Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1156: , Who is calling the fleet?


On the other side, the blood crystal sword flickered back and forth, cutting the fanatic in front of him into an adult stick. Only then did Li Rui hold his braids and slowly fly to his teammates.

None of the dozens of surviving Protoss in the Glow Ship escaped the encirclement, and all were captured alive.

At this moment, intense spatial fluctuations appeared in the distant starry sky, and a huge fleet jumped out, swiftly approaching everyone.

Looking at the thick and rough black fleet with icy light shining, Li Rui couldn't help but slowly turn up, lowering his voice inexplicably and making a strange dubbing.

"Who is calling the fleet?"




The sound of dense footsteps reverberated in the cold steel passage, and layers of thick protective doors opened one after another, allowing a group of people to come to the core area of ​​the battleship unimpeded.


With the opening of the last door, an empty hall that looked like a square came into view. By the French windows in the distance, a strong old man slowly turned around with a warm smile on his face.

"Hahahaha, welcome to [Bitter Brigade], I’m Captain Augustine."

The crowd was graciously introduced into the hall, and a magnificent picture slowly caught everyone's eyes.

Outside the distant starry sky, a beautiful blue and green planet that looked like a gemstone was spinning slowly and leisurely. Not far from it, a huge circular metal building was gradually taking shape.

"How? This is our first Gaia planet. The overall environment is better than the current Earth, and it can easily accommodate 10 billion people."

Finding that everyone's attention was attracted by the distant planet Gaia, Augustine proudly introduced them.

"Captain Augustine, what is the circular building next to that?"

Although it seems that they are not far apart, in fact, the [Bitter Journey] where Li Rui and others are located is at least tens of thousands of kilometers away from the circular building.

It can be seen clearly from such a distance, it is hard to imagine how magnificent it will be after getting closer!

"[Void Jumping Star Gate], after completion, the journey from the earth to here can be shortened to within a few weeks!"

"Is our task to protect it?"

"Yes, the main force fleet on the earth has already set off along the small star gates along our way. Once it is built, the main force fleet will soon reach the front line, but the gap before this is our most vulnerable stage. ."

"I understand. It seems quite simple to use personal mighty power to resist the opponent's fleet and drag it to the star gate to build it."

Rubbing his chin, Li Rui looked at the beautiful planet and mumbled thoughtfully.

"It can only be said that it is not complicated, but the difficulty is not small. According to the intelligence obtained from the Protoss during this period, the number of the opponent's fleet far exceeds ours, but more importantly..."

At this point, Augustine's complexion became gloomy, and his brows were full of melancholy.

"what's happenin?"

"The other party's so-called [Psionic Technology] is more powerful than we thought, and has many incredible abilities."

"such as?"

"'ll know after a look."

With a sigh, Augustine led everyone out of the hall and followed the passage to a sealed room that was sealed off.

"There are seventy-eight kinds of seals along the way, including all the seal systems on the earth. What are you hiding in them?"

Kazema Sae's eyes wandered and asked with interest.


Augustine did not answer, but opened the door, revealing a disabled Protoss blocked in the high-power field.

The scarred celestial spirit was removed from the armor and weapons, and faint blue particles escaped from the hideous wounds.

Ok? That's it?

Everyone couldn't help showing big question marks on their faces, and looked at Augustine in confusion.

"You pay attention."

Augustine did not explain, controlling the laser weapon in the room to release high-energy rays.


The dying Protoss shield instantly collapsed and turned into ashes in a scream.

But at this moment, an illusory transparent spirit body was suspended from the position of the corpse, and instantly melted into the void!

"what is that?"

Although the vision disappeared in a flash, it still escaped the eyes of everyone. Everyone in the room looked at each other, only Li Rui's eyebrows jumped, if he realized something.

Noting the subtle changes in his expression, Augustine moved in his heart and his eyes were deep.

"Your Excellency Li Rui, you have seen them in the prophecy. Do you know what it was just now?"

"It's a little guessing, but not very sure. You should have researched something, right? Otherwise, you won't arrange such complicated multiple seals."

Looking around the airtight mysterious inscription, Li Rui asked with a chuckle.

Augustine grinned bitterly and nodded helplessly.

"That is their spiritual body. Once they die, they will immediately jump to time and space and return to a certain place."

"Hi... Doesn't that mean they can't kill at all?"

Taking a breath, everyone immediately thought about it!

"Well, we have tried many methods to interrupt this return process, but as you can see, all the sealing systems on our planet are invalid for them, unless..."

"Motion law-level attack, erase the opponent from the source or causal level!"

Before Augustine finished speaking, Li Rui faintly added. UU reading

"Well, as His Excellency Li Rui said, ordinary attacks can't kill them at all."

Augustine sighed and rubbed his brows tiredly.

Theoretically speaking, this thing is not incomprehensible, he can attack the law himself, and completely annihilate the opponent's spiritual body along the line of cause and effect!

But the question is, how many extraordinary people can achieve such high-end operations on the planet?

And the opponent is just an ordinary soldier!

Even if the edict is really issued, excluding the guardians who need to guard all places, it is estimated that dozens of people can really be mobilized to the front line, facing the enemy's hundreds of thousands of warships, it is a drop in the bucket!

When I think of this, Augustine feels his head hurts even more!

"It's not difficult to attack by law, but it depends on a few of us. Even if we don't stop killing for 7 times 24 hours, we can't kill it in a hundred years!"

Everyone immediately grasped the key point and glanced at each other in distress.

The law attack belongs to the precise "calling", and it is difficult to kill the group. That is to say, no matter how strong they are, even if they face a small soldier, they will have to spend a lot of effort to disturb the cause and effect. After a long and complicated procedure, they can finally be successfully eliminated. "Kill" die!

"Actually, the situation may not be as bad as imagined. Although these celestial spirits survive forever, but their bodies are undoubtedly destroyed. If they want to return to their pre-death levels, they must undergo a long period of reconstruction. If you die too much, your mental body will gradually become crippled, and ultimately it will be no different from death."

Relying on the deep sense of the void, Li Rui found clues from the enemy's short-term mental return, and grinned.

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