Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1151: The position of the palace

"Ruijun, how did you think about my last proposal?"

"Sorry, Sae, I'm relatively'busy' during this time, so I haven't had time to evaluate..."

"It doesn't matter, take your time, Poseidon can't run away anyway, but the [ritual] is best completed before you become a god. According to the current progress, we still have two or three years..."

"Well, I'll talk more in detail when you have time."

Hearing this conversation, Yan Yan was talking and laughing on the surface, but in fact the expressions of the gossip crowds who focused all their attention on Li Rui changed.


Is another ancient **** about to return?

No, listen to them, not so much as returning, but as a hunting target!


Poseidon even planned the position of Zeus, the **** king of the previous generation, how could he surrender to his niece's scepter?

What's more, there are beams formed from the ancient times among them!

Therefore, even if Poseidon does not have the power to resurrect, as long as there is still a glimmer of life, the new generation of His Majesty the King will definitely act first and take the initiative to annihilate it!

With a change of expression, a sense of psychedelic chaos in time and space surged in the hearts of the gossip crowd.

When the names that only appear in the fairy tales were uttered from the mouths of the two young men and women, in a daze, they were unable to connect them with the real existence in history!

But soon, after they understood the information in the words, they felt as if they were overpowered, and there was a tingling numb.


The war between Athena and Poseidon!

The new generation of Olympus God King will step on the corpse of the old enemy and ascend to the throne!

The magnificent sense of epic fills the brain, and there is a glimmer of understanding in everyone's hearts, they are witnessing new myths!

Even...participate in it yourself!

Looking at the group of people in the center of the hall without a trace, many gossiping people have mixed emotions in their eyes.

The same is the secret diamond rough, but there has been a substantial gap between the two sides!

For them, a threshold that is beyond sight and cannot be touched, may be just an insignificant scenery on the way forward!

Listen to what they say, before becoming a god...two or three years...

These keywords are shot into the hearts of the gossip crowd like sharp arrows, making them want to cover their chests involuntarily.

Once upon a time, they were also the proud children of the world, but since they met Li Rui, the new generation of gods, they have realized a cruel fact.

Times have changed!

The old gods returned, the new gods enthroned, and they, who used to dominate the entire earth, are still just a bunch of mortals!

The feelings of grief and anger flashed in their hearts, and everyone quickly picked up their moods, and the fighting spirit rekindled in their eyes.

Those who are eligible to appear in the hall are the elites among the elites, and they won't be easily defeated.

Even if it is not comparable to Li Rui, but with the rising tide of spiritual energy, they may not have the opportunity to get a glimpse of the realm of myth!

Even with people like Li Rui who have overcome obstacles and opened up new roads, their chances of becoming gods might be even greater!

An elegant smile filled the corners of his mouth again, and the depressive atmosphere at that moment was like an illusion. The whole banquet hall was crisscrossed and filled with cheerful air.

Without noticing the waves that he caused, Li Rui was full of thoughts, and suddenly a handsome young man appeared in front of him.

"Hello, this is Marcy Robin."

Looking at the palm he proactively extended, Li Rui shook hands politely, with a professional and elegant smile on his face.

But immediately after Marcy Robin's words changed his face.

"Abel and I are blood brothers, you can call me uncle."

Subconsciously straightening his back, Li Rui respectfully bowed his head to say hello.

"Hello, uncle."

"Hahahaha, the young man is a kind of talent, humble and polite, no wonder Luo Li mentions you to me every day!"

Patting Li Rui on the shoulder affectionately, Marcy Robin first gave Raphael a wary look, and then looked back at the representative of [Dark Night Hidden] who came with him to attend the meeting. The sense of superiority in his eyes was about to overflow. Up.

did you see?

[Zhonghua] [Indestructible Dragon] will call my uncle, you scumbags respect me in the future!

However, as an alliance that is looser than the [Prime Covenant], other people don't like him at all, and their eyes are full of disdain.

However, many people still feel like having a lemon in their hearts, with sourness surging in their chests.

Isn't it just having a good daughter?

What's so great?

But one of them looked at Marcy Robin undaunted, his lips raised coldly and sneered.

Immediately, she tidied up her clothes, put on a charming smile, and walked to Li Rui with a fragrant fragrance.

"Master Li Rui, this is Mandy Sakbas, I am glad to meet you."

Perceiving something from her surname, Li Rui held her plump hand and smiled cordially.

"Hello, may I ask you and Hannah..."

"Oh, I have a certain blood relationship with her mother Ivana, so..."

Mandy Sackbas gave Marcy Robin a provocative look, then turned his head and put on a charming smile.

"You can also call me auntie."


Looking at the beautiful person who was 30 years old and full of fascination, UU read Li Rui hesitated for a moment before smiling embarrassingly.

"Hello, Auntie."

"Hehe, what a good boy, Hannah will leave it to you in the future."

Patting the back of Li Rui's hand, Mandy Sackbas looked at Marcy Robin's ugly face and raised the corners of his mouth triumphantly.

I'm sorry, it's not me who is robbing men, everyone here is rubbish!

It doesn't matter if your little kid is your first love, but the position of the palace must be ours in the end!

With sharp eyes clashing between a man and a woman, Li Rui vaguely sensed the rivalry between them and scratched his head embarrassedly.

"Well, Aunt Mandy, Hannah wants to fight for the position of patriarch in your next meeting, I don't know if you can..."

"Of course, I definitely support Hannah, and the entire Succubus clan will fully support you in the future."

Mandy Sackbas accepted without hesitation, and gave Marcy Robin a sneer.

What can your little girl's natal family know?

Except for inheriting a little wealth from her father, she has no one under her, but we have the support of the whole clan!

We've decided on the position of the palace!

Reading her thoughts from her eyes, Marcy Robin looked gloomy, but couldn't think of anything for a while.

Luo Li's impure blood is her greatest sin!

Not to mention the power of the entire blood clan to support her, just within the Fanzhuo clan may not be able to unify opinions.

She has one-half of the Frostwolf blood!

Just this sentence is enough to dispel the thoughts of many elders!

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