Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1165: , 1 enemy country

"Originally I planned to let you and I each bring half of the high-level transcendents as the'hammer', but I didn't expect you to be strong."

Kazama Sae stretched out her hand and held it imaginarily, a magnificent pure gold scepter condensed in her palm, and a golden figure ten centimeters high appeared in the other hand.

"The old man looked at me with that look. Of course I thought he wanted Uula to go back!"

Li Rui shrugged and said indifferently, but stared curiously at the villain in Sae Kazama's palm.

[Victory] Concretization and personification of authority-Ni Ji!

It's a pity that the golden villain, who is countless times more refined than the model, has empty eyes, a dull expression, and a pair of flamboyant wings on his back, even with a faint sense of transparency.

Obviously, what stood in the palm of Kazama Shazhi was just an empty shell, and the soul inside had long since vanished.

"Nikki has fallen in the twilight, and I am struggling whether to find a new heir for him or to integrate into my origin..."

Seeing Li Rui's novelty, Sae Kazema did not hide it, sighed faintly.

Hearing her words, Li Rui instantly understood her inner contradiction.

[Victory] This authority can be described as a top-level divine authority, and it hardly conflicts with other authority. Any **** gaining it can interfere with the development of the universe at the level of fate and bring the desired [victory] to the material world!

Nikki is subordinate to two main Olympic gods, one is the third-generation god-king Zeus, and the other is the fourth-generation god-king in front of him-[Goddess of War Athena]!

It can be seen that [Victory] is a vital authority even for a **** system!

Even if you can't control it yourself, you must be subordinate to the Supreme God King!

In terms of revenue, Sae Kazama must be refining by herself, war and victory are complementary to each other.

But emotionally, she probably wanted to find an inheritor for Ni Ji.

If Nikki’s last relics and symbols are refined, then his form will completely disappear in this world!

After a few years, he will be gradually forgotten by the world. When the last person who remembers him disappears from the world, then he will truly "die"!

On the contrary, if a suitable inheritor is found for him, then Niji's name will be passed on with the new [God of Victory].

In a sense, it can also be regarded as the continuation of Niji's life in the world...

Thinking of this, Li Rui fell into silence, and didn't know how to persuade Sae Kazama, so he could only pry into the mystery of [Victory] authority nonchalantly.

"Kiss and victory, He will bring you good luck."

Seeing Li Rui looked so fascinated, Sae Kazama chuckled and raised Ni Ji in front of him.

When his eyes lit up, Li Rui bowed his head piously, and kissed the olive branch in Niji's hand with his lips.

In the dark, a mysterious force pushed away the fog of the future, and the obscure and chaotic road to [Victory] seemed to have a clear guide.

But this kind of induction is fleeting. When Li Rui held his breath and tried to catch it, it was like an elf in the forest, flickering and disappearing in the divine consciousness, leaving only the faintness of nothingness. After rhyme.

Victory is elusive, but... but there are traces...

Straightening up, carefully savoring the subtle changes in the trajectory of fate, Li Rui has a sense.

Although it was just a glimpse, relying on the experience of mobilizing the [Observer], the high-dimensional senses that transcend the mortal are the same as [Victory]!

However, one is a picture of obtaining the future from the long river of fate, and the other is to guide the road to victory!

But vaguely, Li Rui always feels that they have some kind of unknown connection at a deeper level!

Perhaps, when he is promoted to the mythology and the [Observer] is elevated to a god-level person, he will also be able to grasp the secret of [Victory]!

With a warm heart, Li Rui nodded gratefully to Sae Kazama, turned around and said hello to the other companions, and strode towards the meeting room exit.

"Lord True Dragon, I wish you prosperous martial arts!"

Behind him, Augustine sincerely stroked his chest and nodded, and even the other people looked solemn, staring uniformly at Li Rui's burly back disappearing behind the airtight door.


"The channel has been entered, the main engine is started, and the fleet is about to enter the warping space!"

The huge fleet accelerates slowly, and the dark and heavy armor rises with a hazy aura. As the speed increases, the aura becomes thicker and thicker, dragging out tail feathers that stretch for hundreds of kilometers, wrapping the entire fleet in a magnificent light.


With a slight shock, the turbulent light cluster disappeared into the dark universe and entered a dimension that is difficult to observe.

The bizarre streamer outside the window continuously lased behind him, and Li Rui stood at the top of the command hall, gazing deeply at the chaotic world ahead.

"Lord True Dragon, we estimate that there are still 7 hours to reach the battlefield. You can rest for a while."

After the fleet entered the cruising state, it was confirmed that there were no accidents, and the captain cautiously walked behind Li Rui and said.

"Don't worry about me, you follow the plan."

Waved his hand without turning his head, Li Rui still stared at the bizarre warped space, UU reading, but the spirit has sunk into the system.

The captain blinked, bowed his head respectfully to his back, and returned to his command seat.

Facing the cruel war that was about to unfold, he was also a little uneasy.

Only seeing the towering back of Yuan Yu Yueli in front of him, he felt a sense of security inexplicably, as if that "tiny" figure could shelter the entire fleet from wind and rain!

[Indestructible Dragon]...How powerful are you, the **** of the world who can decide the course of war with your own power?

Staring infatuatedly at the back in front of him, the captain's eyes were confused.

Although [Indestructible True Dragon] has a reputation as thunder, he still doesn't believe that the power of an individual can be comparable to the power of the collective.

Even one person is against the country!

Not knowing the captain's nervous and ambivalent mentality, Li Rui had put all his mind into the system at this time, and a mysterious rune mark between his brows was looming, and his will descended to the depths of the source sea!

【City of Origin Sea】

On the surface of absolute emptiness, a drop of bright golden-red solution is tumbling and wriggling, and the crystal dust that emits colorful divine light continuously flows into it, making the golden-red solution thicker and heavier, releasing the energy tide that overwhelms all beings.

At the same time, a strange bloodshot that was sealed in the bottom layer of [Rune Land] was like a candle in the wind, flickering and disappearing, and finally disappeared completely silently.

"Detected the complete destruction of the demigod-level damaged will, lifted the cause and decisiveness, lifted the negation of existence, and restored the tampering rules..."

"Inject the essence of chaos, integrate [Almighty Stone], and integrate into the system law..."

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