Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1153: 、MyLifeforAuir…

"this is?"

Seeing the scene that was obviously not like on earth, Li Rui stared curiously.

"This is [Mechanism] found a star field in the Andromeda Galaxy, which is about 2.67 million light-years away from Earth."

"When did they run that far?"

With a jump in his eyes, Li Rui finally understood why [Mechanical Theology] had no sense of existence on the earth.

It turns out that they put all their energy into external exploration!

"Preparations began decades ago. Each force has its own plan to deal with the end. It took them nearly ten years to finally find a new home for mankind, but..."

As soon as the conversation turned, the elegant and easy-going Xinglao waved his hand, and the picture on the light screen moved fast, and soon a strange creature appeared.

That was a warrior wearing a gorgeous hollowed-out gold armor. The lower limbs had a reverse kinematic joint structure that was completely different from that of humans. The warm and moist streamer circulated in the lines of the gold armor, making it look like there is no alien and terrifying, on the contrary. With an indescribable holiness and nobility.

However, as the warrior shook his arms abruptly, the incandescent energy condensed into a sharp blade, and the high-frequency vibration caused a dull hum in the air. The tall figure's legs flicked and instantly turned into a golden lightning, tearing the air. Rush to the camera.

"Who are you? Wait, we didn't mean anything! Ahhhhh!"

Human screams sounded in the screen, several shots switched back and forth, and soon all fell into silence.

"Is that the local aborigines? Our exploratory team was attacked?"

Squinting his eyes, Li Rui's pupils flickered with cold light.

Although there is a clear distinction between [Chinese] and [Mechanical Gods] on the earth, once we leave the planet, we only have one common identity-earthlings!

Faced with the pressure of alien races, the contradictions among the people are simply not worth mentioning!

"That planet does not have advanced intelligent life. They should be the same advance team as [Mechanical Theology]. However, although they obviously have a very high level of civilization, they have no intention of communicating with us at all. The first contact with the exploration team is all Extinguished, only these images were sent back."

Xing Lao flicked his fingers, the screen changed, and this time a messy battlefield appeared.

In the scorched earth with green smoke, an existence similar to the golden warrior just now knelt on one knee, covered with hideous scars, and the aura that was visible to the naked eye escaped from the wound.

"This is another soldier encountered in the same star field, but this time there is a Secret Diamond Rank [Mechanical Envoy] in the [Mechanical God Cult] exploration team."

There was a trace of sarcasm in Xing Lao's tone, but a trace of confusion flashed in Li Rui's eyes.

This scene seems to have been seen somewhere, there is an inexplicable sense of sight.

"Mechanical Gods have parsed their language, and what you hear next is the only communication in the contact between the two parties."

In the picture, the dying golden warrior struggled to stand up, his arms swelled and flicked, a sharp blade made up of two electric awns popped out instantly, and a fanatical flame burned in his suddenly raised blue eyes.

The deep voice vibrated the air, like multi-cavity resonance, forming a deep and deep roar.

After the analysis of the mechanical **** super brain, the incomprehensible language was transformed into a familiar voice while retaining the original voice.


It was as if an electric current pierced a nerve, even with Li Rui's concentration, the color instantly changed, and he suddenly jumped up from the seat.

"A fanatic?!!!!!!"

The elegant old star stared at Li Rui thoughtfully.

"A fanatic? Do you know them?"

After a brief gaffe, Li Rui sat back in his seat and nodded thoughtfully.

I might not remember if the intellectual brain of Mechatronics translates this sentence into Chinese, but the English is too familiar!

"They are more than two million light-years away from us. How did you get in touch with them?"

Old Xing looked at Li Rui deeply, with strange emotions in his eyes.

"I have the ability to predict, I have foreseen them in a certain world line."

By tapping his temples, Li Rui was naturally calm and could not see the slightest difference.

Remembering that Li Rui had predicted the resurrection of the big snake, Xing Lao suddenly realized: "Then what is their overall strength? How should we respond?"

After a long silence, Li Rui didn't know how to answer for a while.

The technology of Protoss is of course very strong, but according to the current overall human strength assessment, it seems that they are not worthy of them...

Even if all the forces of the earth are brought together, the high-end combat power will definitely be the upper hand on the human side!

Of course, all of this is evaluated according to the background settings in the game, and the real situation has to be played before you know it!

The question is that the protoss are all out, can the swarm be far away?

Thinking of this, Li Rui was taken aback.

and many more!

Protoss, Terran, Swarm...

StarCraft is alive!

After doing it for a long time, Human Race is actually myself?

Seeing Li Rui's face unpredictable, Xing Lao couldn't help becoming serious.

"If the opponent's strength is crushing, then we really have to think about the future!"

Hearing what he said, Li Rui came back to his senses and waved his hand quickly.

"Not that Protoss' technological strength should not surpass us too much. What I am really worried about is another issue."


Sensitively caught the new words in Li Rui's mouth, Xinglao's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"Well, this is the name of their race. UU read, but this is not important. What I am really worried about is the strange creatures I saw in the prophecy."

"What creature can surprise you?"

"A population that is pure, greedy, and full of evolutionary desires, with a unified central consciousness."

"It sounds dangerous."

Pulling the corners of his mouth, Li Rui looked at Xing Lao's eyes and nodded seriously.

"They are really dangerous!"

"Although they have a high-intelligence collective consciousness, their actions will be more driven by instincts. Compared with the protoss who can communicate, the swarms will overwhelm all the creatures they come into contact with, and will never stop multiplying, swallowing, and evolving. ..."

"Insect swarm? Why have you never heard of this before?"

The first time he heard of such a terrifying species, the old man frowned involuntarily.

"Because I have seen countless world lines, most of them are obscure and hardly communicate with us. This is just a trivial future trajectory."

Li Rui said half-truth and half-truth, if the works he has seen in the previous life can find prototypes in this universe, then he has really seen countless world lines!

"Protoss, Zerg..."

Fingers tapped on the table, making a rhythmic crisp sound, Xing Lao stared into the void, muttering to himself.

It took a long time before he came back to his senses, Xing Lao looked directly at Li Rui's eyes solemnly, and spoke slowly and lowly.

There are only three chapters when there are guests at home today, and three chapters will be continued tomorrow (′”∠)

In addition, students who have never played StarCraft can listen to the voices of fanatics, which is quite igniting and more ignorant than bloggers...

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