In the vast space that is not true or illusion, a few huge runes of a mountain range suddenly light up, floating in the sky like a star.

And below the rune, the divine light from the sky spirally condensed, turning into seven hazy figures with blurred faces.

One of the figures waved, and a miniature planet resembling a jewel was projected in the center.

"Quality, gravity, climate, temperature, humidity...just a little modification can perfectly meet the needs."

"This is already the 27th A-level planet, right?"

"With the addition of seven Gaia planets, this star field is simply a paradise tailored for us!"

In the slightly distorted sound, the planet projection looks like a TV image with a bad signal, flickering intermittently.

"But there is already a master here."

"They just occupy it without development. There are several observation stations in each galaxy. Who are the masters?"

"You have to say this to them to make sense."

"Huh! In the past ten years of wandering, our fleet has reached its limit, and the environment on the earth is also deteriorating. We need a new home!"

The firm voice paused and looked at a deep silent figure.

"Xingyuan, I need your help."

"I know, Augustine, we will help you."

"But this time he has to!"


After a solemn silence, the deep figure sighed.

"He has suffered [God's Curse], and his condition is very bad. We can't force him."

"A Gaia planet!"


"After opening the Star Gate, [Zhonghua] can monopolize a Gaia planet!"


The subtle ripples disturbed the space, and the rest of them looked at them in amazement, and their breathing became heavy.

"I... will tell him, but he has to decide on his own in the end."

Knowing that there is no clear hierarchy within [Zhen Country Dragon], Augustine nodded in satisfaction and moved his gaze to other figures.

"[The Golden Bridge of the Other Shore] has limited channels, and the reinforcements sent over must be elite among the elite. If you can provide the same level of combat power as [Indestructible Dragon], you can also prioritize the territory based on your contribution afterwards..."

Priority to choose territory...Gaia Planet...

The alluring voice lingered like a devil's whisper in his mind, and the whole world fell into silence for a while.

"You guys think about it."

The flickering figure dissipated from the space, and the remaining six people looked at each other.

And in the depths of the universe, no known light-years away from the solar system, Augustine opened his eyes, and outside the French window in front of him was a slowly rotating blue planet.

"Gaia Planet..."

The metallic palm is attached to the cold glass cover, even with Augustine's concentration, there is a hint of fascination in his eyes.

"Will they really send masters? The status of the home planet is not very good, [Chaos Angel] may come at any time!"

"What's more important is that they don't shrink as we do, and only retain the local area and the [Stars] plan. They have opened up multiple fronts and almost all of their vitality has been drained."

A worried voice came from behind, and Augustine did not look back, still staring at the beautiful planet madly.

After a long time, he let out a sigh of regret.


"This should be a great plan for the joint development of all mankind, but now it can only be supported by our [Mechanical Church] family..."

Before he finished speaking, the person behind him spoke quietly.

"They fear the Xinghai, they fear the unknown."

"No, they are not afraid."

Augustine smiled and shook his head, looking towards the deeper and more infinite universe.

"The earth is the center of all worlds, the hub of time and space. Since colonies can be opened at your doorstep, why bother to pursue dreams that are out of reach?"

"Because they are greedy, old-fashioned and old-fashioned, when the divine nature returns, the mother star will fall into the rule of the gods, and those who lose their pivot will be the scattered sand divided on the planes of the heavens!"

"Hehe, at their point, they are thinking about the continuation of the entire ethnic group. You can't blame them for making a conservative choice..."

After a pause, Augustine raised his mouth.

"On the contrary, we are aliens, and we dare to bet everything for that tiny chance!"

"But we made a right bet, didn't we?"

"Yeah, we were right. Seeing the big cake close at hand, they will make an inevitable choice between guarding the home planet and opening up a new front."

"The inevitable choice?"


Augustine turned around and saw a humanoid creature with a purely mechanical structure. There seemed to be a glimmer of confusion in the scarlet electronic eyes.

Raising the palm of his hand, his five fingers slowly rotated and clenched, Augustine grinned sullenly.

"Individuals make choices, collectives want them all!"


The sky is gloomy, dark clouds are rolling, and the air in the cemetery on the outskirts of the magic city is particularly dull.

Wearing a solemn black suit, Li Rui stood in front of the tombstone and poured a glass of fragrant wine on the ground.

"Coach, I saw Pengfei..."

After a long pause, Li Rui sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sad, it's not your fault."

Huang Juncai stared at the photo on the tombstone with complicated eyes, and patted Li Rui's shoulder to comfort him.

"Thinking about it from another angle, if you send his son down to meet, the coach might also thank you."

Turning his head stiffly, UU reading looked at Huang Juncai with a serious face, and Li Rui was speechless for a while.

Logical ghost!

The angle is tricky!

You are so reasonable, I really want to beat you!

With a dangerous gaze, Huang Juncai retreated two steps before Li Rui turned his head back.

"Aren't you traveling with your uncle and aunt? Why did you come back early?"

"I'm angry when I talk about this, Xiaoli, don't you think of me as a brother? You are hiding something like this from us!"

"I didn't deliberately conceal it, but you didn't ask."

"Hehe, when Luo Li and Teacher Hannah come back, you can tell them this!"

"The promotion ceremony for the Duke of Blood hasn't been so fast, and it will take at least two months."

"But I heard that Luo Li beat a few squeaky princes, all the bells and whistles of the ceremony were simplified, and she will be back soon."

After a pause, Li Rui turned her head in disbelief and stared at Huang Juncai's eyes.

"Did you tell them?"

"No, I just told her that you recently had a hot fight with a long-legged elder sister, like glue like paint, like a fish in water, like a wolf like a tiger..."

You might as well tell her that I'm stacking buffs!

Li Rui rubbed his temples painfully, even if he knew that Huang Juncai was deliberately gagging and helping him to shift his emotions, he still couldn't help but blunt him.


Work overtime until ten o'clock and go home, and it will be two o'clock in the morning after coding, ask for tickets~-('`」∠)--

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