Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1147: , Heart of 9 Orifices

, The fastest update of Infinite God installed in the latest chapter of the city!

[Jade Lake] In the depths of the secret realm, huge gathering clouds form a whirlpool, and the sky hangs down like a funnel spiral, as if to crush the whole world into the earth.

At the exit of the "funnel", a majestic and magnificent hall was shrouded in thousands of divine lights, swallowing all auras like a bottomless pit.

However, in this violent energy tide, a group of people stood motionless outside the hall, looking anxiously at the gate of the gilt temple, and the fingers of several girls even became dead white.


The spiritual power that lasted for several days gradually weakened, and the girls glanced at each other, staring at the gate of the palace expectantly and uncomfortably.


The heavy palace door slowly opened, and a familiar figure came out first, without a trace of blood on his tired face.


Before the girls rushed up, a yellow hair turned into a stern lightning, and instantly rushed in front of the person.

"Xiyi! How's the operation? Don't talk about doing your best, and then I'll have another one, but I'm sorry. I tell you, Xiao Li is as hard as a cockroach. He can't be stepped on. You can see his way. Just know the shape..."

Seeing Huang Juncai, who was extremely excited and spit flying in front of him, Aya Xiyi flicked his sleeves, and the substantive purple-black flames directly flew him away, turning into a beautiful arc, and disappearing outside the palace wall.


But there were a bunch of girls around, and Aya Xiyi had no choice but to roll her eyes reluctantly.

"If you care about it, it will be chaotic. With Li Rui's strong physique, and the Antarctic Yuanjun personally presiding over the procedure, what is the danger?"

After speaking, she lifted her small chest slightly, sneered triumphantly, and twisted her five fingers tightly.

"What's more, with me, the Emperor Underworld, who is in charge of death, I want him to live, I want him to die... uh... he won't die anyway!"

"Then why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Antarctic Yuanjun is showing him something, don't worry, he will be out soon."

And in the main hall, bathed in the divine light of [Kunlun Mirror], Li Rui looked ugly at a dark red strange heart in the jade basin.

The heart has nine orifices, even if it doesn't have any support, it still swallows the surrounding spiritual energy, still moving itself.

"Is this really something taken from my body?"

Poke the disgusting organ with his finger, and a real touch came from his fingertips, and Li Rui's scalp numb for a while.

"Snakes and worms lie dormant, and [Nine Infants] of the angel rank will even hide in death, waiting for the day of return."

The plump and graceful Antarctic Yuanjun chuckled and replied, but his brows were covered in fatigue and weakness that could not be concealed.

Seeing this scene, Li Rui felt warmth in her heart and bowed her head sincerely.

"Master Yuanjun, this time I trouble you again."

"Ha ha."

Antarctic Yuanjun smiled without saying a word, just patted his head lightly, as if a mother teaches a naughty child.

"You, with such a serious curse hanging on your body, if you dare to cause trouble outside, can you not live for a while?"

"I want it too……"

Li Rui smiled bitterly, exhaled a suffocating breath, staring into the void with his eyes out of focus.

"But if I stop, I might really be dead."

"Do you live to death? I don't understand your [Indestructible Dragon], but I guess it has some effect on you."

Antarctic Yuanjun shook his head helplessly, and handed the jade basin carrying the heart of Jiuqiao to Li Rui's hand.

"Isn't this...contaminated garbage that needs to be destroyed?"

"Hehe, it is a divine condensation between reality and illusion. It is the most precious original vitality of [Nine Infants]. If you can refine it, you may be able to spy on the power of life and death!"


After a long silence, Li Rui stretched out his hand to pinch his beating heart, frowning thoughtfully.

"Take it away, it has been sealed by [Kunlun Mirror], it won't be dangerous."

Antarctic Yuanjun waved his hand tiredly, turned and turned into a light mist, dissipating in the air.

Flicking his wrist, he put Jiuqiao's heart into the 【material warehouse】, Li Rui bowed deeply in the direction where Yuanjun had left from Antarctica, and it took a long time to get up and leave the hall.


"team leader!"

As soon as he walked out of the hall door, a gust of fragrant wind blew his face, Li Rui subconsciously opened his arms, and embraced the two who flew over.

"When did you come back?"

Smiling and looking at the two weeping faces, Li Rui was about to make a joke, his face suddenly changed.

"Li Rui~~~~~"


A flickering Bai Nen forehead slammed into the lower abdomen, and it was only a few tenths of a second that there was a howling wind around him.

"Li Rui, don't die... oh oh~~"

The petite figure hugged Li Rui and duang and duang a few times. The long-lost and familiar head hammer attack made his complexion drastically changed. The white is red, the red is black, and the black is purple...

"[Fallen Council] can't get rid of me, the gods can't get rid of me, but you really can!"

Pulling Zhao Youxuan's head from her chest, Li Rui grinds her teeth viciously with her braid.

Raising her head to meet fierce gazes, and realizing that he seems to be alive, he has no intention of dying at all, Zhao Youxuan sniffed and smiled shyly.

"Hey, they are not so good."

"I didn't praise you on horseback!"

"Yes, dead pig, go away!"

"Come down, short-legged cat! I'm super fierce now, oooo~"

"Sister Luo Li beat her!"

"Batdog can't beat me now, I'm not afraid of rabies anymore!"

"what did you say?"

Seeing a couple of happy friends quarreling again, Teacher Hanna reluctantly stepped forward: "Stop making trouble, Ruijun, come and let me see."

Chasing away the girl who was chasing and screaming around Li Rui, Teacher Hanna gently helped him tidy up his messy clothes, with a hint of resentment in his amorous eyes.

"I am sorry."

"Forgive you, but if such a thing happens in the future, we must be notified in time."


"Even if I can't do anything, I want to be by your side..."

As the warm and charming atmosphere spread, a yellow-haired head suddenly emerged from the two of them.

"Who said we can't do anything? We can rush to the scene and laugh at him as soon as possible!"


One kick turned him into a meteor in the sky, Li Rui slowly retracted his legs in an angry way, but Hannah teacher in front of him shuffled with a chuckle.


"He has a bag in his brain. UU reading"


I don't know that that sentence hit Teacher Hannah's smile, and the mature and elegant beauty smiled so much that tears flowed out.


After finally regaining her breath, Hannah took a deep breath and patted Li Rui with an anguish.

"Don't make me laugh."

Li Rui frowned slightly and looked at her sincerely: "I didn't tease you, he really has a bag in his brain!"


"Hahahaha goose goose goose~"

After holding back twice, the plump and elegant mature beauty let out a goose bark and buried her head in Li Rui's arms.

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