"Then can you control it? It is not a simple operation, but the authority of the teleportation array is in your hands!"

"It's possible."

After hesitating for a moment, Li Rui said hesitantly.

Feng Hanran's eyes brightened, who had originally hopelessly stared at him scorchingly.

"How do you do it?"

"Becoming a local consul, I have the right to manage the facilities of the association, and I am even qualified to invite new members to join."

His breathing suddenly became heavy, Feng Hanran covered his mouth and muttered, silently digesting the precious information revealed in Li Rui's words.

Archon... Scarlet Archon of the Noxian Empire... Vladimir...

Was their organizational structure like this?

Secretly prying into the secrets of the [Secret Banquet Association], a faint excitement surged in Feng Hanran's heart.

Becoming a consul is eligible to invite new members into the meeting?

Then we can mix sand in it!

There are so many Tianjiao saints on the earth. If all of them join in and climb to a high position, the power of the [Secret Banquet Association] throughout the universe may be used by me!

"Xiao Rui, did you come here specifically to tell me about this?"

Depressing the excitement in his heart, Feng Hanran recovered Gu Jing Wubo's emotions and asked indifferently.

"No, I mainly want to ask, [Mechanical Theology]... or the Seven Gods, are you interested in using [Secret Banquet Association] to fight against the Protoss?"

"Can you call them?"

Feng Hanran's eyelids tucked slightly, and a suspicion flashed in his pupils.

The power of the [Secret Banquet Association] is too mysterious and powerful. Every member is a mortal ceiling-level combat power. With Li Rui's current qualifications, shouldn't he have such a high appeal?

Unsurprisingly, Li Rui shook his head calmly, and suddenly smiled.

"Although I can't order them, I can hold a [Feast]."


Whispering two weird words, a chill in Feng Hanran's vest inexplicably rises.

"Well, put up the curtain of cause and effect, turn the entire race into a delicacy on the table, and invite your companions to share the food..."

Seeing Li Rui calmly uttering terrifying words, Feng Hanran trembled slightly, only to feel a cold air rushing from the tail vertebrae to the sky, and his scalp was numb.

At this moment, he seemed to understand why the [Secret Banquet Association] had taken the initiative to invite Li Rui to be one of them.

This guy also hides a terrible monster in his heart!

However, fortunately, this monster is [Zhongguo’s Dragon] from [Zhonghua]...

After swallowing, Feng Hanran asked dryly: "The whole race? Is it symbolic? Or is it like the bloodline's [Blood Curse], using blood to infect the entire race?"

"A higher level, from the concept, luck, and source of the target, once the curtain is raised and the table is set up, the nearby members will naturally come to participate in this [Feast]."

"Why? What good is it for them to attack the Protoss?"

"Because the Protoss had been conceptually transformed into a'dish' by me at that time, and after being plundered and swallowed, it could obtain a rich'nutrition'."


Taking a breath, Feng Hanran rubbed the goose bumps on his arm, and it took a long time to calm down.

"With the universe as the dining table and race as the dishes, [Secret Banquet Association] is really..."

After a long pause, without finding the right words, Feng Hanran let out a suffocating breath and changed the subject.

"However, it must not be easy to start this [Feast]?"

"Well, I need to consume all my current points, and at the same time I need a huge amount of resources to hold the ceremony."

Li Rui nodded and stared at Feng Hanran's eyes earnestly.

"That's why I asked the Seven Gods if they were interested..."

"If you are interested, of course you are interested. What resources are needed?"

With a big wave of his hand, Feng Hanran cut off firmly.

At present, the combat power that the Seven Gods can mobilize is stretched, and a large number of elites must be stocked to deal with the [Chaos Angels] that may come at any time, and there is really no spare capacity to expand the territory a million light years away.

But the front-line information from [Mechanical Cult] is really eye-popping.

The Gaia planets are like fat hanging from their lips, and the mellow aroma makes them scratch their hearts and lungs.

If you can't see it, is there anything more cruel than this in the world?

Thinking of this, Feng Hanran's eyes suddenly condensed.

"By the way, Xiao Rui, you said that there is an ancient teleportation formation left by the [Secret Banquet Association] on [New Midway Island], so why didn't they occupy that planet?"

"[The Secret Banquet Association] is taking the high-end route, and it's useless to occupy the planet."

"But the members should have their own races? Isn't that Vladimir the Archon of the Noxian Empire?"

"The teleportation array can only be used by members. Unless, like me, the tentacles of the ethnic group have explored nearby, how can one occupy the planet?"

Feng Hanran nodded as all he had realized, then asked.

"Then after participating in [Feast], they won't ask for the'trophies' to be divided, right?"

"No, the ‘dish’ itself is the best trophy."

"Then... Will we become'dishes' one day?"

After hesitating for a moment, Feng Hanran still asked the deepest worry in his heart.

"Don't worry, Brother Hanran, I am also a member of the [Secret Banquet Association], and I have the right to veto the formation of [Feast Banquet], and members of the Association are also forbidden to kill each other."

"Huh~ That's good."

With a long sigh of relief, Feng Hanran showed a reluctant smile, and took the list of resources handed over by Li Rui.

But when the heavy list like a book fell into his hands, the smile on Feng Hanran's face stiffened, and the stiff smile slowly disappeared as he read through it.

So many divine materials are enough to create dozens of artifacts!

Such a huge demand, not to mention the [Zhonghua] family, even if the seven gods share it, it is enough to make them feel painful!

However, thinking about it conversely, the consumption of the [Feast] ceremony is so huge and the conditions are so harsh, which indirectly shows its extraordinary power.

After all...that is a conceptual distortion of the entire high interstellar race...

Gritting his teeth, Feng Hanran put away the list and handed Li Rui an affirmative look.

"I will hold an internal meeting first, and then I will get the [Security Council] to discuss in detail after unifying my opinions. This process will take a while. You should go back to the front line of [New Midway Island]... By the way, can you go back? "

"Of course, the teleportation array is a permanent facility, and it can be used at any time as long as it is not destroyed."

"Well, that matter is kept secret for the time being, [Fallen Council] I don't know if you can cross the universe and come back at any time, maybe we can kill them."

"Ah? But I still want to eat...Bah, but I still want to deal with [Chaos Angel]!"

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