Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1161: High-dimensional observer

"You... haven't you been away? Why did you come back so soon?"

"I won't come back, are you going to make Brother Lei into an omelette?"

Aggressive fingers slammed Zhao Youxuan's white and clean forehead fiercely, stabbing her to shake her head and move back step by step.

"'m not stupid, I'll cook it first..."

Listening to her wronged words, Li Rui was dumbfounded and looked at her in disbelief.

Are you really ready to "cook" Brother Lei?

Are you not afraid that Brother Lei wakes up and chops you off for a drink?

Have you seen a Xing Tian axe with such a big door?

Do you know about it?

Bang bang bang~~

"Ah, don't spank my ass, I was wrong, I will dare next time... No, I will not dare next time!"

The fierce snake that caught the meaty chir beat hard, until she wriggled weakly, and even the tail fell down, and Li Rui let go with gritted teeth.

"woo woo woo woo……"

While sobbing and sobbing, while quietly peeking at Li Rui, Zhao Youxuan's eyes lit up like a flying fish jumping out of the sea and plunged into the earth.

"Rua~The snake runs away~"

The solid soil is like water waves, and the petite and slender body sinks into it without any hindrance, like a dragon entering the sea, disappearing in an instant.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the magical scene, Li Rui slowly walked to the place where Zhao Youxuan "into the soil", squatted down and patted the solid and heavy soil without the slightest trace.

Is the Five Elements Escape Technique?

It’s a bit advanced to change the body and move around in the earth...

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Li Rui turned around and walked to the "chicken coop" to remove all the messy things.

Damn Pigworm, why can't you get along with Brother Lei?

Are snakes born with no resistance to all kinds of eggs?

Feeling inexplicably cold in his lower body, Li Rui slightly clamped his legs and shook his head, throwing a certain horrible picture out of his mind.

He breathed out a long sigh of breath, he calmed his mind, rubbed the brilliant and thick golden egg, and sighed silently.

Brother Lei, it's just an advanced secret diamond, do you want to make it so troublesome?

The Snake Advance Rough Stone is faster than you. If it weren’t for the aura of [Runeterra], I would really think you’re a “badass”.

Break the barrier early, next time Vigorous Snake puts you in a lime-marinated preserved egg while I'm away, then it will be fun...

Standing up and looking around, in addition to Zhao Youxuan's seemingly non-existent breath in the huge [Rune Land], the lush ground has begun to brew infinite vitality.

Over the years, the seeds of various genius treasures have been continuously sown, and now it is gradually time to see the results.

It's a pity, I don't have time to stop and admire the scenery along the way now.

Taking a deep breath, the fragrance of nature is like ice spring immersed in his lungs, Li Rui sighed contentedly, and a new wormhole light door bloomed not far behind him.

One step forward, when he landed on his toes, the whole person had crossed millions of light-years and returned to the secret base on the outskirts of [Imperial Capital].

Carefully converging all the breath, Li Rui seemed to be an illusory afterimage, quietly passing through the lively city, to a small alley in the center of the city.

Looking at the forbidden enchantment that enveloped the entire building, Li Rui scratched his head and chose to infiltrate with a hard core.

However, 【Jizhe·Do Not Use】can only protect him from being detected, but it cannot help him cross the barrier without disturbing the owner.

So just after crossing the door, there was a cold whisper from the room.


"Brother Han Ran, don't shoot, it's me!"

Li Rui lowered his voice and clearly felt that the breath in the room was disturbed for a moment.


The delicate door was pushed open roughly, and Feng Hanran strode the meteor into the yard, staring at the sneaky Li Rui, with question marks on his forehead.

"Didn't you go to the front line [New Midway Island]?"

"I'm back again."

"How did you come back? [Beyond Golden Bridge] It's no longer available in a short time!"

That is a distance of more than two million light-years. If it is not proficient in the authority of time and space, even ordinary gods will have to sigh with excitement.

After reading Feng Hanran's eyes, Li Rui smiled without saying a word, and led him into the house.

When the two of them sat down and the layers of mystery barriers isolated the house from the world, Li Rui said in a low voice.

"I found the ancient teleportation formation left by the [Secret Banquet Association] on [New Midway Island]."

Feng Hanran, who was giving him tea, moved for a while and almost spilled the hot spring on the table.

"[Secret Banquet Association]?"


The air was silent for a while, and Feng Hanran's eyes were out of focus, as if he saw a huge giant all over the universe above the earth, observing the ebb and flow of the earth, the vicissitudes of the sea with a vast and indifferent eyes...

When did they come to earth?

Is it hidden among us in ancient times?

Or did the Reiki discover the existence of the [Ten Thousand Worlds Hub] through the time-space corridor after the resuscitation?

If it were the former, it would be terrible. There is no trace of their existence in the memory of [Zhonghua], indicating that their power has directly surpassed one dimension of the earth. Only this can ensure that the existence of the lower level cannot even be found!

If it were not for them to show up on their own initiative, UU Reading would begin to intervene in affairs on the earth, perhaps until now we would not have known that there is a secret organization watching everything secretly!

High-dimensional observer!

A word flashed in his mind, and Feng Hanran shuddered. Even though he was in the center of [Shenzhou Enchantment], there was endless anxiety in his heart.

In a daze, there seemed to be a pair of obscure eyes looking at him from a higher dimension.

The more he thought about it, the more fear he became, Feng Hanran bit his tongue fiercely, and his wandering eyes gradually returned to clarity.

Don't scare yourself. Judging from the current intelligence, the [Secret Banquet Association] may have accidentally discovered the existence of the earth through the secret realm after the aura recovered.

Their strength and technology may be stronger than that of the earth, but they may not be one dimension higher...

Before he knew it, Feng Hanran hadn't noticed it himself. He had quietly raised the evaluation of the [Secret Banquet Association] from the level of one of the seven gods to the level of the entire planet!

After simmering a sip of hot tea, Feng Hanran tapped his finger on the tabletop and looked at Li Rui solemnly.

"Xiao Rui, did you come back through the ancient teleportation array of [Secret Banquet Association]?"


"Then do they know you are back?"

"Whenever you have used it, you must feel it."

"Um... where is the teleportation array on earth?"

Li Rui's face was solemn, and he was silent.

Looking at his expression, Feng Hanran was not surprised, and he nodded like this as expected.

"Can you destroy it?"


Li Rui frowned, with an inscrutable expression.

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