Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1152: , The charm is unstoppable (physical)

Those stubborn old guys would rather die than let a mixed race represent Fan Zhuo's face!

Damn it, obviously I came first... Whether you know each other or know each other, our family Luo Li is the first!

Seeing Li Rui's calm and moist eyes, Marcy Robin was full of unwillingness.

This is a potential stock once in a thousand years!

In the future, if he becomes a true god, as long as he protects and supports him a little bit, maybe our Fanzhuo clan can reproduce the glory of our ancestors!

Even... if he can give birth to offspring with Luo Li...

Even if there is only a quarter of the Vatican lineage, it is a genuine god, born a myth!

In theory, each of them is qualified to open up a brand new clan!

Thousands of years later, maybe the clan of the Fanzhuo family will occupy the majority of the council, and then the whole blood clan will have the final say!

A bright red light appeared in his eyes, Marcy Robin's chest was hot, his sharp canines stretched his lips, and a wicked smile was raised.

Our family, Luo Li, is a childhood sweetheart. How can I lose to Tianjiang Bitchi? When I go back, I have to discuss it with Abel!

Without paying attention to Marcy Robin's passionate inner drama, Li Rui sincerely thanked Mandy Sackbas, and turned his head to see a lonely figure in the corner.

Embarrassed to convict the two "elders", Li Rui quietly walked to the person and spoke softly.

"Qiuzi, why are you hiding in a corner alone?"

Taking a deep look at Li Rui, Jingu Qiuzi raised a tired smile.

"a bit tired."


Li Rui lightly raised his eyebrows and looked up and down suspiciously.

I haven't done anything, you, a high-level transcendent, say tired?

"Well, my heart is tired."

Seeing those beautiful and radiant figures not far away, Jingu Qiuzi's eyes were full of envy.

She spends a large part of her energy dealing with state affairs every day, and her cultivation time has been compressed again and again, and now she has opened a clear gap with them.

If this continues, you may not even have the qualifications to stand beside him...

Secretly glanced at Li Rui, Jingu Qiuzi doubted her choice for the first time.

Maybe, I shouldn't covet the position of the queen...

"You must do everything yourself. Of course you are tired. You must learn to delegate power appropriately. You look at me and you have a heart and a fat body.

Spreading his hands, Li Rui shrugged proudly and said jokingly.

"Hehe, I don't have your qualifications."

Jingu Qiuzi smiled and shook her head helplessly.

"By the way, I feel that your aura has become stronger, and those little girls are all fascinated by you."

Looking around the hall teasingly, and quietly observing Li Rui's girls shyly avoiding their sight, the corners of Jingu Qiuzi's mouth were lightly raised, and the subject changed without a trace.

"Well, I am truly unstoppable in the physical sense..."

Feeling the passive [evil spirit] radiating a steady stream of weird powers, Li Rui sighed in distress.

"Say you are fat and you still panting?"

Thinking he was joking, Akiko Jingu gave him an angry look and brought the topic back to the right track.

"How are you preparing for the afternoon meeting?"

"The preliminary specific negotiations have already been completed, and I'm just here for a cutscene."

"This is the most important transcendental structure in nearly a century, and the fate of our small countries depends entirely on it!"

Jingu Qiuzi was worried, and the Eastern Islands lacked strategic depth. If [Chaos Angels] landed on the island like [Hellfire], the dense coastal city clusters would surely be reduced to ruins.

Losing the most essential coastal economic belt, Dongying will not be able to retreat back to the Stone Age, at least one or two generations will not be able to relax!

In other words, once the angels land, no matter what the situation is, Dongying will be the biggest loser!

And because of the concealment of the sons of Gaia, it is almost impossible to discover them in advance. Only when they take the initiative to emerge and then push them back with the momentum of thunder can the loss be minimized.

Thinking of this, Jingu Qiuzi couldn't help but glance at Li Rui.

There may be many ways to defeat [Chaos Angel] in this world, but the one who can push it back positively...It is probably only the man in front of him...

"what's happenin?"

"I'm thinking about how to trick you to stay in Dongying for a long time."

"It's easy, don't you keep saying that you want me to eat..."

Before he finished speaking, Jingu Qiuzi's complexion changed slightly, and he smiled awkwardly.

"I suddenly remembered something, it was rude."

"Wait, the treat..."

"Next time! Definitely next time!"

Seeing Jingu Qiuzi disappear into the crowd with small steps in a panic, Li Rui twitched the corners of his mouth awkwardly.

Don’t you still have a lot of inventory of the divine flesh and blood of the Yachi Orochi back then?

Let me eat a billion points without dying!



"The Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force is formally established!"

On a giant round table with a diameter of tens of meters, representatives of nearly a hundred extraordinary forces signed their names on the documents in their hands, and thunderous applause suddenly sounded in the spacious conference room.

When the cumbersome ceremony was completed, all the forces left the scene in one file, and Li Rui, who was sitting in the chair, let out a long sigh of foul breath.

"I don't want to host this kind of meeting anymore!"

Whispered to Aya Xiyi behind him, a hearty laugh suddenly sounded not far away.

"Hahahaha, it's been hard work, but in the future these burdens will gradually fall on you, UU reading, we old guys should also retreat!"

Looking back, an old handsome man wearing a Chinese-style robe, elegant and easy-going, looked at the two with a smile from the corner of his eyes, and nodded with impenetrable satisfaction.

"You are... Old Star?"

"Well, they are all their own, don't be restrained."

With a light wave of his hand, the open door suddenly closed, and the blue translucent barrier spread along the wall like water waves, and soon the conference hall large enough to accommodate a thousand people was completely sealed off.

"Shenzhou Enchantment·Void Extraction!"

The faint sense of weightlessness disappeared in a flash. With the induction of [Void Stone], Li Rui keenly sensed that the space he was in had been separated from reality, forming an independent miniature plane.

With this hand alone, his degree of deification will far surpass that of Brother Han Ran!

This is the real **** of the world!

With a movement of his eyes, Li Rui stared at the other person curiously, and finally all his attention was attracted by those cosmic deep eyes.

"Ahem, the next thing to talk about is more important, you must think carefully."

The cough awakened Li Rui, his whole body was shaken, his pupils contracted, and his clarity was restored.

Was he actually disturbed by Xing Lao's divinity?

Is his divinity too strong?

Or is my control weakened?

The distracting thoughts in his mind flashed past, Li Rui condensed his mind and nodded earnestly.

"I will show you a video first."

With a wave of his hand, a light curtain unfolded in front of the three of them out of thin air, and countless blue translucent crystals stood tall, presenting a gorgeous and magical alien scenery.

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