, The fastest update of Infinite God installed in the latest chapter of the city!

Imperial capital

The warm morning light shines on the earth, and the door of the wide villa opens gently. Luo Li is like a wife sending her husband out, gently helping Li Rui tidy up his tie.

"Does it need to be so formal?"

Li Rui looked at the same solemn and majestic Aya Xiyi, and asked without hesitation.

"After all, we are going to sign a contract on behalf of [Zhonghua], so we can't wear casual clothes, right? The person in charge of the concierge department almost knelt outside the gate."

"Hehe, the captain looks good in everything."

After fine-tuning the position of the tie, Luo Li took two steps back to admire her masterpiece and nodded in satisfaction.

"When you get off the plane, don't lose yourself in the sound of a pretty boy, and forget to come back."

Finally, he helped Li Rui dial the bangs, Luo Li leaned in front of him jokingly.

Seeing close at hand, with red cheeks and a delicate face with a sly blur in his eyes, Li Rui smiled and shook his head, as he was about to speak, suddenly there was a sneer beside him.

"Heh, pretty boy? It doesn't exist, they will only tell you to pounce gai and Diao Mao."

Looking at Huang Juncai, who was dispirited and full of expressions of "I can't bear to look back", everyone looked at each other with sharp eyes.

"Please tell your story!"

He rolled up the file and poked him in the face as a microphone, Huang Juncai sighed, staring at the sky with a sullen expression.

"I was young that year, Yushu was in the wind..."


The violent roar of the jet engine interrupted him, and a slender plane slowly landed not far away. Li Rui's mouth slumped in regret and put away the microphone.

"Go, come back this afternoon."

"Brother, come back early, we are waiting for you to eat."


Rubbing Li Wei's head, Li Rui smiled cowardly, and led Aya Kiyi towards the plane.

The high-speed passenger plane soared into the sky and quickly turned into a black spot and disappeared into the clouds.

In the cabin, Li Rui sat on the sofa, with one hand propped his face down and looked down at the clouds outside the window, staring blankly.

"Master Li Rui is so temperamental, more handsome than those stars!"

"Yes, obviously facial features are ordinary, but they have magical charm."

"Uuuuu...I want to see him smile at me evilly, then pick up my chin, tear off my clothes, and press it up... Oh, don't~~"

"Yeah, the dead girl is making a fuss again! Do you want it or not?"

"do not stop!"

"Yeah yah yah ah~~~~"

A scream of excitement, like a mosquito, came from the next cabin. Several good-looking flight attendants poked their heads out from time to time and secretly looked at Li Rui, flushing and rubbing their legs with excitement and anxiety.

"That...sir, do you need a drink?"

After a while, a slightly heavy gasp sounded around him, and Li Rui turned around, only to feel a fragrant breeze, and a shy blushing face was stuck in a place less than ten centimeters away from him.

Mysterious and alluring purple meaning fainted from the dark and deep pupils. The stewardess only felt a burst of heat from her lower abdomen to the sky, and waves of boundless pleasure invaded her, almost making her heart explode.


Biting his lip lightly, making a thick nasal sound, the stewardess supported the back of the sofa, her whole body collapsed into a mess.

"No, thanks."

"Well~~ Then please do not hesitate to give instructions if you have any needs. The total flight time for this trip is about 70 minutes. If you want to rest, there is a bedroom on the second floor..."

The moist eyes were staring at Li Rui, and the flight attendant's face was flushed with bleeding amid the heavier panting.

As if not understanding her suggestion, Li Rui nodded with a polite and alienated smile.

"I see, go down."

"Well~~ I wish you a pleasant journey."

You Yuan retracted his gaze. The stewardess held on to the wall and walked back to the next cabin with difficulty. On the transparent black silk, there seemed to be some kind of unidentified liquid sliding down the thigh.

Scratching his head in distress, Li Rui barred his teeth in dissatisfaction when Aya Xiyi was happily playing games on the second floor.

I'm almost beeping, are you still playing?

Eyebrows twitched, Li Rui cursed and turned his head to stare at the sea of ​​clouds outside the window, sighing helplessly in his heart.

[Evil Spirit] The control power has become lower again...

If you continue to develop like this, will you stare at who is pregnant?

The thought of Guapi flashed in his mind, Li Rui narrowed his eyes, his eyes gradually becoming solemn.

The lowering of control power indirectly indicates that the erosion of [Curse of God's Fall] is deeper, and I am sliding to the edge of losing control!

More "food" must be found for growth to dilute the eroded part of the curse!

Thinking of this, Li Rui opened the folder beside him and placed a thick stack of documents on the table.

The emergency quick response agency jointly established by the seven gods, affiliated to the Security Council, is specifically aimed at the advent of [Chaos Angel]...

Haha, after seeing the end of [Mechanical God Cult], immediately give up eating alone and turn to cooperation for a win-win situation?

Although the content of the cooperation has been known in advance, it is the first time for Li Rui to check the specific details.

This means that he can justifiably intervene in the [Chaos Angels] of other forces, and no one can say that he is "grabbing" anymore!

As his eyes wandered on the page, Li Rui's smile suddenly froze.


PanPacificDefenseCorps-the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force!

Slowly closing the document in his hand, Li Rui's five fingers tapped lightly on the desktop, making a rhythmic sound.

[King of Fighters], [Saint Seiya], [Holy Grail War], [Pacific Rim]...

This world is always connected with some literary works of previous lives in a weird way, especially the [Holy Grail War] and [Pacific Rim], almost made them by myself!

And following some unspeakable evil taste, he actually put the stage of the first [Holy Grail War] in Fuyuki City!

In addition, why does the earth happen to be the hub of ten thousand realms, the corridor of time and space?

And he happened to travel across the vast expanse of the universe to this planet that was plausible from the previous life?

In the dark, there seems to be an invisible hand grafting cause and effect together...

All kinds of information are mixed in my mind, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Li Rui suddenly stopped his movements and collapsed on the back of the sofa chair.

Forget it, this kind of questions related to the philosophical level of cause and effect is too profound, and I am not qualified to think about them in my current personality.

Perhaps, after the advanced mythology, the hidden connection behind this will gradually reveal itself...

Nodding his eyebrows, Li Rui suddenly raised his mouth slightly while looking at the document in front of him.

I thought it was Godzilla, but I didn't expect it to be the Pacific Rim...

It's a pity that I can't eat the Skull Island pretty boy...I haven't eaten an orangutan yet!

Smash it. Smash it. Let his thinking diverge. The 70-minute journey passed by, and Li Rui soon felt that the aircraft was dropping at a constant speed.

Returning from the outside of the atmosphere, penetrating through the thick clouds, land and sea come into view at the same time.

As the height plummeted, a prosperous coastal city continued to expand in sight.

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