Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1154: The language of power

"So, on behalf of human beings, are you willing to go to the depths of the stars to eliminate their threat?"

"How to eliminate?"


Li Rui was taken aback for a moment, watching Xing Lao's gentle and elegant pupils exuding a cold killing intent, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly after a long time.

I'm not sleepy when you talk about this!

"Since they have no willingness to communicate, then we will use powerful language to talk."

"Kill them hurt, kill them terrified, kill them awake at night!"

"When the time comes, they will naturally beg to communicate with us!"

Xing Lao's words are sonorous and powerful, and there is endless chill in his indifferent eyes.

After a while, he slowly moved his gaze to Li Rui's face.

"I know that you are carrying [God's Curse]. If you don't want to go, I can help you refuse."

Hearing this, Li Rui smiled and shook his head, and slowly stood up.

"If you want me to be a diplomatic envoy, then I'm really not interested."

"But you want me to kill and destroy, then I can only say..."

Two pairs of strange pupils looked at each other in the air, and the corners of Li Rui's mouth slowly turned upwards, revealing a bloodthirsty smile with ferocious excitement.

"You found the right person!"

Looking at those dark, crazy, tyrannical, and greedy eyes, even the most powerful angel on the ground, the **** of the world, Xing Lao's back could not help but give birth to a trace of chill.

Maybe...I released a terrible monster...

Compared to Zergs and Protoss, he may be the most terrifying creature!

However, this monster is our [Indestructible True Dragon]!

With pride in his chest, Old Xing patted Li Rui's shoulder vigorously.

"Go, use the language they understand and tell them that humans are the masters of the starry sky!"

Bang bang~

With a fist hammering his heart lightly, Li Rui's mouth was filled with a cold smile.

"With my sword, open up frontiers and open up land, and China will last forever!"

"China is forever!"

"China is forever!"


In the cold and dark universe, a golden battleship was cruising in the void, and a clever reminder suddenly sounded in the command room.

"Super long-distance transition folds detected, coordinates XX..."

A figure wearing a slender and gorgeous gold armor with a huge phantom diamond inlaid in the crown of his eyebrows frowned slightly.

"This coordinate... is close to the sphere of influence of those lower creatures. Is it their reinforcement?"

"Stupid low-level creatures dare to use the jump technique in front of us, Stirton, just in time when their main fleet is not there, let's eat this batch of reinforcements!"

Not far away, a tall enthusiast clenched his fist and said viciously.

"Rand, I know you were not convinced that you were killed by them once, but we only have one [Void Glow Ship]. If the enemy is too large..."

Before the words were finished, the smart reminder sounded again.

"The transition is complete, thirteen energy responses are detected, and no large fleet is found."

"Single teleportation? Is it their high-ranking archon?"

"Strange creatures, each individual has a different energy response!"

There was a lively discussion in the command room, and Staton's frowning brows slowly stretched, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"The high-ranking archon actually doesn't have fleet protection. It really tempts me to take action..."

"Master Stetton, there is news from the front line that an enemy fleet is moving in our direction!"

"It looks like I want to meet them, Stadton, let's do it!"

The tall fanatic waved his fists in excitement, and the gorgeous and elegant Stetton groaned for a few seconds, and his eyes narrowed.

"Glow Ship, go forward at full speed and annihilate the enemy!"

"Yes! Go ahead at full speed!"

"The phase crystal is recharged!"

"Void lens is being corrected!"

"Enter the attack range!"

"Destroy mode activated!"

"Prism beam positioning!"

"The beam is locked, you can fire at any time, Commander!"

Orderly announcements echoed in the command hall, and the huge glow ship blossomed like petals, and the surging energy gathered at a point in the center, forming an entity visible to the naked eye, bursting out a light that is hotter than the sun!

Across the long distance, Sterton shook his head with a chuckle, feeling full of emotion in his heart.

Although the power of the individual is very powerful, the thinking is quite primitive. Why do these ignorant creatures dare to attack the Son of El?

Could it be... they are the same as those disgusting bugs?

The distracting thoughts in his mind flashed by, and Sterton shook his head slightly, slowly spitting out two words.



"Inaccurate positioning, we are 7941 light seconds away from the target point!"

"What do you do then? Do you want us to fly over?"

"Wait, the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, and the distance of almost 8,000 light seconds is... well..."

"2.4 billion kilometers, we may have to fly to the end of the world!"

"Who can teleport over long distances?"

Behind him came a dense wave of spiritual consciousness, and Li Ruiyao looked at the deep and endless dark universe, and a strange sense of familiarity surged in his heart.

It seems...He has spent countless years alone in this piece of nothingness!

Is it the memory of the Voidwalker?

It seems different...

"Magnificent, isn't it? Only by looking directly at the universe, UU reading can we see our own insignificance."

A beautiful shadow floated to her side, standing side by side with Li Rui, looking into the void.

"Well, I feel my own insignificance, but at the same time... there is a kind of inexplicable joy..."

Li Rui looked directly at the universe, with the corners of his mouth raised, and slowly opened his arms, as if to embrace the entire star.

"I am free!"

"Humph! That's because your power has surpassed the lower gods, and you don't belong to the "narrow and stubborn" material world!"

Grace, with the blonde and golden pupil, stood on the other side of Li Rui, as if the pupil made of gold was shining strangely under the faint starlight.

Knowing what she meant, Li Rui nodded insignificantly.

He is like an elephant. As he grows in size, the cage called the Earth has become more and more fragile.

In many cases, he has to "curl up" cautiously, for fear of causing irreversible damage to the planet.

However, when the stage was enlarged to the scale of the universe, that little power in him instantly became insignificant.

In other words, I can release myself!

Opening his arms straight, Li Rui closed his eyes intoxicated, but the expressions of the two people around him suddenly changed.

"Hide behind Li Rui!"

The violent spiritual consciousness shook the void. Although they didn't understand what happened, the elites from the earth still subconsciously followed the words of the two goddesses.

There was no time to react. The substantive beam of light lased from the distant void, causing Li Rui's scalp to tingle.


A golden light flashed between the eyebrows, and under the control of the [Blood God Pearl], a drop of [God Blood] stretched and expanded, forming a hemispherical golden barrier that was as thin as a cicada's wings and covered a radius of hundreds of meters.

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