Infinite Legendary Equipment in the City

Chapter 1166: Theocracy·Blood Sea

"Inject the soul source, usurp authority!"

On the personal panel, the chaotic essence accumulated for a long time dropped rapidly like a floodgate opening, and the golden-red liquid in front of Li Rui released a magnificent light, like the expanding sun, illuminating the core of the entire [City of the Sea of ​​Origin].

After a long time, the divine light that obscured the line of sight slowly converged, and a drop of red blood glowing with golden light fell from the sky and fell into the center of Li Rui's eyebrows.

"You have acquired a growth natal artifact, and you are currently an angel of personality!"

An indifferent reminder sounded in his ears, and Li Rui felt the mysterious artifacts integrated into every cell, and the corners of his mouth could not be restrained from rising.

【Blood God Pearl】·Angel Order

+1 attack power (God)

+1 spell power (God)

+100% damage lifesteal

+50% armor penetration

+50% magic penetration

+5% Divine Blood Drain

Active-Turning blood into an edge: Condensing blood into an indestructible physical weapon whose strength is proportional to the injection of blood.

[If God’s blood is injected, the weapon’s attack power/spell power will be converted to mythological attributes, ignoring non-divine defenses, and treating non-divine blood’s health as real damage]

Passive——Divine Power·Blood Sea: Plunder all living things and enhance all powers of Qi and blood.

[When harming a life body with the concept of qi and blood, there is a certain chance to permanently plunder its vitality and nourish itself]

Enchantment: [Angel Desolate Essence]: +5% divine armor penetration, +50 divine armor penetration

Staring deeply at the attributes of [Blood God Orb], Li Rui sighed in satisfaction after a long time.

[Blood Sea], all powers of blood!

This sentence alone is one of the top gods!

From a literal point of view, it may be second only to the privileges of [Time], [Destiny], [Space], [Death], and [Life]!

Even Li Rui really wants to choose by himself. Compared with those mysterious and powerful powers, he will definitely choose [Blood Sea] without hesitation!

Authority also depends on the aspect...

If you just want to gain authority that you don't understand, or even conflict, it will not only be of no benefit, but it may lead to disaster!

This is why Li Rui plundered a lot of messy original divinities from the [Degenerate Council], but did not choose any of them to integrate into his body.

It’s just to strengthen Monichka’s [torture] and [pain] into the equipment...

Thinking of this, Li Rui slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, as if letting go of the heavy burden, and felt a sense of accomplishment of all suffering.

It has been ten years since I got the [Blood God Orb] back then!

I have patiently used tens of millions of summoners to grind him for ten years!

Finally possess Him in the true sense and refine Him!

Without deliberately urging, the blood energy in his body still roared like a stimulant. Under the dominion of the divine power·blood sea, his digestion and deification speed exponentially increased exponentially!

But the corresponding thing is that the nutrients stored in the [Void Stomach Pouch] are consumed proportionally. It seems that if the [Divine Power·Blood Sea] is activated at full speed, [Eternal Immortality and Immeasurable Tribulation] will be pitiful. "Fat" stock can only last up to half a month!

With some regrets, Li Rui squeezed his fist and shook his head with a smile, and his gaze continued to move down.

What a pity, [Angel Grade Desolate Essence] increases divine penetration rather than myth penetration. With a small difference, the effect is worlds apart...

However, for those original stone steps that have just begun to deify their attributes, it is enough.

With his eyes moved slightly, Li Rui's will slowly pulled away from the [City of the Origin Sea], his pupils that were hollow and out of focus in reality shrank slowly, and the corners of his mouth rose in an invisible arc.

In the command hall behind, there was a strange feeling in everyone's hearts.

Obviously, the back figure in front of him has not changed at all, but in the dark, that powerful [Indestructible True Dragon] seems to have become even more majestic!

It gives people an illusion that even a black hole can't shake him!

Standing in front of the glass window, Li Rui slowly raised his hand, and a fist-sized evil magic cube appeared above his fingertips out of thin air, rolling and rotating in accordance with a certain mysterious law, twisting and changing incessantly.

He has obtained the top divine power [Blood Sea], he is equivalent to using a demigod-level bloodline **** personality to practice [eternal immortality and immeasurable calamity]!

It is foreseeable that the strengthening speed of his physical body will be the same as if it was opened!

At the same time, Wang Lei, a lesson from the past, was lying in [Rune Land], Li Rui didn't want to be "hatched" by a snake sitting on his head.

I don’t want to be wrapped in lime and marinated into preserved eggs...

So... in order to maintain the two magical powers in a healthy ratio, he must put all his energy on the [Chaos Return to Origin Zihuang Tribulation], so that the strength of the soul and flesh cannot be completely unbalanced.

Alas... It would be great if we could obtain a high-level soul authority similar to [Blood Sea]...

Wouldn’t it be beautiful if the two great magical skills were opened together?

With a greedy sigh, Li Rui laughed self-deprecatingly, his eyes fell on the rotating Rubik's cube, and his eyes gradually became hollow.

As if it was only a moment, the respectful voice awakened him from the profound insight, Li Rui flipped his wrist, and the Rubik's Cube that exuded evil fluctuations naturally disappeared in his palm.

"Lord True Dragon, we have reached the battle zone, and we are about to leave the warped space."

"Well, when I attract the enemy's attention and tear up their formation, you will lead the fleet to the battle."


The captain hesitated for a while after answering, UU read www. finally opened its mouth in a low voice.

"My lord, you must pay attention to your safety. If you can't support it, you can retreat in the direction of the fleet."

Turning to look at the captain beside him, Li Rui smiled and nodded to his sincere and concerned gaze.

"I won't try my best, you should also pay attention to seizing the opportunity."



The deck underneath trembled slightly, and the stream of light in the dark universe suddenly condensed, and without warning, a series of stationary ferocious warships emerged.

Gorgeous and beautiful rays of light shine and disappear in the extreme distance, even if they are separated by a long distance, the faint and complicated fluctuations still impact spiritual consciousness like ocean tides.

"Huh~ I smell the sweet aroma of food..."

Closing his eyes, Li Rui took a deep breath, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

In the captain's weird eyes, the standing figure disappeared abruptly, without a trace of fluctuation, as if there was only one holographic projection from beginning to end.

The weird eyes widened slowly, and before the captain could react, the intelligence officer behind him screamed out of state.

"A high-dimensional state coverage appears ahead, and a mythological reaction is generated..."

"What's the value?"


The stumbling mood calmed down in the captain's icy vision, and the intelligence agent swallowed and uttered three words dryly.

"Positive infinite."

Breathing in the wide command hall was stagnant, everyone seemed to be choked, holding their breath for a short time, and their expressions were particularly wonderful.

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