Feng Hanran glared at Li Rui unhappily. He didn't expect that this guy was still thinking about the "leeks" on the earth after a few million light years.

"Hmph! Both are worried about, be careful not to please either!"

"Hehe, kids only make choices, adults want them all!"

Slowly squeezing his five fingers, Li Rui gave a grinning smile.

Thinking of the [God's Curse] on him, Feng Hanran seemed to understand something, and sighed and squeezed his shoulder.

"Okay, but try to use disguise as much as possible. If you can hide it for a while, it's a while."

"There are only a few people on the whole earth who can resist [Chaos Angel]. No matter how good the disguise is, who can hide it?"

Li Rui smiled bitterly, her expression suddenly changed.

"Wait, I seem to know how to act!"


In Feng Hanran's bewildered eyes, the handsome young man in front of him slowly raised his height, his bones became broad and heavy, his facial features squirmed like liquid, turning into a broad, angular face.

Rubbing the steel-beard-like beard on his chin,'Li Rui' stared at him, revealing a cruel smile.

"How is it? [Indestructible True Dragon] Wang Lei who has advanced to the original stone, no one should doubt it no matter how strong it is?"

"If I hadn't watched you turn into shape with my own eyes, I really couldn't tell!"

He looked up and down around'Wang Lei' with surprise, Feng Hanran punched him excitedly.

"You're a **** genius!"

Because it is the same [Dragon of Zhen Country], even the trick of sensing dragon energy is not easy to use.

After Li Rui’s [Too Unreal Dragon] arrives at the original stone, even the breath can be false and true, and with the cover of [Jezhe·Don’t Use], as long as it doesn’t reveal its unique power, even the gods can’t tell the truth from the false. .

Finally, the same line of [Eternal Indestructible Infinite Tribulation] is a perfect disguise. As the only two [Indestructible Dragons] in the world, Li Rui can perfectly reproduce all the performances of Wang Lei!

At least, people who have not practiced [Eternal Immortality and Immeasurable Tribulation] can't see the difference!

"Without the Xingtian Axe, but I also have a way."

'Wang Lei' scratched his head honestly, with a meaningful smile on his mouth.

"It's okay, Wang Lei rarely uses [Xing Tian Axe], he likes to solve problems with his fists the most. You can really eat both!"

Patting Li Rui on the shoulder, Feng Hanran laughed.

"By the way, what is going on with Wang Lei? He has been in retreat for almost a year!"

Hearing this, the smile on Li Rui's face suddenly froze, and a giant "preserved egg" covered with lime appeared in his mind.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's already hatching."


"Bah, I mean I'll be out soon."

"Oh, the earth has been treacherous recently. If he can get out of the customs smoothly, we can also relax."

Not paying attention to Li Rui's slip of the tongue, Feng Hanran sighed and removed the overlapping enchantments, and his figure slowly dissipated in the air.

There was a glimmer of light at the feet of the tall figure that remained in place, and after a brief guidance, it collapsed into a group of spirits, and quietly shot into the empty channel above the head!

As soon as he returned to [Rune Land], Li Rui opened his eyes and saw a ghost of snakes and snakes running away holding a huge golden egg, his brows and feet suddenly jumped.

Leave Brother Lei, he's still an egg...

Painfully covering his forehead, Li Rui's figure flashed, pressing Zhao Youxuan's small head with precision.

The five fingers slowly contracted like a hydraulic machine, and Zhao Youxuan's petite head was like a small apple in the huge palm, which seemed to be squeezed at any time.

Turning her head stiffly along the twist, Zhao Youxuan looked at the cruel smile in front of her, and at the golden egg in her hand, her cute face was full of question marks.

"Two [To destroy the fake dragon]..."

God stepping on a horse [to destroy the fake dragon], are you afraid that Lei brother will not kill you?

But all appearances are no match for the original soul link. After a little sense, Zhao Youxuan understands who the person in front of him is.

"Li Rui, how did you become like this? Ah! I see, you are cosplaying!"

"Don't even think about turning off the topic and saying! What are you doing to Brother Lei again?"

Squirming, Li Rui slowly returned to his original form, still squeezing the snake's head in his hand.

With **** eyes rolling around, Li Rui could tell with his toes that this guy was making excuses.

"I... I... By the way, I will take him to the bath!"


Looking at the golden egg that looked like a jewel, Li Rui shrank his five fingers, his expression gradually hideous.

"You don't want to make boiled eggs, do you?"


"Damn, do you really want to make boiled eggs?"

"Ahhhhh! I was wrong, I was wrong, don't fight! Ooooooooo~~"

This time, she didn't keep her hands. Li Rui picked up Zhao Youxuan and beat her hard.

"Everyone else has things to do, so you wonder how to harm Brother Lei for a day, can you be a little promising?"


"Is Brother Lei an egg? Is there a serious egg like this?"

Angrily pointed at the golden egg that fell beside him, Li Rui continued to pump his slap on the fat snake butt.

I have to say that since Zhao Youxuan entered the rough stone, her body is soft and boneless, and she feels silky and plump in the fight, which is simply a treat.

"Uuuuu...Don't hit, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, don't hit, the **** is going to break..."

Wriggling in Li Rui's arms like a dying and struggling caterpillar, Zhao Youxuan cried and screamed pitifully.

"You can find out where I hide Brother Lei, are you a dog?"

Seeing her timid and pitiful appearance, Li Rui's heart softened, and angrily pinched her ass.


"Dare you next time?"



Zhao Youxuan's neck stalked, and she shrank back in an instant before speaking, "Don't dare, don't dare."

Seeing her behavedly confessing her mistake, Li Rui put her on the ground, but as soon as she let go, she leaped towards the ground one by one.

"Rua~The snake runs away~~"


Like the trembling sound of steel bars being stretched straight, Li Rui caught a tail tip and forcibly fixed the fleeing vigorous snake.

Like a fish caught by a fishing line, no matter how she struggled with her upper body, the snake tail "floating" on the ground drifted left and right, but the tip of the caught tail remained motionless.

Pulling and pulling, it seemed like an industrious fisherman put away the fishing net, Li Rui held her upside down with one hand, pinching the fat and tender snake buttocks, and looked at her eyes with a smile.

"Hey hey"

"It's useless to sell cute, don't think of harming Brother Lei again."

Rolling his eyes, Li Rui's mind moved slightly, and soon a colorful beam of light penetrated in the sky above his head, and the ethereal aura quickly condensed into a human form in the altar.

"President, come at your call."

A capable Katavia stroked his chest and bowed, respectfully saluting Li Rui.

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