disgust.

Looking at the delicate face like a milk jelly that can be broken by blowing bombs, Li Rui admits that this moulting effect is outstanding, and even he can't help but want to take a bite.

But he is not interested in the faded dead skin!

"The mythical heavenly snake spirit slough is a rare treasure. It is a necessary material in all kinds of potions and elixir. If you encounter someone who wants to use it as the main medicine, you may even get the artifact! And Youxuan... "

Halfway through, Aya Xiyi gave Zhao Youxuan a "kindly" look, her pupils blooming with lustrous luster.

"She... faded out a ‘mountain’!"


Thinking of the size of Zhao Youxuan's body, Li Rui's eyes were in a trance.

A dozen-storey high, a few kilometers long giant snake coiled into a ball, isn't it just a "mountain"?


Zhao Youxuan swallowed the food in her mouth, hands on hips, and her chest triumphantly, almost torn Li Rui's coat apart.

Her pupils shrank, looking at the startling arc of horror, Li Rui took a breath and found that she was almost as big as Teacher Hannah!

The pigs in the production team dare not have such a long fat!

The most important thing is that Teacher Hannah has a charming face that charms all beings. With her height of over 1.8 meters, no matter how majestic she is, there will be no sense of disobedience. UU reading

But Zhao Youxuan is a standard childlike face, and the comparison between her face and figure makes her look even... awesome!


With a dry cough, Li Rui squeezed his eyebrows and swept across the earth, bringing the huge hollow snake into the [material warehouse].

"By the way, Li Rui, are you parasitic again?"

After a long time, Zhao Youxuan suddenly came back to her senses, and Zhao Youxuan rushed on Li Rui nervously, wrapping around him like a python.

"What do you mean again?"

A sense of horror and oppression moved around, Li Rui took a breath, and pulled her off angrily.

"You were parasitized by that thorny thing last time."

To tell the truth without vision, Li Rui squinted her eyes, and she pressed her pink cheeks and it was a mess.

"Okay, don't play anymore, send the Heavenly Snake Spirit to [Yaochi] as soon as possible, and wipe out the vitality of [Jiuying], so as not to have many nights and dreams!"

Interrupting Li Rui's excitement, Aya Xiyi couldn't help but pull the two away and led them to the center of the altar.

The oval light door unfolded in front of the three of them, and at this moment, Zhao Youxuan suddenly let out a scream.

"what's happenin?"

"My egg, my egg is gone!"

Pounced into a henhouse made up of messy branches, Zhao Youxuan looked around in grief.

"No, it's really gone, I obviously left a sign...uuuuu..."

It took two seconds to realize what kind of egg she was looking for. Li Rui's forehead bounced with blue veins, and she hit her snake butt.

"You're afraid that Brother Lei won't be able to kill you when you wake up, right?"

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