
The terrifying high-energy beam of light pierced the barrier without any fancy, stirring up dense energy ripples.


The endless beam of light seems to have no end, continuously expanding on the golden barrier, becoming more and more scorching and tyrannical.

"You spread out."

Sensing the weak divinity in the beam of light and continuously consuming [God Blood], Li Rui gave a low growl to the companion behind him.


The back emptied instantly, Li Rui no longer resisted, a dodge body disappeared in place, the beam of light lost its obstruction, and lased towards the depths of the universe along the established trajectory.

"The energy response disappeared, we lost all our goals!"

"Can't find one?"

"All disappeared!"

Was wiped out?

The Glow Ship’s energy-gathering hit just now for two seconds, enough to melt the high-level Templar into elementary particles, but it seems something is wrong...

An unknown premonition rose in Stetton's heart, and the sacred Cara seemed to warn him with aura flowing from the thick braid behind his head.


"Sterton, don't you want to confirm the result?"

"No, we have already exposed. The enemy's reinforcements will come soon."


The enthusiast rubbed his sharp armguards and nodded reluctantly.

The huge and magnificent glow ship slowly turned around, but when the command hall turned to the opposite direction, an unexpected figure came into their eyes.

Less than a few kilometers away, a young alien stood in the void, looking at them with a smile.

Even through the phantom energy shield of the Glowship, they still felt that they were exposed to the terrifying psychic radiation, and their bodies trembled involuntarily, as if they were about to melt under the eyes of the enemy in the next second!


In the next second, the port side of the Glow Ship burst into dazzling light, and a strange creature with six wings on its back came out of the light and looked down at the command hall.

"Warning! Warning! A huge energy source has been detected, with a constant star rating. It has exceeded the safe distance, please escape as soon as possible!"

The harsh alarm reverberated in the command hall, but all the protagonists froze in place and did not dare to move.

Because not far from starboard, a golden thunder flashed and condensed, turning into a female alien in a primitive white robe.

The distance of a few kilometers and the thick phantom shield could not weaken the majestic thunder in her eyes. As a result of her gaze, tiny electric snakes appeared on the golden armors of all the stars.

The originally invisible psychic shield was activated into a grid-like translucent barrier, flickering and fluctuating crazily, as if it would collapse and disintegrate at any time.

"Warning! Warning! A source of divine energy has been detected, which exceeds the upper limit of evaluation, please escape as soon as possible!"

"Warning! Warning! A large energy source has been detected, exceeding the safe distance, please escape as soon as possible!"

"Warning! Warning!..."


The sirens in the command hall were endless, and one after another weird aliens appeared around the battleship, surrounding them to death.


Stetton stared at the male alien in front of him, his eyes full of palpitations.

He recognized that this guy was the one who resisted the attack of the Glow Ship just now, and after two seconds of gathering energy, he was unscathed?

However, under his gaze, the terrifying figure slowly raised his arm, and the gorgeous liquid, like molten liquid metal, condensed into a pure and tyrannical golden sword in his palm.

The blade spread madly, and eventually formed a ship-cutting knife that was hundreds of meters long and thin as a cicada's wings.

That is?

With his eyes condensed fiercely, Stetton understood what he saw and immediately roared vigorously.

"Starting the transition, everyone flees separately and tells Kara that the enemy has..."


Before the words fell, a golden light flashed in the command hall, and the tens of meters thick phantom energy shield slowly dissociated, and the whole [Void Glow Ship] split along the centerline, like two dead creatures that lost their lives. Float and separate slowly.


The surviving Protoss flew out of the battleship, and the violent fanatic roared and rushed to Li Rui alone to fight for his companions to escape.

"Try to catch prisoners."

Seeing the fanatics who stepped on the void and charged at him unstoppably, Li Rui gave a light command, with excitement in his eyes.



When the illusory creation actually appeared in front of him, even with Li Rui's mind, the sense of time and space confusion could not be suppressed, as if he was sitting in front of the computer in the previous life at the moment, manipulating the human unit to attack the target.


Shakugan's arc blade hovered a few centimeters away from the body's surface, no matter how hard the zealots urged, they were not allowed to advance.

Grasping the opponent's wrist accurately, Li Rui smiled at it, and swiped his five fingers vigorously.


The heavy gold bracer shattered along with the flesh and bones, breaking into strange angles.


Even with the endurance of a fanatic, he couldn't help but let out a muffled grunt, and the light blade in his left hand cut towards Li Rui's neck without hesitation.


A golden light flashed, accompanied by a silky cutting feeling, the blood crystal sword came first, cutting the fanatic together with his hands and shoulders.


This time the pain was more intense, but the zealot still didn't stop, and the anti-knuckle knee covered with the gold armor shot up, with one foot stuck in Li Rui's chest.


Even in the silent universe, violent psychic energy fluctuations still oscillated within a few hundred meters. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

An invisible barrier appeared under the attack, and the zealot's attack was enough to tear the mountain range suspended a few centimeters above Li Rui's body, and spiderweb-like cracks spread on the golden armor.

[Armor of Thorns]!

"Surrender, or die!"

Tugging fiercely downward, Li Rui squeezed her broken wrist and looked down at her gloomy eyes.

"Fear and death belong only to the enemy!"

The wave of vigor and enthusiasm was transmitted to the mind, even if it was the language that they did not understand, the two sides clearly understood the other's intentions.

Broken arms and comminuted knee fractures still couldn't stop the fanatics from resisting in vain, and the only remaining intact lower limb attacked Li Rui again.


Extending a finger, Li Rui lightly tapped on the golden armor, and the penetrating vigor instantly destroyed the entire leg into flesh and blood, exploding in a vacuum!


This time, the zealot could no longer bear the terrifying pain from the wound, the uncontrolled convulsions and distortion of the body, and the screaming and piercing spiritual wailing.

[Thorn of Fear]!


Not far away, Sterton, who was struggling to resist the attack, was shocked and looked in the direction of Li Rui in disbelief.

Rand... that powerful fanatic who ignores suffering, can he scream so unbearably?

But at the moment he lost his senses, a golden thunder tore through the grid-like nether energy shield, and poured into his heart without any tricks.

The energy in the body was dissipated, and nearly ten seals were pressed on him in an instant, disintegrating all his resistance!

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