"Take it, this stuff is handed over to you, watch carefully, she is not allowed to return to [Rune Land] again!"

The vigorous snake was handed over to Cutavia, and the stunned blond beauty took her subconsciously, and two pairs of beautiful eyes looked at each other in confusion.

"Huh! Don't dare to do anything more, I will smash your ass!"

With a pinch on Q bullet's fat butt, Li Rui's figure flashed amid Zhao Youxuan's sobbing and disappeared behind the blooming light gate.


While covering his eyes and crying, while observing Li Rui's movements through his fingers, Zhao Youxuan let out a weird cry and instantly broke free from Cutavia's hand when he saw him leaving [Rune Land].

"Rua~ the viper is resurrected!"

Seeing that she was about to run away holding the golden egg, Cutavia hugged her water snake waist and was dragged to the ground and rubbed all the way.

"Master Youxuan, you can't do this!"

"Let go, I will be able to incubate successfully this time!"

"No! I will notify the president if you don't obey!"

"Two chicken jiojio!"


"Two chicken jiojio change you don't tell him!"

"I don't eat that stuff!"

"Huh? There are people in the world who don't eat chicken jiojio? Are you mentally retarded?"



Returning to the pyramid altar in the deep sea, Li Rui felt a little bit. He looked up at the "ceiling", piercing thousands of meters of rock formations and tens of thousands of meters of sea water, and saw a landing ship in space releasing divine coordinates outwards indiscriminately.

Mind locked on the target, Li Rui raised his toes, his body seemed to have stepped into an invisible barrier, and suddenly disappeared in place.

When the sole of the shoe touched the ground, he had already traveled a long distance and "walked" inside the landing ship in one step.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing the dignified Kazama Sae, Li Rui took the lead to ask.

"Something happened on the front line."

Without asking why Li Rui didn't reply to the news, Sae Kazema quickly explained the situation.

"I don't know if it was because of our arrival. The Protoss suddenly launched a full-scale offensive. The [Mechanical God Cult] fleet was retreating steadily, and three lines of defense have already been lost!"


Blinking his eyes, Li Rui thought of the original stone-step protoss he had just slaughtered, and looked at the system panel thoughtfully.

Unsurprisingly, the power of the plundering spell in [Reincarnation Despair] has disappeared, and it seems that the opponent has resurrected and discovered a change in his body.

Squeezed back and forth by several system laws, the source quality loss of the other party is definitely not small, maybe it is possible to drop the order!

Protoss probably discovered this situation, wanted to force himself out through war, and then strangled himself with the momentum of thunder.

Very beautiful...

Rubbing his chin, the corner of Li Rui's mouth curled up, and he slowly looked towards Sae Kazema.

"What did Augustine say?"

"He hopes we can help stabilize the line of defense."

"What about the rest?"

"Already returned to [Bitter Journey]."

"Then let's go back too."

Holding Hao's wrist, Sae Kazama hadn't reacted yet, a flower suddenly appeared in front of her, and she suddenly realized that the two had returned to the interior of the [Bitter Journey].


Even if the [Bitter Journey] did not open up the spiritual defenses and could shuttle freely, Li Rui's strength in the void still amazed her.

Although she can do the same thing, a certain amount of singing guidance is still indispensable, and she can't be like Li Rui without a trace of firework.


The ubiquitous quantum network inside the battleship immediately spotted the two of them, and a light screen suddenly unfolded in the air in front of them.

"Two adults, please follow the virtual guide to the meeting room. Captain Augustine is waiting for you."

The melodious electronic sound rang out of thin air. Looking at the beautiful girl in the light screen, who was indistinguishable from the real person, Li Rui faintly understood that she was the central brain of [Bitter Journey].

In other words, she is [Bitter Journey] itself!

Following the constantly changing virtual guide images in the air, the two quickly walked through the complicated passage, opening and closing the heavy airtight doors one after another, and finally came to a spacious conference room.

"You finally came back, I thought something had happened."

Augustine finally saw Li Rui's figure and let out a sigh of relief, suddenly a magnificent star map was projected on the large conference table.

Without politeness, he pointed directly at the edge of the blood-red star map straightforwardly.

"This is the first line of defense we set up. It has now been fully broken through. The surviving fighters are concentrated on a few terrestrial planets, but they won't be able to last long if they lose control of the universe."

"The second line of defense lost 50% of its equipment and was cut into three discontinuous defensive belts. At present, it still retains certain strategic support."

"The third line of defense is intact as a whole, but two important nodes have been breached. The enemy is currently expanding along the breach. I need a powerful hammer to interrupt the tip of the spear and knock them back!"

Reaching out his hand fiercely and slashing down, Augustine stared at Li Rui for a moment, a look of hideousness in his expectant eyes.

Following his vision, everyone in the meeting room cast their eyes on Li Rui's face.

Under all eyes, Li Rui looked at the real-time changes in the star map, tapped his temples, and carefully realized the subtle changes in fate.

"Well, I can handle one of the nodes, but the other one is far away, who is in charge?"

Looking around the meeting room, Li Rui suddenly noticed that everyone's expressions were a bit strange.

"Are you going to solve it alone?"


It's not that you need a powerful hammer to break the tip of the spear. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com also looks at me with a "affectionate money" look. Could I be wrong?

Blinking his eyes, Li Rui nodded tentatively, clearly seeing Augustine's breathing stagnate for a moment.

"As expected of [Indestructible Dragon], your mighty power is beyond my imagination."

With a deep bow to Li Rui, Augustine unknowingly used honorific words, with complex emotions shining deep in his eyes.

Determined that he would be wrong, Li Rui twitched his mouth, squeezing out a polite but awkward smile.

"The battle plan is generated, and the feasibility is 73%. Li Rui will lead a fleet to support node A312, and the rest of the mobile force will support other nodes. The remaining forces of the second line of defense will wait for opportunities to intercept the enemy’s back path and strive to maximize It has the power to kill the enemy."

"The specific action rules have been issued!"

Pleasant electronic sounds echoed quietly, and dense buzzing came from Li Rui's portable terminal.

"Are you really all right by yourself? That's an interstellar fleet, in case it gets entangled by the enemy's high-level transcendents, then set the fire..."

Grace stared suspiciously at Li Rui, her worried eyes shifting downward.

"I thank you!"

Holding her head irritably, as if the hair made of gold was as soft as silk, Li Rui grinned and rubbed it twice, which was content to let go.

Massage, moxibustion, and a fascia gun are really useful. The hand feels more comfortable. If you don’t need to code for more than ten minutes, you have to twist your hands at a twisted angle to relieve the soreness. If there are no accidents tomorrow, I should continue to add more. Oh Yay()

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